Well, considering how often I have spoken up to my Congressional reps (both Senators & my particular House Rep are all not just trump supporters but trump lapdogs) I imagine I’ll see you in the gulag/re-education camp. It would not surprise me at all to be on some list for future punishment for speaking my mind and telling them to do the…
Well, considering how often I have spoken up to my Congressional reps (both Senators & my particular House Rep are all not just trump supporters but trump lapdogs) I imagine I’ll see you in the gulag/re-education camp. It would not surprise me at all to be on some list for future punishment for speaking my mind and telling them to do their actual job - the one they swore an oath to. I’ll wave to you as I’m dragged off…
Well, considering how often I have spoken up to my Congressional reps (both Senators & my particular House Rep are all not just trump supporters but trump lapdogs) I imagine I’ll see you in the gulag/re-education camp. It would not surprise me at all to be on some list for future punishment for speaking my mind and telling them to do their actual job - the one they swore an oath to. I’ll wave to you as I’m dragged off…