Sitemap - 2023 - Lucid

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

We Stand Up for Jews. So How Can We Be Called Fascists? The Double Game of the Far Right in Europe and the US

On Christmas, a Call for Love and Peace

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

Memory as Resistance: Documenting Russian War Crimes and the Destruction of Holy Sites

Sunday Digest: New Video on Trump's Dehumanizing Rhetoric; Fake Populist Milei Turns on Argentinians; Biden Impeachment Effort as "Garbage Politics"

Reg. Info Today's Q&A, 1-2pmET

The Wall and the Drill: Authoritarianism Means Controls for Some, License to Plunder for Others

Reg. Info Q&A Dec. 10, 8-9pmET

Be Alert to What is Right/Judge Tanya Chutkan, Democracy Hero

Protecting Criminals is Now the GOP's Job as an Autocratic Party

Reg. Info Q&A Sunday, Dec. 3, 8-9pmET

Q&A is Sunday Dec. 3, 8-9pmET; Kissinger the Democracy Destroyer

The New Wave of Fake Populists Who Serve Elites While Claiming to Stand for the People

Reg. Info Nov. 24 Q&A, 1-2pmET

"Lock Them Up": Trump's Authoritarian Plans for 2025

Reg. Info Q&A Friday, Nov. 17, 1-2pmET

Why Do Authoritarians Appeal to People, and Does Trump Study Other Autocrats?

Trump's "Vermin" Speech Echoes Fascist Rhetoric

Hypermasculinity, Misogyny, Homophobia: The Toxic Triad of Authoritarian Gender Politics

Authoritarian Gender Politics Essay Coming Tomorrow; Lucid now in 145 countries; No Friday Q&A; Lucid Support

Reg. Info Tonight's Q&A, 8-9pmET

When Peace is the Biggest Enemy

Reg. Info. for Q&A Today, 1-2pmET

For the Autocratic GOP, "Fear Does the Business" and Threat is Normalized

Black Man Spy - Flash Traffic: Malcolm in the Middle East

Reg. Info Today's Q&A, 1-2pmEt

In Poland, Unity and Optimism Prevailed Over Autocracy

Reg. Info Oct. 13 Q&A, 1-2pmET

What Will Be the Destiny of Netanyahu?

The New Republic's "Stop Trump Summit"

Reg Info Oct. 6 1-2pmET

McCarthy and the GOP's Spiral of Radicalization

Reg. Info Tonight's Q&A 8-9pmET

Kari Lake and the Endgame of GOP Election Deniers

Violence is Trump's Brand

Reg. Info Tonight's Q&A, 8-9pmET

Correction: Q&A is Sept. 24, 8-9pmEt

Biden is the Democracy Defender We Need Now

Q3 Assessment;Reg. Info Tonight's Q&A, 8-9pmET

Paxton Acquittal: Protecting the Lawless is what Authoritarian Parties Do

Reg. Info Today's Q&A, 1-2pmET

Neo-Nazis and Neo-Fascists Found a Home in Pinochet's Chile. Today's Fascists Admire that Regime of Terror

The Two 9/11s: US Terror Attack and Chile Coup; Sept. Q&As and Appearances NYC & Miami

Premium Members' Q&A Sunday, Sept. 17, 8-9pmET

Reg. Info for Today's Q&A, 1-2pmET

The Proud Boys Will Continue to Mainstream Hate

Ai-jen Poo on Hope, Care, and Equitable Pay as Vital for Democracy

Reg. Info Today's Q&A, 1-2pmET

Why Mark Meadows' Mug Shot Haunts Me

Honoring Educators (Back to School Special); Q&A is Friday 1-2pmET

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

Demagogues Don't Debate: Trump Mimics Putin and Orban

The Fourteenth Amendment: Democracy Protection Enshrined in the U.S. Constitution

Reg. Info for Today's Q&A, 1-2pmET

Democratic Heroes: Giacomo Matteotti, Killed for Exposing Fascist Corruption

Rep. Matt Gaetz, Praising "Force," Goes Full Fascist at the Iowa State Fair

Important: New Link for Reg Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

Reg. Info Today's Q&A, 1-2pmET

Israel at a Crossroads: Where Will Netanyahu's Autocratic Aggression Lead the Country?

Reg. Info Tonight's Q&A 8-9pmET

Q&A Premium Members Sept 17, 8-9pmET

Running for Office While Under Indictment is What Strongmen Do; The Role of Co-Conspirators

PragerU: A Far-Right Propaganda Machine Now in Florida Schools

Why I Call Trump a "Competent Authoritarian"

Reg. Info Today's Q&A, 1-2pmET with Simon Rosenberg

Spanish Elections and the Specter of Franco

Italian Fascism: A Seminar

No Q&A Today; Taking Trump's Threats Seriously; Fascism Syllabus Coming Tomorrow

Stressed About the State of Democracy?

Can Journalism Save Democracy? My conversation with Margaret Sullivan

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

Are We “A Republic, NOT a Democracy”?

