As a person of color who is also gay, this hits home for me. I have contemplated leaving the US since Trump was elected in 2016, but I had hope that a Biden win would kind of "solve" many of our issues. Boy was I wrong. I have to do more research, but I still don't understand how an American can just pick up and move to a foreign country…
As a person of color who is also gay, this hits home for me. I have contemplated leaving the US since Trump was elected in 2016, but I had hope that a Biden win would kind of "solve" many of our issues. Boy was I wrong. I have to do more research, but I still don't understand how an American can just pick up and move to a foreign country without the lengthy process of obtaining a work visa (certainly I don't think anyone here would qualify for asylum!). I also happen to be a caretaker to my mother, who is in poor health and complicates things even more. Guess I'll see you all in the gulags? (Joking! Kind of...).
Jason, yes these are all real concerns. I could not fit all the points I wanted to make in the post, how it's not a linear process and sometimes people go to another dictatorship as a first stopping point - sounds crazy to us, but it was the only way they could get out. So people from Nazi Germany went to Fascist Italy, and people from Pinochet's Chile went to the Brazilian military dictatorship. Guess I need to write a followup!
Well, considering how often I have spoken up to my Congressional reps (both Senators & my particular House Rep are all not just trump supporters but trump lapdogs) I imagine I’ll see you in the gulag/re-education camp. It would not surprise me at all to be on some list for future punishment for speaking my mind and telling them to do their actual job - the one they swore an oath to. I’ll wave to you as I’m dragged off…
As a person of color who is also gay, this hits home for me. I have contemplated leaving the US since Trump was elected in 2016, but I had hope that a Biden win would kind of "solve" many of our issues. Boy was I wrong. I have to do more research, but I still don't understand how an American can just pick up and move to a foreign country without the lengthy process of obtaining a work visa (certainly I don't think anyone here would qualify for asylum!). I also happen to be a caretaker to my mother, who is in poor health and complicates things even more. Guess I'll see you all in the gulags? (Joking! Kind of...).
Jason, yes these are all real concerns. I could not fit all the points I wanted to make in the post, how it's not a linear process and sometimes people go to another dictatorship as a first stopping point - sounds crazy to us, but it was the only way they could get out. So people from Nazi Germany went to Fascist Italy, and people from Pinochet's Chile went to the Brazilian military dictatorship. Guess I need to write a followup!
Well, considering how often I have spoken up to my Congressional reps (both Senators & my particular House Rep are all not just trump supporters but trump lapdogs) I imagine I’ll see you in the gulag/re-education camp. It would not surprise me at all to be on some list for future punishment for speaking my mind and telling them to do their actual job - the one they swore an oath to. I’ll wave to you as I’m dragged off…