I think Trump would exploit and weaponize uniformed paramilitary forces if he came to power again in 2025. This would be designed to intimidate people into refusing to assert legal or constitutional rights out of fear of violence.
That said, he needed the Evangelicals to achieve power so he has deployed his transactional approach to benefit their positions on things like abortion and Israel.
He loves being flattered. He loves money. He loves dictatorial power. He loves ratings. He loves being the center of attention. He loves to talk incessantly. He loves chaos. He loves nihilism and destruction. He loves winning. He loves grifting. He loves corrupting and bribing people. He loves suing people. He loves playing the victim. He loves inflicting cruelty and punishment on his enemies. He loves dividing people. He loves threatening people and their livelihood. He loves pretending to look tough. He loves to bully. He loves to defame people. He loves inciting violence. He loves inciting insurrection. He loves to break laws. He loves cosmetics. He loves to think he's good looking. He loves to admire himself. He loves to think he’s superior to everyone else. He loves to brag. He loves lying 24/7.
Jared is feathering his nest with Middle Eastern connections, their oil money, and all LIV sports connections, etc. HE will take ALL his large commissions from whomever steps up!
Jared keeps his eye on the prize!! Placating his father-in-law with profitable golf tournaments!
Looking at conventional Facsist thinking, sriping away their fraudulent economics, reveals an argument that strikes ne more and more like a modernized Divine Right of King's. I can easily picture Erdogan, Trump or Putin claiming that "I am the state" in their best Louis XIV voice. When Trump is referred to as "our annointed one" we are already there.
Of course, that sets up a dramatic issue with succession. Richard II is one model. The provides another one. However, I expect Trump I would designate either Don Junior or Ivanka as his successor.Since the are delusional privileged twits, there is a good chance that things would play out as they did in the film The Death of Stalin. In which case, of course, Lindsay Graham would end up as King of the Wotld.
I would agree that the Trump brand of fascism is more cult of personality and less ideology than 1920s-1940s fascism, though there are certainly some key ideological points.
One of the things I've found unusual about American neo-Fascism is that it doesn't always seem sure of its positions. Immigrants are scapegoated but Vivek can run without encountering huge hostility. Neo-Nazis are courted and yet pro-Jewish statements are made. Can some of it be explained by the fact that neo-Fascism is, in part, whatever Trump decides it will be in the moment? And since he is vapid and has few actual beliefs, his "movement" is not always ideologically coherent either, the main point being to manipulate followers to do what benefits him and allows his cronies to plunder while the masses are distracted by prejudices. I don't mean to imply that Trumpian neo-Fascism isn't dangerous. It tried to overthrow democracy, it is very hostile to low-skilled Latino migrants and it scapegoats other minorities, including sexual minorities. But it doesn't seem as "grand" (in an awful way) and "unified" as Nazism.
Trump has certainly cultivated a cult of personality, whatever Trump says goes. But the fascism bit seems to me really more a convenience than a true ideology, primarily a means to capture power. Appears to me the actual goal is implementing kleptocracy. So the fascism part is flexible and less ideological. It is the kleptocracy part that won' bend.
I agree, to a point. In many cases, Trump's followers believe things more genuinely than Trump himself does. But if one is to believe people that know/knew him, Trump genuinely does dislike minorities. Mary L. Trump writes that racism has been part of Trump since he was a young adult. I suppose Michael Cohen has said similar things, right? My memory fails me a bit on that one.
It's amazing how much violence some of Trumpworld thinks would be OK to grab power. Today we learned that Roger Stone seems to have had plans or hopes to assassinate two D members of Congress. How horrific, isn't it, Ed P? I really hope democracy-minded Americans can count on crucial people in the military and law enforcement communities to push back against right-wing political violence rapidly and forcefully, even if not all the legalities are observed, should such violence escalate. The reason is that things can move very quickly in such cases, so every second counts. That might include very robust action against coup ringleaders. Anyway, I agree entirely that kleptocracy is an absolute guarantee of any future Trump administration, no matter how it achieves power. Much policy, foreign and domestic, will be subservient to it, but average Americans won't even realize how much that is the case because they don't take the time to analyze it or even have the necessary sophistication or media literacy. And we can count on the Emoluments Clause having all the bite of a mere suggestion!
