Dec 21, 2022Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

I didn't think I could read another column about Jan 6 and the Donald, but your last paragraph made it worth it (and the rest was good too). Thank you.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

“…warnings ignored by homeland security”! Indeed I have commented on the complicity of those in the highest levels of the Military chain of command, in particular Sec of Def and any other civilian in the chain before the First Military person the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff!

The head of the chain was leading a coup against the government and all of his appointees in the chain refused to honor their vow to defend the country when they were sworn into office.

These people, along with Traitorous Tony Ornato, must also be investigated and tried for the crimes they committed. That Ornato is still on the federal payroll is an insult and a mockery to every citizen of the US.

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Much wisdom and real hope in your reminders: that the tears that came to me while listening to the news reports live streaming the Jan 6 insurrection... that the tears that come to me as I stare across the partisan divide at far too many who are just gone ... that the tears that come to me as I read those last two paragraphs you wrote for us today... are a gift ...

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thank you Randolph

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Thank you Ruth for calling out and putting into words the not yet fully grieved traumatic impact of this horrific Jan 6 event on our individual and collective psyche. Unlike 9/11 where the nation was able to grieve publicly together, many of us have compartmentalized our feelings to get through it.

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Thank you Lisa

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Thanks for another great piece!

Part of the problem is that these fascists have a sophisticated understanding of propaganda and using the internet to harness the power of memetics to influence. Sophisticated actors create conspiracy theory like QAnon and facets of the Big Lie. These conspiracy theories become like religion or myth to those bamboozled, and intimately linked to security structures and cultural pressures. The propaganda develops cultish extremist groups that terrorize the rest of society, unraveling order and ability to compromise. The end game is that a charismatic strongman leader can swoop in and “restore order.” This is how they intend to tank the US and the world order with it.

The evidence of this is now quite public: former NSA Michael Flynn’s new book details fascist psychological warfare, just released a couple weeks ago:


Michael Flynn is a US general, specialized in Psychological operations, a MAGA nut, and disgraced following his sketchy calls to the Russians in Trump’s inaugural period. He is the force behind QAnon and details of his book, clearly fascist, can be seen in this thread:


These techniques rely on defining in and out groups then dehumanizing out groups - clearly fascist and a powder-keg for atrocity.

When we said we’d never let this happen again, this is what we are talking about. We need all hands deck, and to spread awareness of this fascist monkey business

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Flynn needs to be recalled and court martial-ed. Who is protecting him? How and why?

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Agree. I wish I knew. There is a whole lot of unpunished crime and horrible behavior. Its a real head scratcher how its all been allowed to go on so long. But here we are.

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I don’t think this national trauma ever really goes away for any of us, let alone the Capital Police that suffered so much that day. It’s not normal to witness the brazen cruelty of J6. All for one man’s ego and unquenchable thirst for power. I don’t know why any person could be this way. I don’t know if Flynn is a true believer/cult follower or what. Flynn is Catholic, his mom took him to pro life marches when he was young. He is not an Academy graduate. Something happened to him serving overseas, maybe he has his own unresolved trauma for behaving like a terrorist that he has become. The line that we all have to hold now is for Justice to be served. This was an emotionally difficult read today, but I’m grateful to have read it. Thank you Dr. Ben-Ghiat.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Thanks Ruth for your insight and ability to express so many emotions in this piece. I also get sick seeing how horrible is was, and how horrible it is that so many people are sick enough to support and enable this travesty. Unfortunately, after reading your book and Sarah Kendzior's, I understand there are people who truly want to destroy Democracy. Your work, and many others, give hope that we will prevail in keeping Democracy strong.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Jan. 6 2021 will be embedded in my memory forever! The scary part is how close the insurrectionists came to being successful in overthrowing our government! Those elected officials who were participants must be held accountable! They must not be allowed escape Justice. Thanks for reminding all of us of the significance of that day!

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I'll never forget that day, much like how my memories are set into stone surrounding the assassination of JFK. Jan. 6 stunned, shocked and saddened me, but also, as you suggested, fueled me to help set things straight in our democracy.

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Thank you Ruth. I’m so glad you were able to articulate these complex emotional reactions and intellectual insights in this article. It makes clear that our collective attention and awareness must be a priority to preserve and enhance our democracy in the face of such trauma, grief and distress. I’m grateful for your support and expertise. With a measure of hope.....

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Thank you for sharing this, putting those feelings into words helped me.

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I completely resonate with this. I too, cried and cringed again at the video clips from the final hearing. I work with veterans, first responders, health workers and horses to help them settle their nervous systems, make peace with what they've done and where they've been and develop the capacity to handle the transition to life out of uniform. A lot of what contributes to their struggle is the confusion around what happened, who was supposed to support them and what we were doing in the first place. I can't even imagine what it's like for the people one is trying to protect to deny the situation - even with the video as clearer than clear evidence. It IS truly sickening. I wonder if these congress people have any idea how inhumane this is or how damaging it is to deny the reality of January 6. Can you imagine if some folks had done that when the World Trade Center fell? Can you imagine?? Thank you for this. You gave me some insight into my own reaction and some of what I hear from the folks with whom I work. None of us can move on until we share a reality.

