Ruth: I'd like know more about the warping of the Evangelical movement into a major alt-right tool. I read somewhere that in the 1970s the hard right needed a new dog-whistle / crusade when race became taboo. Abortion suited as a target but too few people cared; including Evangelicals since the Bible has nothing about it. So a push began…
Ruth: I'd like know more about the warping of the Evangelical movement into a major alt-right tool. I read somewhere that in the 1970s the hard right needed a new dog-whistle / crusade when race became taboo. Abortion suited as a target but too few people cared; including Evangelicals since the Bible has nothing about it. So a push began to convince Evs to care and after decades of that... they do. This brought the right a powerful ally entirely willing to see a christo-fascist nation and the explosion of success in advancing both components of that.
Ruth: I'd like know more about the warping of the Evangelical movement into a major alt-right tool. I read somewhere that in the 1970s the hard right needed a new dog-whistle / crusade when race became taboo. Abortion suited as a target but too few people cared; including Evangelicals since the Bible has nothing about it. So a push began to convince Evs to care and after decades of that... they do. This brought the right a powerful ally entirely willing to see a christo-fascist nation and the explosion of success in advancing both components of that.