NOW I understand why Biden...seems heartless to the violence towards Palestinians. If he cut Israel off off aid as I would do, he'd be susceptible to MAGA attacks that he's 'Anti-Israel'....no? I can't help think that Netanyahu is helping Trump by not cooperating with Bidens desire for direction of war....whats the answer??
I am not sure that's really part of Biden's calculus. I think Biden genuinely loves Israel, and has loved Israel for decades. He remembers it as an underdog country that survived despite attempts to annihilate it. Also, I think Biden has been very firm with Netanyahu about excessive civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure. He thinks Israel has not been surgical enough--that it has been using an overly blunt instrument. He has made statements sympathizing with the hardships facing Palestinians but he is completely opposed to Hamas's ideology and dislikes BDS types.
This article on Bidens indoctrination in becoming an Israeli Hawk is fascinating....I now believe that Biden would be ok in losing vital support for his Presidencial reelection in order to support Israel..Joe has a fatal blindspot that Netanyahu (a bad guy like trump) is exploiting.
Absolutely. It makes it very hard to vote for him, though against trump I still will. Unfortunately it seems like it may be too late for another Dem to run. All the ones I really like don't have much of a chance, like Cory Booker. He's attempted to improve factory farming conditions, is smart and compassionate. Don't know where he stands on Israel. Most in Congress receive massive donations from AIPAC. I've been shocked by the amount of censorship against showing empathy for Palestinians and for exposing atrocities being committed against them. The Israeli propaganda machine is exceedingly powerful, and so is their influence.
Their precision have carefully targeted around 100 journalists, yet also 10,000 children. It's an obscenity what's happening there. Israel wants us to think it's complicated, but it's not really. Try reading beyond their giant propaganda machine.
Not propaganda. My mothers family were murdered in Nazi death camps. I lived in Israel between the War for Independence and Yom Kippur. I am 100% against anything “Netanyahu “ but people like you seem completely, so far afield of the truth that your talking points are meaningless. Read up, study, be compassionate. Try for one day!
Of the Holocaust is not propaganda and I have shed tears reading quite a few books and seeing movies. The propaganda I speak of is the Zionists terrible cruelty toward and dehumanization of the Palestinians, 750,000 of whom were forced from their homes. They are now subject to a terrible effort, financed by the US, to literally destroy them and their infrastructure. The Zionists believe their land and more belongs to them. Kids in school are indoctrinated to despise Palestinians and see them as animals. (Animals aren't treated well by people either.) Netanyahu's reign of terror with Biden's blessing is horrifying to many who are willing to see. All criticism of Israel is not antisemitic. The Holocaust does not give Israel permission to do the same thing to Palestine, which wasn't even involved in WW2. Many in Israel think their lives are worth more, that they are blessed by God. I know I can't convince you. Zionists have zero compassion for anyone but themselves.
I also find Lisa's use of the term "Zionist" offensive and downright wrong. All that it means to be Zionist is to support the existence of Israel as a Jewish state. It says nothing about compassion, lack of it, position on the right/left spectrum, support or not for a two-state solution, support or not for settlements, positions on the war with Hamas, etc. Oh, and by the way, Palestinian leadership WAS at least a bit involved in WW2. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a friend of Heinrich Himmler and helped create an SS unit of Yugoslavs, mainly Muslim, called the Handschar. There is a telegram from Himmler to the Grand Mufti expressing thanks for his role in the struggle against World Jewry.
I'm heartened someone sees thru their BS. Their propoganda machine is formidable. Bibi is sabotaging Joe's reelection not only by a 'genocidal' type warfare but by now expanding war ....now the US will provide Israel with more weapons for this catastrophe & turn world against us? Joe was led into a trap by another of the world's anti Democratic authoritarians.
True, but he's really ok with it as the article says. Trump would do the same. Some Zionist group is giving him an award for being Israel's greatest friend, but it seems like Biden should be getting it too. I really wish Biden would not run again. I don't think it's too late if he did it right now. As far as seeing the truth, I'm actually surprised more Liberals still seem to not want to criticize Israel's actions, even some people who are on social media. Boomers, like me, aren't as awakened as I would wish.
I don’t have the answers. It’s important to remember that Netanyahu has his own significant corruption problems. He wanted to stay out of jail. His plan prior to October Hamas brutal attack was to “reform the judiciary”to his benefit and keep out of jail. He promised security and failed tragically. He’s deeply unpopular today.
