This is unconscionable- GEVALT

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Total disrespect for the country and for national security, but what we really need to know (well maybe not us plebes, but surely the government) is what did he sell and to whom did he sell it? The Boy Blunder didn't get $2B for nothing and that might be too steep a payoff just for covering up the Khashoggi murder.

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I fervently hope Trump eventually faces justice for his treasonous actions.

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Given the judge in charge of the case is tanking the case for the government, it seems unlikely. It is also disturbing that his flunkie Mike Johnson has appointed people to the intelligence committee to have access to classified documents who are Trump flunkies and not to be trusted.

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Don’t you think flunkies will channel classified info to djt AND his idols such as VP??

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Of course they will.

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Ask Judge Cannon.

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These photos are what visual anthropologists used to call “researchable footage”; thank you for teasing out the meaning

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Yes I could have written so much more on them...

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In a related vein, in what ways is Judge Aileen Mercedes Canon's handling of the classified-documents case consistent with the authoritarian' playbook?

In one scenario Cannon is a judge in an authoritarian system.

In the other, Cannon is a member of the judiciary in a liberal constitutional democracy but both she and the defendant, Donald Trump, have strong authoritarian tendencies.

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Psychopathic/sociopathic leaders tend to surround themselves with like-minded idiots. It's a trickle down lack of conscience. The more tRump surrounds himself with a moat of unethical people, the safer he will feel in a nation based on ethics. Canon seems to be backing tRump's fascism and Dark Tetrad behavior.

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If you’ve seen Céline Dion’s storeroom for her concert costumes and other artifacts, then you would understand that first of all that would never be allowed, and second of all -at least they would be in order!

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A mentally ill man in the office of President, who loses the election, does not want to leave the White House ever and he will not be able to prepare for the transition; so therefore all his private artifacts include classified documents that he stole, and he doesn’t even remember now where he put them

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I wouldn't bet on his not remembering where he put them, even though I understand why you said that. If he didn't remember, why did he put so much effort into having them moved to places where nobody could find them?

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He has dementia


Guilty subconscious

He’s stupid as shit

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I couldn't agree with you more!

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I still think Trump copied some of the national security documents and sold them to foreign governments like the Saudis. Kushner's $2 billion Saudi investment when the technical advisors urged rejection of the Kushner proposal, suggests that "investment" was made in consideration of Saudi receipt of Trump's national security documents. ,

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Sure seems like it.

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My own pet theory is the 2B is for the names of human assets which was shared in a list during the oval office briefing with Jared present, after which he flew to Saudi Arabia and quite soon thereafter those on the list disappeared or were incarcerated. I think ridding the Saudi government of leaks was probably worth a pretty large pay off - maybe a full 2B which after all hasn't actually been openly given to Jared but "invested" with him thus allowing him to charge % fees for handling it and investing it.

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Maybe. But it’s also a well known espionage and or bribe. Give the mark an advance upfront. They are beholden to you. Ask for installment favors later. Threaten to pull the money out and you have the mark for life.

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To Ruth. And I enjoyed reading your book.

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Trump is indefensible! But, Judge Cannon protects him unconditionally! Both need to serve time!

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Has she been promised a spot on the Supreme Court, perhaps? I've heard it said...

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Good lord save us.

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She is of Cuban descent. They have generational trauma from Castro. The middle class to business class business, owners lost everything. How many were killed in the Cuban Revolution? They have become a radical right wingers, fearing any left wing reform is a spark to a socialist revolution. This is not rational, but that’s captive power of Trauma.

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Thanks for the information, Ted...I appreciate a little psycho-biography. This could very well apply to Aileen Cannon...

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Months after he took the documents to Mar-a-Lago, CIA agents started to be killed and outed.

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I feel certain that the traitor sold out our country. What I don't understand is why no one seems to care.

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Go figure.

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Oh--I think a lot of people care. I think a majority of Americans care. BUT--the minority that does not--and that minority that loves DJT the Felon--they are able to bar the door.