How Authoritarians Target Universities

Reg. Info Tonight's Q&A 8-9pmET

DeSantis's Fascist-Style Macho Video; GOP 2024 as a Race to the Bottom


Patriotism Means Celebrating America's Multiracial Democracy

Kevin McCarthy's Humiliation and George Santos' Philosophy of Life

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET w/Barb McQuade

Update Friday Q&A: Guest is Legal Analyst Barb McQuade/July 4th discount

Some Strongmen Lose Power in Stages. Will This Be Putin's Fate?

REPOSTED - How Putin May Die

To Protect Democracy, Prosecution of Coup Attempts Must be Swift and Resolute

For Strongmen like Trump, Holding Office is a Means of Committing Crimes with Impunity

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

Why is the GOP Still in Thrall to Trump? A Study in Authoritarian Cult Dynamics

Why Jack Smith's Speech Moved Me to Tears

Reg. Info Q&A Today, 1-2pmET

The Chinese Government Tried to Obliterate the Memory of Tiananmen Square. Then the Watches Appeared

Reg. Info Q&A Today, June 4, 8-9pmET

Lucid Meetup Groups/Sunday Q&A w/Dr Bandy Lee 8-9pmET

"We Will Be Together Until the Grave." Takeaways from the Turkish Election

Why is the Texas GOP Cleaning House Now?

Q&A is today, 1-2pmET & June 4, 8-9pmET

Reg. Info Q&A, May 26, 1-2pmET

Taking on the FBI, the GOP Serves its Cult Leader

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

Trump is Running as a Cult Leader. His Campaign Events Promote Authoritarian Goals

Reg. Info Tonight's Q&A 8-9pmET

Q&A Tonight/Q2 Assessment and Forecasts: US, Turkey, China, Russia

Reg. Info Q&A Today, 1-2pmET

Premium Member Q&A May 14 8-9pmET

We Need to Talk about Gun Violence's Staggering Economic Costs

Reg. Info Tonight's Q&A 8-9pmET/Meetup Groups

Q&A Sun. 8pmET/Lucid Meetup Groups

Republicans Have Crashed a National Economy Before to Set the Stage for Right-Wing Rule

Reg. Info Q&A w/David Pepper Today 1-2pmET

Ron DeSantis's Panic Performance in Japan Reveals the Weaknesses of Authoritarian Personalities

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

Seeking to Turn Students into Informers, Republicans Continue Authoritarian History

Premium Members Q&A now May 14 8-9pmET (not April 16)

Reg. Info Q&A Today 1-2pmET

A New Movement of Anti-Authoritarian Resistance is Gathering Strength in America

No Q&A Tomorrow/NYYoung Republicans Issue a Fascist Statement

Witch Hunt! Exposing Republican Propaganda about Trump's Indictment and Charges

Reg. Info Q&A Tonight 8-9pmET

Trump Indictment

Triumph of the Will, Waco Version: Trump's Fascist Leader Cult

Reg. Info Q&A Today 1-2ET

Q2 Gathering April 16, 8-9pmET for Premium Members

Ron DeSantis, Devoid of Charisma, Builds a Leader Cult on Instagram

Reg. Info Today's Q&A, 1-2pmET

Fox is a Far-Right Disinformation Machine and the GOP's Propaganda Arm

Reg. Info Today's Q&A, 1-2pmET

Victim and Avenger: The Fascist Roots of Trump's CPAC Speech

Reg. Info Tonight's Q&A 8-9pmET

Lessons of Hawaiian Activism: The Value of Resilience

Israeli Protests: Turning Point for Israeli Democracy or Missed Opportunity?

Reg. Info Q&A Today 1-2pmET

Every Day the War Goes On is a Victory for Putin

What Haunts Me Most About the Latest Fox News Revelations

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

Erdogan's Autocratic Response to Tragedy in Turkey Proves Deadly

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

Ron DeSantis's Dystopian Vision for America's Youth

Reg. Info Tonight's Q&A 8-9pmET

Get Ready for Garbage Politics. The Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government is Just the Start

Q&A is Sunday 8-9pmET

Vote Yes or Else: The Fascist Idea of Elections

Reg. link for Tonight's Q&A with Jared Yates Sexton, 8-9pmET

Info about Sunday Jan 29 8-9pmET Event with Jared Yates Sexton

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

From Mussolini to Putin and Xi, "Gambling for Resurrection" is a Strongman Specialty

Reg. Info Today's Q&A w/ Richard Painter, 1-2pmET

Fox News "Takeover" of the Capitol: When Politics Becomes Spectacle, Democracy is at Risk

When Politics Becomes Spectacle. Essay Coming Tomorrow

Reg. Info Today's Q&A 1-2pmET

Brazil's Insurrection Reminds Us of the Power of Strongman Personality Cults

Reg. Info Lucid Q&A Tonight 8-9pmET

Q1 2023 Forecast Is Here

Reg. Info Q&A Today, 1-2pmET

My Report for the Jan. 6 Committee

In the GOP, Serial Liar and Fraudster Santos has Found His Tribe

Q1 2023 Forecast Coming Jan. 6; Q&A is Jan. 8 8-9pmET

Reg. Info For Tonight's Q&A, 8-9pmET