Thank you for speaking out on this many more should be doing so. I also agree they need much more discipline and accountability for behaviors especially those that go against, code, conduct, constitution and our democratic principles. Flynn, his brother who is still serving and got promoted even after the inserection of which he also was…
Thank you for speaking out on this many more should be doing so. I also agree they need much more discipline and accountability for behaviors especially those that go against, code, conduct, constitution and our democratic principles. Flynn, his brother who is still serving and got promoted even after the inserection of which he also was involved in along with all the others including the ones djt pardoned after already being convicted of war crimes. This interview gives me some hope, I'd love to so more of it.
Thank you for speaking out on this many more should be doing so. I also agree they need much more discipline and accountability for behaviors especially those that go against, code, conduct, constitution and our democratic principles. Flynn, his brother who is still serving and got promoted even after the inserection of which he also was involved in along with all the others including the ones djt pardoned after already being convicted of war crimes. This interview gives me some hope, I'd love to so more of it.