Call me crazy but it sure looks like there is a psychological warfare narrative playing out here, boosted by enemies foreign and domestic (Ye and Trump included).
The MAGA faithful is being led down a pro-Israeli hardliner/apartheid position, often led by anti-Muslim bigotry, while the BLM faithful is being led down a pro-Hamas and antisemitic position open to terrorist violence in reaction, led by racial grievances. Widespread ignorance regarding the history of the conflict makes us far easier to exploit.
As both ends of the political horseshoe become more and more extreme, they more and more accept domestic violence and less and less look to liberal governance and compromise to solve problems. Dominating foes is the only viable path under such black/white thinking.
It doesn't get enough airtime but the number one constituency targeted by the 2016 Russian interference campaign was African Americans according to the US Senate report. Russia has a long history of picking at these racial conflicts.
This conflict seems like an effective wedge for Biden's coalition that team Trump-Putin will continue to exploit.
Not sure you are correct about BLM. You can’t reasonably expect BLM to support racism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing in Israel, while fighting efforts to recapture it here. Consider-the same forces that were sadly claiming “Jews will not replace us” a couple of years ago are now Israel’s biggest supporters. There is a reason for this sudden shift ; the far-right sees Israel as a model they would like to see reinstated here under a dictatorship led by Trump.
Zionism is a political system that orders peoples lives. Any system that orders lives -particularly one calling itself a democracy- mustn’t be subject to criticism. Opposition to the Zionist State is not the same as Antisemitism.
I do not expect anyone to abide racism etc and I absolutely have sympathy for the Palestinian people.
But acceptance of terrorist violence, imo, is an important radicalization. I don’t mean to generalize, but for example a recent Daily Mail poll shows startling support for Osama bin Laden among young and Black Americans, like 25-35%. Take with a grain of salt because Daily Mail, but regardless…
Ruth nailed it! So comprehensive an analysis. I will add Christian nationalism is under the vast umbrella of the Evangelical “Christians” that have enormous influence and power worldwide and in the USA. They initiated the movement in the Church( post WW1)
called muscular Christianity. Today we see its manifestation in a form of religion called Christian nationalism. AND btw the Roman Catholic Church is complicit in this movement with the Evangelicals. The RC’s profess this as an ‘ecumenical outreach to other denominations’. But look deeper and you will see its veiled antisemitism. I’ll stop here….
A couple years ago I had conversation with a musician who passionately insisted that "alot of good" came out of the Holocaust. When I finally nailed it down, -- to her as well, it was that alot of good music came of that era (when America was at war, lots of Broadway tunes, etc). But that is separate from the Holocaust. It appears this person had no American history or unbiased world history knowledge. It took a half-hour, heated on her behalf - to <perhaps temporarily> unwind this misinformation she held. It made me wonder how history is taught in some schools. The definition of the Holocaust is solid, not fluid.
Even the professed love of Israel by the right wing is a sham. They support Israel taking back all the holy lands because that will bring on the Apocalypse and then all the Jews will be killed.
That's a subset of the right -- certain evangelicals. And fortunately for the Jews (sarcasm on!), they won't be killed if they accept Christ! So... yay?
It may be a subset but it is a significant subset with very loud voices. It was nice of them to give Jews a way of saving themselves, become evangelicals.
Thank you for pointing out how supporting Jews against anti-Semitism can be a tool of the Right to make their extremism "palatable." Here's to hoping the ploy looks transparent to everyone!
"Christian (insert religious affiliation here) Nationalism", the place where power, politics and religious propaganda intersect. "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" has been said. Religious Nationalist leaders ordain their people to build more bricks for the pharaoh. "Build The Wall!!" "Drill, Drill, Drill!"
I believe both religion (Christianity, in this case) and governmental rule are each purer when there is separation. For Christians, John 4:20: 'If anyone says "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar, for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
If you look at what Christianity was for most of its existence, there was plenty of persecution and war. Christian nationalism holds it that only certain people are the true bearers and definers of Christianity, but that way of thinking has plenty of historical precedent too.
As a Jew, I thank you Ruth for your insights and history lesson on the use of antisemitism in the authoritarian playbook from Mussolini and Hitler, to Berlesconi and Orban to Trump and his MAGA cult.
Since Trump's infamous comment that "there's good people on both sides" nobody should be fooled into believing Trump and his MAGA Republican party are anything other than racist and antisemitic. To be fair not all Republicans are racists and anti Semites but all racists and anti Semites are Republicans!
