I remember when Trump had a verbal protestor is one of his earlier rallies (Pre J6) and told the crowd to 'take him out and beat the crap out of him'. It would appear his inate taste for competition with his international strongman image, is to erect gallows for his number 2. Lord knows what type of public spectacle, short of an assasination attempt, Trump can produce on stage with Harris.
I remember when Trump had a verbal protestor is one of his earlier rallies (Pre J6) and told the crowd to 'take him out and beat the crap out of him'. It would appear his inate taste for competition with his international strongman image, is to erect gallows for his number 2. Lord knows what type of public spectacle, short of an assasination attempt, Trump can produce on stage with Harris.
I remember when Trump had a verbal protestor is one of his earlier rallies (Pre J6) and told the crowd to 'take him out and beat the crap out of him'. It would appear his inate taste for competition with his international strongman image, is to erect gallows for his number 2. Lord knows what type of public spectacle, short of an assasination attempt, Trump can produce on stage with Harris.