Looking at conventional Facsist thinking, sriping away their fraudulent economics, reveals an argument that strikes ne more and more like a modernized Divine Right of King's. I can easily picture Erdogan, Trump or Putin claiming that "I am the state" in their best Louis XIV voice. When Trump is referred to as "our annointed one" we are a…
Looking at conventional Facsist thinking, sriping away their fraudulent economics, reveals an argument that strikes ne more and more like a modernized Divine Right of King's. I can easily picture Erdogan, Trump or Putin claiming that "I am the state" in their best Louis XIV voice. When Trump is referred to as "our annointed one" we are already there.
Of course, that sets up a dramatic issue with succession. Richard II is one model. The provides another one. However, I expect Trump I would designate either Don Junior or Ivanka as his successor.Since the are delusional privileged twits, there is a good chance that things would play out as they did in the film The Death of Stalin. In which case, of course, Lindsay Graham would end up as King of the Wotld.
I would agree that the Trump brand of fascism is more cult of personality and less ideology than 1920s-1940s fascism, though there are certainly some key ideological points.
Looking at conventional Facsist thinking, sriping away their fraudulent economics, reveals an argument that strikes ne more and more like a modernized Divine Right of King's. I can easily picture Erdogan, Trump or Putin claiming that "I am the state" in their best Louis XIV voice. When Trump is referred to as "our annointed one" we are already there.
Of course, that sets up a dramatic issue with succession. Richard II is one model. The provides another one. However, I expect Trump I would designate either Don Junior or Ivanka as his successor.Since the are delusional privileged twits, there is a good chance that things would play out as they did in the film The Death of Stalin. In which case, of course, Lindsay Graham would end up as King of the Wotld.
I would agree that the Trump brand of fascism is more cult of personality and less ideology than 1920s-1940s fascism, though there are certainly some key ideological points.
To me, if you hang around Nazis, you are a Nazi.