Trump and MAGA can try all day long to have it both ways but there is no such thing as an authoritarian, fascist or neo fascist party not being a home for racists and anti Semites.
Your voice and presence is very appreciated. And your mind. I am grateful to be able to read your thoughts and dial in to your Zoom interviews when I’m able to.
How much of the "support for Jews" is really just support for an authoritarian and violent regime? If it were an anti-Jewish approach in one of the other countries they love (Hungary, a "Christian Democracy" who would they support? I suspect that the rise of overt anti-semitic speech and action in the US is homegrown and has nothing to do with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict or with support for the Palestinians, who are, after all, Muslims, an equally hated group by the nationalists here, white, "Christian," or otherwise.
Trump evokes Hitler and his poll numbers go up. When do we get to see his Jack booted thugs dress in Nazi regalia at his 1939-like rallies?
I think Trump would exploit and weaponize uniformed paramilitary forces if he came to power again in 2025. This would be designed to intimidate people into refusing to assert legal or constitutional rights out of fear of violence.
I’m sure they are already plotting who will kill who. No joke.
I’ve always thought that Trump’s love of Israel, not Jews in general, was a gift to Evangelicals not Jews.
He doesn't love Israel. He doesn't love any country. I don't think love is something he's even capable of. Everything is transactional to him.
That said, he needed the Evangelicals to achieve power so he has deployed his transactional approach to benefit their positions on things like abortion and Israel.
I agree. I should have put love in quotes.
Trump only loves himself & no one else period!
He loves being flattered. He loves money. He loves dictatorial power. He loves ratings. He loves being the center of attention. He loves to talk incessantly. He loves chaos. He loves nihilism and destruction. He loves winning. He loves grifting. He loves corrupting and bribing people. He loves suing people. He loves playing the victim. He loves inflicting cruelty and punishment on his enemies. He loves dividing people. He loves threatening people and their livelihood. He loves pretending to look tough. He loves to bully. He loves to defame people. He loves inciting violence. He loves inciting insurrection. He loves to break laws. He loves cosmetics. He loves to think he's good looking. He loves to admire himself. He loves to think he’s superior to everyone else. He loves to brag. He loves lying 24/7.
Sounds like the Dark Tetrad personality, because it is.
Agree, DARVO, as Dr. Bandy X. Lee wrote. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender
Yes 100% of the time.
This formula needs to be publicized in a broader way. It's an equation. People may get it more easily. (?)
He is acting exactly like the cold blooded, Machiavellian, sadistic sociopath that he is. He has no virtues, only vices.
Its a good point. But don’t forget Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner is deeply connected to Netanyahu and the far-right Israeli coalition.
Jared is feathering his nest with Middle Eastern connections, their oil money, and all LIV sports connections, etc. HE will take ALL his large commissions from whomever steps up!
Jared keeps his eye on the prize!! Placating his father-in-law with profitable golf tournaments!
yes absolutely
He favors country’s with autocrats that he aspires to be … Netanyahu fits the profile.
Looking at conventional Facsist thinking, sriping away their fraudulent economics, reveals an argument that strikes ne more and more like a modernized Divine Right of King's. I can easily picture Erdogan, Trump or Putin claiming that "I am the state" in their best Louis XIV voice. When Trump is referred to as "our annointed one" we are already there.
Of course, that sets up a dramatic issue with succession. Richard II is one model. The provides another one. However, I expect Trump I would designate either Don Junior or Ivanka as his successor.Since the are delusional privileged twits, there is a good chance that things would play out as they did in the film The Death of Stalin. In which case, of course, Lindsay Graham would end up as King of the Wotld.
I would agree that the Trump brand of fascism is more cult of personality and less ideology than 1920s-1940s fascism, though there are certainly some key ideological points.
To me, if you hang around Nazis, you are a Nazi.
One of the things I've found unusual about American neo-Fascism is that it doesn't always seem sure of its positions. Immigrants are scapegoated but Vivek can run without encountering huge hostility. Neo-Nazis are courted and yet pro-Jewish statements are made. Can some of it be explained by the fact that neo-Fascism is, in part, whatever Trump decides it will be in the moment? And since he is vapid and has few actual beliefs, his "movement" is not always ideologically coherent either, the main point being to manipulate followers to do what benefits him and allows his cronies to plunder while the masses are distracted by prejudices. I don't mean to imply that Trumpian neo-Fascism isn't dangerous. It tried to overthrow democracy, it is very hostile to low-skilled Latino migrants and it scapegoats other minorities, including sexual minorities. But it doesn't seem as "grand" (in an awful way) and "unified" as Nazism.