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Remember too, the congress-men and women sheltering down between the chairs and going for gas-masks? Not normal. Your last sentence is calming. Grateful for our Lucid community to share.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

In addition to my comment, i do feel that we must maintain our vigilance. The wannabe fascists are not finished with their efforts! We just can’t become complacent and assume this attack on democracy has passed!

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re: "Having studied autocratic takeovers, I knew on that day that it was highly likely that the arrival of reinforcements had been delayed by design."

Sorry Ruth, this seems central to what you're talking about, but it just isn't clear.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Your wisdom and true patriotism in the interests of preserving our democracy are deeply appreciated. I know I'm among a great many in our country and elsewhere who have come to rely on you to better understand and respond to the tumult caused by the constant aggression of authoritarians and their unfortunately vast collections of followers. I'm very thankful for all that you share with us.

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What I find so astonishing is that 50 million Americans still believe that Trump won in 2020, that he's the real president and that those who criticize him are un-American. They have been so thoroughly bamboozled by this charlatan, that their perception of reality has been altered massively. They have no remorse or sadness for Jan 6th and don't deem it as being unpatriotic. They have adopted the same reptilian thinking as their hero, Trump. When 50 million people adopt the callousness of sociopath, we are in serious trouble as a nation. We are a nation with two parallel truths; one for those who love democracy and one for those that yearn for authoritarianism. But the authoritarian truth is steeped in psychopathy. We are divided, and that's what fascism seeks.

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Exactly right! It’s a really sad state of affairs when there are so many who lack good judgment! They believe in the unconditional support for Trump. Kinda like the support for Charlie Manson and Jim Jones! I’m 77 years old and have watch lots of water go under the bridge, but never anything like this! At least there are some of us who see through the Trump facade! Hallelujah for that!

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Yeah, I remember Charlie and Jim Jones, as I'm 70. Manson was a psychopath and was able to bamboozle those around him to such an extent that they were willing to kill for him. This is the same sort of mind F*ck that Trump was able to accomplish........ but on a much larger scale. Multiply the hate and unreality seen in the Manson clan by 10 million and we have a national sh*t storm.

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Agree 100%. Unfortunately, I’m a Georgia resident and have to live with the embarrassment that comes from the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene who won reelection in a landslide! I’m not totally sure her support is accounted for by the term unconditional or blatant ignorance!

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Maybe it's ignorance, gullibility and fantasy combined. Fascism is all about making a fantasy world, real.

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People that believe in bully-ism, and people who do not.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

While watching the footage of the January 6th hearings, I felt disbelief, shock and horror. I just kept thinking, "how could this happen in my county?" I kept thinking that it seemed like a scene from a third world country, not the USA. I knew it was real, but I felt this sense of unreality. It was hard to watch.and process.

I found the collective public denile and gaslighting to be just as traumatic, if not more traumatic then the event itself. I live in Trump county. I was at work when I found out the news about January 6th. I will never forget my co-workers reactions or lack of reaction. It was like, "insurrection, what insurrection". They knew about it, they just pretended like nothing happened. No one was talking about it. It was like nothing happened! When I found out about it, I mentioned something to some co-workers. One co-worker said, "I don't like to talk about or hear about this stuff". Another co-worker suggested it was just a protest. He questioned me, asking, "what do you mean, stormed the capital?". Another co-worker had no reaction. He acted like nothing happened and did not seemed concerned. It was like living in a twilight zone. I didn't understand why everyone was not talking about this and I didn't understand why people acted like nothing happened or it was no big deal. It made me feel crazy. It is validating to hear that other people feel traumatized by this event as well and recognize the gravity of it.

Contrast my co-workers reactions to 9/11. I am old enough to remember this and I remember every one at my college huddled around the TV. There was collective shock, outrage and grief. No one acted like it was no big deal. No one downplayed it. No one pretended like nothing happened. This is a normal reaction. Even now, the Republicans I know are still silent. Silence is complicency, to me. The Republicans's reaction to January 6th is the same reaction that they had to COVID (denile, gaslighting, downplaying). Our country has been turned upside down and the sane are made to feel insane when they point out reality. I think we need to break the silence and continue to talk about January 6th. They want to live in denile. Don't let them! Keep speaking the truth! Shout the truth if you have to. Things are not normal and people need to stop pretending like it is. It is hard to grieve or process in this environment.

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I can relate to your descriptions so well of the twilight zone. That is what I have experienced too. You are right, we must keep it on the front burner a bit and speak truth. J6 was not normal. Your comparison to 9/11 is vivid.

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Your co-workers were stoic about Jan 6th because their beloved fascism would not be established.

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