In a related vein, in what ways is Judge Aileen Mercedes Canon's handling of the classified-documents case consistent with the authoritarian' playbook?
In one scenario Cannon is a judge in an authoritarian system.
In the other, Cannon is a member of the judiciary in a liberal constitutional democracy but both she and the defendant, Donald Trump, have strong authoritarian tendencies.
In a related vein, in what ways is Judge Aileen Mercedes Canon's handling of the classified-documents case consistent with the authoritarian' playbook?
In one scenario Cannon is a judge in an authoritarian system.
In the other, Cannon is a member of the judiciary in a liberal constitutional democracy but both she and the defendant, Donald Trump, have strong authoritarian tendencies.
Psychopathic/sociopathic leaders tend to surround themselves with like-minded idiots. It's a trickle down lack of conscience. The more tRump surrounds himself with a moat of unethical people, the safer he will feel in a nation based on ethics. Canon seems to be backing tRump's fascism and Dark Tetrad behavior.
In a related vein, in what ways is Judge Aileen Mercedes Canon's handling of the classified-documents case consistent with the authoritarian' playbook?
In one scenario Cannon is a judge in an authoritarian system.
In the other, Cannon is a member of the judiciary in a liberal constitutional democracy but both she and the defendant, Donald Trump, have strong authoritarian tendencies.
Psychopathic/sociopathic leaders tend to surround themselves with like-minded idiots. It's a trickle down lack of conscience. The more tRump surrounds himself with a moat of unethical people, the safer he will feel in a nation based on ethics. Canon seems to be backing tRump's fascism and Dark Tetrad behavior.