David - My take is that R woman is an oxymoron. These are people who want an excuse for their failures or laziness. They often are also “religious” and use predestination to excuse their failures or laziness. And it’s not just women, it’s all these Christofascists.
David - My take is that R woman is an oxymoron. These are people who want an excuse for their failures or laziness. They often are also “religious” and use predestination to excuse their failures or laziness. And it’s not just women, it’s all these Christofascists.
David - My take is that R woman is an oxymoron. These are people who want an excuse for their failures or laziness. They often are also “religious” and use predestination to excuse their failures or laziness. And it’s not just women, it’s all these Christofascists.
Of the three women that I know who are tRump supporters, all three are Dominionist Christians. They are religious bigots.