May 28Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Perfect title!

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May 28Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Spot on

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I am troubled by your framing of the Israel-Hamas war. Both the November post and the way you have summarized the coming post frame this as a war of retribution. For Netanyahu and his cohort, it likely is. They are, indeed, authoritarian strongmen. But it was not retribution in November--it was defense against threatened genocide (a real attempt, as opposed to the inversions we have seen since).

I still do not believe, as a policy (and policy is what matters), this is a war of retribution. It is a war against Hamas, an extremist force supported by Iran that oppresses its own people and is funded (and trained) by Iran. It steals food from its people. It uses its people as shields and refuses to protect them. It lies about how many and who have been killed.

Hamas continues to bombard Israel, including Tel Aviv. Israelis are not dying because of the Iron Dome. Hamas could, in fact, protect the people it nominally governs. That it chooses not to should be called out loudly. That Hamas is actively attacking Israel should be called out loudly. I do not see either of those things happening in the world press.

Netanyahu and his cohorts in government must go--no question and, funny thing, most Israelis agree. And he is doing his best to delay elections for that reason--he's toast in so many ways once that happens. But his personal desires and the strategy for this was are not necessarily connected. I don't know how much they are, nor do you, nor should we--war strategy should not be a matter of public litigation.

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I think we can agree to disagree here, war strategy that is misguided is and always has been discussed publicly. I am writing more about this on the weekend and you will see that I consider Hamas terrorists.

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May 28Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

"Action based on the mindset of an eye for an eye blinds everyone, and that is how they like it.”

Spot on Ruth. Very well said.

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I came to the comments section ready to type Ruth's quote also. Capsulizes the problem we face. The arrogance of no desire on their part for peace or coexistence.

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I look forward to your article Dr. Ruth Ben-Ghiat 👍 Thanks for heads-up.

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May 28·edited May 29Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

I am taking a break from reading your book Strongmen, which just arrived at my local bookstore here in Germany this morning. I ordered it yesterday afternoon, so am very pleased that I can start reading it. It is very compelling. I was telling friends who read English that since you wrote it while Trump was still president we will have to wait and she how he falls. Still, having helped my daughter prepare for a test on Nazis and resistance to Nazis in her first year in University in Germany, I am very aware of many of the details of the Rise and Fall of the Nazis and Hitler their strongman leader, but will be interested to hear your take on him. Each person has a different slant, that I feel helps to deepen my understanding.

Everything you have to say is very interesting to me. I really wish it were translated into German so that I could share it with people that I think would find it interesting. Is there any chance of your book being translated into other languages? I am a member of Democrats Abroad Germany, which is part of the larger umbrella group Democrats Abroad, and the even larger group Voters Abroad which exist to help people figure out how to best vote when they do not live in the states.

Democrats Abroad will have delegates at the Convention in Chicago, my other home, and have a specific agenda too. I am so pleased to have recently discovered your Substack Lucid. Because your weekend sessions with speakers are so late, I tried to get back up at 2 am, but was too tired and turned off my alarm. I am looking forward to the recording. I will also try again to stay up next time. Thanks for your work. Peace!!

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What a wonderful insight to have Ruth's book published in different languages, due to the global threat. Peace to all,

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Thank you Linda, most of my Q&As are at 1pmET so 7 for you. It's just once a month 8-9 other than when I am traveling.

I am trying to get a German translation of the book, will keep you posted!

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That's great! Thank you.

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Chaos is a strategic component of the insurrectionists’ plan!

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It’s the same in Ukraine. Russia can’t have a democracy on its border…that could threaten Putin’s authoritarian rule. It’s the same in the Middle East for the hydrocarbon oligarchies with regard to both Israel and Palestine. Criticize Israel as a democracy, and encourage political violence by Hamas. But never acknowledge that the Palestinians deserve, as all people a voice, a vote, human rights. This way, the hydrocarbon oligarch’s protect their fiefdoms. Can’t promote self rule there, cuz it’s a threat here mentality.

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May 29Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Netanyahu and Hamas are both wrong. I would like to see both of them go down, and then see what happens if sane people negotiate. The biggest problem I see with that is that Netanyahu has doubled down on Hamas hatred, and has, by his actions, caused otherwise normal Palestinians to hate Israel. I understand Israel's need to go after Hamas, but the unrestricted bombing of Gaza is just wrong. I wish the US would grow a spine and refuse to provide offensive weapons to Israel. Then maybe some of the insanity would stop.

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May 29Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

I just realized your initials are RBG like Ruth Bader Ginsberg. You are carrying on her spirit for Justice and equality. Thank you for illuminating the danger of fascism to humanity.

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May 29Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

They succeed by offering employment to those who want to be brownshirts and the like.

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May 29Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

I'd like for you to continue this and say even more. I am 'in love' with Israel while I despise Netanyahu and his supporters and politics. I grew up with hearing only positive things about Israel--made the desert bloom, took salt water and made it useable for agriculture and humans, how humane Israel was, namely that Hadassah hospital treated 'Jews and Arabs alike.' Israel and American Jews (moi) bragged about all the technological things Israel did amazingly well. I wonder where Israeli ingenuity is now. Why can't my beloved country protect itself without killing so many innocent people? If I mention this to my many Jewish friends, the answer is always about Hamas using civilians as shields. Again, why can't Israeli ingenuity figure out a better solution. Enough already. Thanks for your observations, comments, wisdom, as always.

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I read your former piece and was impressed with its rationality.

One statement you made brought me a new thought… Netanyahu may be keeping the war going so he won’t be forced, by his critics, to resign!

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Yes this is true and some Israelis, including a retired IDF head who is now against Netanyahu, have said that too.

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May 29Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Hamas squandered money on its vast system of military tunnels that could have been used to improve the lives of Gazans. The tunnels are said by informed individuals to be large enough to shelter all Palestinian civilians, yet Hamas isn't doing that

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This conflict is Bibi's shield against accountability. He and his extremist allies will endeavor to keep the slaughter going.

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