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Very similar to what has happened (is happening) in Nicaragua under Ortega.

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Trump is taking notes from this guys reelection strategies!

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Yes, he (I prefer using "it" for the orange dude) has been using the fascist playbook. Ms. Ghiat calls them out every time.

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Or maybe Erdogan took notes from Trump?

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They're both sociopaths so maybe it's a quid pro quo.

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The trend in international politics doesn’t look favorable! Our democracy is “at risk” as well! How active we become can make a difference! Will we? As they say in court, “the jury is still out!”

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Good question. There’s a lot of talk among Democrats to strengthen our will - which ends up with the “begging” for donations - which I cannot afford. No one asks if I’d phonebank for them or knock on doors. It has ended up being

COMPLETLY about the money. I am NOT impressed! Even President Biden’s campaign team does this. Offer me ideas you have to make our lives better.

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Don’t wait to be asked. Go to them (Democrats) and volunteer.

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023

My wife and I spent two days a week this autumn at the local Dems office. It was necessary with all of our local elections! THIS is a great way to get involved!!

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I read and watch all of Ms. Ghiat with fear and concern because I like seeing where we're going. I know elections are bullshit under dictators. Of course, Erdogan was going to "win" again. I think putin made a comment that he'd be helping that win as he has with rump.


It brought haunting flashbacks from about 55 years ago of going to where the Franks and others hid. It's about the evil of hitler and has some lovely moments of human goodness from the perspective of Miep Gies and the resistance. I highly highly recommend it. It's scary and dramatized (though I don't know how one can make hitler any more dramatic and evil than he was/is).

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If one pairs this post with Heather Cox Richardson's from yesterday, where we are at in the US is unmistakably clear

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Unmistakably clear unless one is caught up in the fascist maelstrom.

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sometimes a bit hard to know what an individual can do.....the odds do seem against democracy.

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We have to keep talking with those we know and interact with, support good candidates, perhaps run for office, and never give up.

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here in NV they tried to promote a slate of false electors.....brazenly, they face no legal action.....very disheartening

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I hear that, and it will only change if dems and other progressives do the work to fight back. People like Marc Elias are, but he’s just one person. Success depends on all of us.

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Once democracy falters a bit, some jerk rides into town selling snake oil, that millions seem eager to buy.

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hes still selling it freely...damn

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I remember in one of our Friday Zoom mtgs with Ruth, she said (paraphrased)

something like, “…Trump’s legacy is that he’s leaving the blueprint of his horrendous autocratic/authoritarian behavior for other autocrats to use now and after him.”

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The sad part of this is that his legacy is that of someone with a serious personality disorder. It's a template of madness.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

Each time an authoritarian leader like Erdoğan wins an election through electoral autocracy, it reinforces the playbook for other autocrats and authoritarians. These leaders closely watch Erdoğan's moves to see what works, and then they use those tactics in their own countries. Democratic leaders can learn from these examples to better prepare for attacks on their own election systems. For example, in order to prevent subversion, they can strengthen election laws, make it easier for people to vote, and crack down on voter suppression. They can also work to counter disinformation, conspiracy theories and propaganda, especially when the big lie is spread by Donald Trump and his supporters like the Fox News channel. And be prepared for bad faith failures to certify election results from MAGA election deniers on the state level.

As we head into the 2024 election season, it is important to remember that democracy is on the chopping block. Autocrats and authoritarians are watching closely, and they are ready to pounce if they see an opportunity. Democratic leaders must be prepared to defend democracy against all these threats. Our 246 year old experiment in democracy is hanging in the balance.

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Well said!!!!!

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Thanks Diane😊🌻

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