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Ruth - do you think Garland will ever do his job? Do you think the US Army will ever recall Flynn and court-martial him for his treasonous actions? Will Boebert be charged for calling for Biden’s death by coyly doing so with a Bible verse? (And so on down the never ending line of crimes ignored in this country.)
Do you think Biden and the…
© 2025 Ruth Ben-Ghiat
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Ruth - do you think Garland will ever do his job? Do you think the US Army will ever recall Flynn and court-martial him for his treasonous actions? Will Boebert be charged for calling for Biden’s death by coyly doing so with a Bible verse? (And so on down the never ending line of crimes ignored in this country.)
Do you think Biden and the entire Democratic Leadership Team will actually face this ongoing coup before being arrested and hauled off as traitors to the new order?
Given your courageous outspokenness on all of this I hope you are aware that you will be marked as a target once the Republican Fascist Party takes over after their next coup is successful. Please look out for yourself and your loved ones.
I would love Ruth’s answer on this. I decided Garland was compromised 6 months after he started due to his lack of action and his close connections to private lawyers who work for trump & his family. I don’t think anything will be done except to foot soldiers. Hope I am wrong.
Many people who are very vocal have had threats, Kasumii. Jobs, housing, families and death. It goes with the territory.
That doesn’t make it right. Or that those receiving the threats should dismiss them just because “it goes with the territory”.
The "right" train left the station along time ago, in this country. Those of use who receive any type of threats, especially death threats, never dismiss them. What we are, is very grounded in reality and know these things are a part of speaking the truth. It's reality. I seem to have upset you, my apologies.
No apology necessary. I wasn’t upset. I responded to what I perceived to be your tone of saying “threats happen if you speak up so no biggie”.
My commenting to Ruth about having a plan was to suggest that she have a safety/go plan if America turns sharply into theocratic fascism like the RFP wants. She doesn’t need me to say that - she’s written about the subject before. I was feeling protective of her given how rotten the news is every damn day.
I take threats very seriously. Especially the one from a neighbor that said I should be put down because I don’t “love trump”. My neighbor is a rabid gun nut & she’s threatened me before. I had to get a lawyer to deal with her. In my favor is her ignoring that I am a veteran and not at all afraid of firearms. I plan to move prior to Nov 2022 & hope she doesn’t try to make me put my skills to the test before that happens. And no, the local cops don’t care about her threats. Their reply was “aw, you know her - she’s just high-spirited”.
Anyway, I was expressing my worry for Ruth. That goes for all of us not part of the fascist club. Take care all.
"... once the Republican Fascist Party takes over...."
This battle isn't over yet.
Not yet.
However, given that those currently in positions of authority to do something won’t, due to denial of reality, incompetence or complicity, it seems quite likely that the votes of the 1/3 of voters who don’t want to live under a theocratic fascist state won’t matter at all.
We should absolutely still vote of course. We should also not pin our hopes on Garland, Biden, etc ever doing their actual jobs and should prepare for the potential changes ahead.
Yes, this could end badly, and if it does, I will leave the US... but not just yet. The deindustrialization of the nation has set the stage for fascism to flourish here. Christo-fascists have joined forces with political fascists to form an unholy juggernaut. We have to keep fighting these dark forces.
You are lucky then. To have the choice to leave. I don’t have the choice. I can report that knowing this, knowing I will be stuck here in the hell that the RFP will create already affects my mental and physical health. That negative effect has to be so much worse for all the groups that the RFP is already gleefully tormenting and intending to erase.
Every day be proactive and listen, talk and spread the education to others. You will be helping the cause and you will feel better too. We seek to change the moderates. We are the silent majority.
"Do the hardest thing. Activism is the antidote to despair." -- Beto O'Rourke, in Texas, after Ulvalde.
The possiblity of something happening is not a guarantee that it will.
Of course. Wishing you well.