Great points Raf
Trump has certainly cultivated a cult of personality, whatever Trump says goes. But the fascism bit seems to me really more a convenience than a true ideology, primarily a means to capture power. Appears to me the actual goal is implementing kleptocracy. So the fascism part is flexible and less ideological. It is the kleptocracy part that won' bend.
I agree, to a point. In many cases, Trump's followers believe things more genuinely than Trump himself does. But if one is to believe people that know/knew him, Trump genuinely does dislike minorities. Mary L. Trump writes that racism has been part of Trump since he was a young adult. I suppose Michael Cohen has said similar things, right? My memory fails me a bit on that one.
Those who know him best can see through his facade!
His father was a racist, might have even been a klan member.
It's amazing how much violence some of Trumpworld thinks would be OK to grab power. Today we learned that Roger Stone seems to have had plans or hopes to assassinate two D members of Congress. How horrific, isn't it, Ed P? I really hope democracy-minded Americans can count on crucial people in the military and law enforcement communities to push back against right-wing political violence rapidly and forcefully, even if not all the legalities are observed, should such violence escalate. The reason is that things can move very quickly in such cases, so every second counts. That might include very robust action against coup ringleaders. Anyway, I agree entirely that kleptocracy is an absolute guarantee of any future Trump administration, no matter how it achieves power. Much policy, foreign and domestic, will be subservient to it, but average Americans won't even realize how much that is the case because they don't take the time to analyze it or even have the necessary sophistication or media literacy. And we can count on the Emoluments Clause having all the bite of a mere suggestion!
Yes it is in constant mutation-appropriation mode...
Thank you Ruth for your clarity and deliberate response to illiberal rhetoric and disinformation about our current political climate.
I happen to be rewatching HBO Agents of Chaos. A warning... ⚠️ danger ahead.
NOW I understand why Biden...seems heartless to the violence towards Palestinians. If he cut Israel off off aid as I would do, he'd be susceptible to MAGA attacks that he's 'Anti-Israel'....no? I can't help think that Netanyahu is helping Trump by not cooperating with Bidens desire for direction of war....whats the answer??
I am not sure that's really part of Biden's calculus. I think Biden genuinely loves Israel, and has loved Israel for decades. He remembers it as an underdog country that survived despite attempts to annihilate it. Also, I think Biden has been very firm with Netanyahu about excessive civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure. He thinks Israel has not been surgical enough--that it has been using an overly blunt instrument. He has made statements sympathizing with the hardships facing Palestinians but he is completely opposed to Hamas's ideology and dislikes BDS types.
I agree, good points all.
This article on Bidens indoctrination in becoming an Israeli Hawk is fascinating....I now believe that Biden would be ok in losing vital support for his Presidencial reelection in order to support Israel..Joe has a fatal blindspot that Netanyahu (a bad guy like trump) is exploiting.
Absolutely. It makes it very hard to vote for him, though against trump I still will. Unfortunately it seems like it may be too late for another Dem to run. All the ones I really like don't have much of a chance, like Cory Booker. He's attempted to improve factory farming conditions, is smart and compassionate. Don't know where he stands on Israel. Most in Congress receive massive donations from AIPAC. I've been shocked by the amount of censorship against showing empathy for Palestinians and for exposing atrocities being committed against them. The Israeli propaganda machine is exceedingly powerful, and so is their influence.
Agree it’s not part of calculus. By the MAGA Will attack crack on his approach to Israel.
Bibi backs trump … there would be zero restraint. Plus he could easily manipulate trump.
It’s a lot more complicated than you think. It’s more complicated than I think. I’m on team “ no more violence” except the annihilation of Hamas.
Their precision have carefully targeted around 100 journalists, yet also 10,000 children. It's an obscenity what's happening there. Israel wants us to think it's complicated, but it's not really. Try reading beyond their giant propaganda machine.
Not propaganda. My mothers family were murdered in Nazi death camps. I lived in Israel between the War for Independence and Yom Kippur. I am 100% against anything “Netanyahu “ but people like you seem completely, so far afield of the truth that your talking points are meaningless. Read up, study, be compassionate. Try for one day!