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William, is this true? I hadn't heard this before but it wouldn't be surprising that he's learning from his idealized father-figure, Putin, how to 'get rid' of any and all opposition. This is freaking me out...

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trump took the document in January of 2021 and this was reported in October of 2021.

Last week, top U.S. counterintelligence officials warned Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) stations and bases worldwide that a concerning number of informants were being captured or killed, according to people familiar with the situation.

Sent via top-secret cable that was viewed by DNYUZ, the message explained that the CIA’s counterintelligence mission center had reviewed dozens of cases over the last several years wherein foreign informants were killed, arrested or likely compromised.

In a rare move, the cable reportedly included the specific number of informants executed by adversary intelligence agencies.

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Oh my God, he has a bona fide hoarding disorder. Somebody should check the DSM-5.

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He has a ticker tape full of diagnoses

A ticker tape of debts

A ticker tape of felony charges

A ticker tape of Trump.org violations.

A ticker tape of civil convictions.

A ticker tape of domestic violence and inciting violence

Declared war on Democrats on September 29, 2020 when he said OK if you want me to give a message to my fans, then I will say “proud boys, stand back and standby”


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I think 17 professionals already did that. You can read the book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. The diagnosis: Malignant Narcissist (and stone cold) Sociopath.

Honestly, WTAF is wrong with half of our country that they want THIS disgusting dumpster-fire of a very sick man in the Whitehouse?

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I have a few lines about the hoarding mania of strongmen in my book...

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Interesting! Your book is on my list!

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Yes, DSM-5, Cluster B tells the story of who tRump is. Retired psychiatrist, Dr. Lance Dodes calls tRump a psychopath but there is much more going on here than just psychopathy.

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A sociopath lies

A psychopath kills

Per forensic definitions

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However, Jeffry Dahmer was a sociopath and also a killer. Ted Bundy was another sociopathic killer.

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As sociopath will sometimes pass a lie detector test, but a psychopath will always because he doesn’t care

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My God, this is depressing. This week is rough

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okay time for an uplifting essay!

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Haha yes!! ☺️

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I will take a whack at that: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/waf2.12006


Extended commentary—Keeping the republic: A vision for America

Anthony R. Brunello

First published: 25 February 2024 https://doi.org/10.1002/waf2.12006

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The photos look like a scene from "Hoarders". Somebody had better find out what he sold to foreign governments. ( I'd like to interrogate Jared myself. ALLEY COURT!!)

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This article is really great. And it’s sickening, right? So clear, what’s going on. Maddening.

And sadly, I can’t unsee that Viking god. 😤

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I know!

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Of the four legal cases Trump should face, this is the most important and frightening. He is an indiscriminate man, who should never have had access to state secrets in the first place, and the photos show the reason. He was recorded chatting about them with people who witnessed just how casually he treated confidential government records. The only regard he had for them was to show off the trappings of power. With the high regard he has for autocrats, and the little regard he has for the safety of the citizens of our country, he should NEVER hold any office again. I don’t have any confidence in his discretion or his veracity. He truly disrespects the office—-rendering him unworthy of the responsibility of any government office, let alone the highest. Our votes are our only defense against a repeat of his wanton disregard of our general welfare.

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He acts exactly like I expect a psychopath to act. Those who vote for him are in total denial of his disorder. They have been bamboozled.

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Clearly he's a menace. What really worries me, though, is that NO ONE in his orbit has a problem with this kind of malfeasance/recklessness. NOT ONE OF THEM CARE.

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Perhaps because they are as sick and sociopathic as he is?

Just a thought...

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There is some truth in what you say. There was a psychological study done about this subject. Here is the title and part of the conclusion.

The Dark Tetrad and Political Orientation by Borris Duspara & Tobias Greitemeyer

"Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy and everyday sadism were associated with right wing political orientation, whereas narcissism and psychopathy were associated with political extremism. Machiavellianism turned out to be the most important predictor of the dark side of human personality for political orientation. Machiavellianism is associated with misanthropy, anti-social tendencies, cold heartedness and immoral beliefs."

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