Of the Holocaust is not propaganda and I have shed tears reading quite a few books and seeing movies. The propaganda I speak of is the Zionists terrible cruelty toward and dehumanization of the Palestinians, 750,000 of whom were forced from their homes. They are now subject to a terrible effort, financed by the US, to literally destroy them and their infrastructure. The Zionists believe their land and more belongs to them. Kids in school are indoctrinated to despise Palestinians and see them as animals. (Animals aren't treated well by people either.) Netanyahu's reign of terror with Biden's blessing is horrifying to many who are willing to see. All criticism of Israel is not antisemitic. The Holocaust does not give Israel permission to do the same thing to Palestine, which wasn't even involved in WW2. Many in Israel think their lives are worth more, that they are blessed by God. I know I can't convince you. Zionists have zero compassion for anyone but themselves.
Meant to say Of course the Holocaust is not propaganda.
Sorry/not sorry — the way you are using the term "Zionists" smacks of antisemitism. Callin' it as I see it. Wise up, Lisa — you can be/do better!
I also find Lisa's use of the term "Zionist" offensive and downright wrong. All that it means to be Zionist is to support the existence of Israel as a Jewish state. It says nothing about compassion, lack of it, position on the right/left spectrum, support or not for a two-state solution, support or not for settlements, positions on the war with Hamas, etc. Oh, and by the way, Palestinian leadership WAS at least a bit involved in WW2. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a friend of Heinrich Himmler and helped create an SS unit of Yugoslavs, mainly Muslim, called the Handschar. There is a telegram from Himmler to the Grand Mufti expressing thanks for his role in the struggle against World Jewry.
I'm heartened someone sees thru their BS. Their propoganda machine is formidable. Bibi is sabotaging Joe's reelection not only by a 'genocidal' type warfare but by now expanding war ....now the US will provide Israel with more weapons for this catastrophe & turn world against us? Joe was led into a trap by another of the world's anti Democratic authoritarians.
True, but he's really ok with it as the article says. Trump would do the same. Some Zionist group is giving him an award for being Israel's greatest friend, but it seems like Biden should be getting it too. I really wish Biden would not run again. I don't think it's too late if he did it right now. As far as seeing the truth, I'm actually surprised more Liberals still seem to not want to criticize Israel's actions, even some people who are on social media. Boomers, like me, aren't as awakened as I would wish.
I don’t have the answers. It’s important to remember that Netanyahu has his own significant corruption problems. He wanted to stay out of jail. His plan prior to October Hamas brutal attack was to “reform the judiciary”to his benefit and keep out of jail. He promised security and failed tragically. He’s deeply unpopular today.
Another insightful piece, thank you.
Call me crazy but it sure looks like there is a psychological warfare narrative playing out here, boosted by enemies foreign and domestic (Ye and Trump included).
The MAGA faithful is being led down a pro-Israeli hardliner/apartheid position, often led by anti-Muslim bigotry, while the BLM faithful is being led down a pro-Hamas and antisemitic position open to terrorist violence in reaction, led by racial grievances. Widespread ignorance regarding the history of the conflict makes us far easier to exploit.
As both ends of the political horseshoe become more and more extreme, they more and more accept domestic violence and less and less look to liberal governance and compromise to solve problems. Dominating foes is the only viable path under such black/white thinking.
It doesn't get enough airtime but the number one constituency targeted by the 2016 Russian interference campaign was African Americans according to the US Senate report. Russia has a long history of picking at these racial conflicts.
This conflict seems like an effective wedge for Biden's coalition that team Trump-Putin will continue to exploit.
Pretty frightening!
Not sure you are correct about BLM. You can’t reasonably expect BLM to support racism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing in Israel, while fighting efforts to recapture it here. Consider-the same forces that were sadly claiming “Jews will not replace us” a couple of years ago are now Israel’s biggest supporters. There is a reason for this sudden shift ; the far-right sees Israel as a model they would like to see reinstated here under a dictatorship led by Trump.
Zionism is a political system that orders peoples lives. Any system that orders lives -particularly one calling itself a democracy- mustn’t be subject to criticism. Opposition to the Zionist State is not the same as Antisemitism.
With understanding and respect.
Thanks for a thoughtful response Patrick.
I do not expect anyone to abide racism etc and I absolutely have sympathy for the Palestinian people.
But acceptance of terrorist violence, imo, is an important radicalization. I don’t mean to generalize, but for example a recent Daily Mail poll shows startling support for Osama bin Laden among young and Black Americans, like 25-35%. Take with a grain of salt because Daily Mail, but regardless…
With respect likewise,
Ruth nailed it! So comprehensive an analysis. I will add Christian nationalism is under the vast umbrella of the Evangelical “Christians” that have enormous influence and power worldwide and in the USA. They initiated the movement in the Church( post WW1)
called muscular Christianity. Today we see its manifestation in a form of religion called Christian nationalism. AND btw the Roman Catholic Church is complicit in this movement with the Evangelicals. The RC’s profess this as an ‘ecumenical outreach to other denominations’. But look deeper and you will see its veiled antisemitism. I’ll stop here….
A couple years ago I had conversation with a musician who passionately insisted that "alot of good" came out of the Holocaust. When I finally nailed it down, -- to her as well, it was that alot of good music came of that era (when America was at war, lots of Broadway tunes, etc). But that is separate from the Holocaust. It appears this person had no American history or unbiased world history knowledge. It took a half-hour, heated on her behalf - to <perhaps temporarily> unwind this misinformation she held. It made me wonder how history is taught in some schools. The definition of the Holocaust is solid, not fluid.
Even the professed love of Israel by the right wing is a sham. They support Israel taking back all the holy lands because that will bring on the Apocalypse and then all the Jews will be killed.
That's a subset of the right -- certain evangelicals. And fortunately for the Jews (sarcasm on!), they won't be killed if they accept Christ! So... yay?
It may be a subset but it is a significant subset with very loud voices. It was nice of them to give Jews a way of saving themselves, become evangelicals.
Where is Christ in their messaging?? I don't get it. Paraphrasing Ghandi, "I like your Christ, but not your Christians."
Thank you for pointing out how supporting Jews against anti-Semitism can be a tool of the Right to make their extremism "palatable." Here's to hoping the ploy looks transparent to everyone!
How can people who espouse hate of others call themselves Christian’s? “Christian Nationalism” is definitely an an oxymoron!
"Christian (insert religious affiliation here) Nationalism", the place where power, politics and religious propaganda intersect. "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" has been said. Religious Nationalist leaders ordain their people to build more bricks for the pharaoh. "Build The Wall!!" "Drill, Drill, Drill!"
I believe both religion (Christianity, in this case) and governmental rule are each purer when there is separation. For Christians, John 4:20: 'If anyone says "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar, for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
If you look at what Christianity was for most of its existence, there was plenty of persecution and war. Christian nationalism holds it that only certain people are the true bearers and definers of Christianity, but that way of thinking has plenty of historical precedent too.
Christian, not Christian’s. Isn’t autocorrect wonderful!
As a Jew, I thank you Ruth for your insights and history lesson on the use of antisemitism in the authoritarian playbook from Mussolini and Hitler, to Berlesconi and Orban to Trump and his MAGA cult.
Since Trump's infamous comment that "there's good people on both sides" nobody should be fooled into believing Trump and his MAGA Republican party are anything other than racist and antisemitic. To be fair not all Republicans are racists and anti Semites but all racists and anti Semites are Republicans!
Trump and MAGA can try all day long to have it both ways but there is no such thing as an authoritarian, fascist or neo fascist party not being a home for racists and anti Semites.
The love of money is the root of all evil so it is said.
Or as I say the lack of it.
... it can be said.
I think the Jewish people deserve a lot of credit for their perseverance and contributions to the human landscape.
Just Entertainment wise is amazing. I've also seen pictures and videos ofJewish people marching in civil rights marches and Union marches. Thank you.
Dear Ruth,
Your voice and presence is very appreciated. And your mind. I am grateful to be able to read your thoughts and dial in to your Zoom interviews when I’m able to.
Jeff Silverman
How much of the "support for Jews" is really just support for an authoritarian and violent regime? If it were an anti-Jewish approach in one of the other countries they love (Hungary, a "Christian Democracy" who would they support? I suspect that the rise of overt anti-semitic speech and action in the US is homegrown and has nothing to do with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict or with support for the Palestinians, who are, after all, Muslims, an equally hated group by the nationalists here, white, "Christian," or otherwise.