Love is creating jobs and opportunity in places where the majority of the population has been coerced into hating you. It totally blows up the narratives of the authoritarian. Love is kryptonite to fascists.❀️

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Fascist leaders are incapable of love since in nearly all cases, these people have been sociopaths/psychopaths. Those with this mental aberration cannot love. Their life is consumed with vices like anger, deception, dishonesty and hate. They spread this mindset to their followers using charisma and lies. Virtues like love are not in their vocabulary.

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We NEED this message of love and caring more than ever. Thank you so much, Ruth - or as my friends & I call you - RBG, reminding us of another warrior for justice

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πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸ„β€β™‚οΈπŸ„ I really got a lot out of this Lucid, thanks Professor. I think todays focus will be on reacquainting myself with Dr. King and his message =]

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Yes, the hate needs to go away!

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The indifference.

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We must try to bring those back from the abyss of apathy...it's a terrible way to life, so life-less.

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πŸ’™πŸ₯‚πŸ’• Thank you, Ruth, for sharing these recent historical examples of love in action to help motivate all.

β€œLove conquers all” has also been long said and shared , too, for a reason. Love over hate to overcome deceit, greed, corruption & evil is powerful & needed more than ever!

When we stand strong with love & empathy in our hearts for ourselves and each other, we can conquer any foes. All of us worldwide need to amplify, vote for & support those in our communities & governments who show & practice love through compassionate words & beneficial actions for people, society & our living planet! πŸŒŽπŸŒ»πŸ’πŸ«‚πŸ¬

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Very interesting article! It is clear that good people are motivated by love: just look at the response to Kamala Harris receiving the presidential nomination and all her rallies and interviews. She has gotten to people in a way no one else has been able to. Americans are clearly very hungry for love, hope and opportunity. It has also occurred to me that the reason "strongmen" (or wannabes) are so negative is that they are incapable of love, they have no clue what real love is. I would be willing to bet that all the strongmen have been transactional.

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Authoritarians surely fear love for its power to overcome any trial and its ability to reach beyond and weld people to an idea, freedom, and other people outside any political control or aggression.

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β€œThe absence of love brought many tragedies that might have been averted. Instead of the golden rain of love, a black cloak of indifference fell upon the people. And so people have lostΒ the eyes of loveΒ and can no longer see clearly…Here are the origins of the disintegration of all values and the destruction and sterilization of conscience: It is a long chain that is anchored at the devil’s feet”

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Anyone in power with no conscience, attempts to normalize this in his followers. This has created hellscapes throughout modern history.

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Agree, terminology of 'sterilization of conscience' and long chain.

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As always you shine a light exactly where we need it. I attended your Tanner lecture at the University of Utah yesterday, and enjoyed it very much .At the moment co-teaching a 6 week class on democracy and the 2024 election through the University of Utah's Osher Lifelong Learning program. Your book comes up often. I doubt this is the correct forum to ask you a question, but here goes. The toxic masculinity that autocrats use to gain and retain power is presented by Trump and those who went before him in such a way that it invites young men in and at the same time makes them feel that they are less/unworthy if they don't have it is one of the most potent weapons T and the MAGAs have. It seems that Kamala and Tim are trying to counter this with another model of what it means to be a man. Do you know how successful such alternative measures have been in the past? How do you see the arc being best deployed against autocracy? The Democrats have a number of people who fall into this category: Pete Buttigege, Sherrod Brown, Andy Beshear, Jon Ossof, Hakeem Jeffries, Jamie Raskin, Barak Obama, and, though he looks as if he could play defense for Ohio State, Tim Ryan--I'll stop here--all exemplify this. I would have asked my question yesterday had been a decent amount of time for the Q&A session.

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Patricia, I agree with you regarding the toxic masculinity of domination as manifested by Trump and followers, in contrast to the partnership model of relationship embodied by Kamala and Tim. It's clear which model amplifies happiness, joy, and generativity and which model magnifies hatred, arrogance, and destruction. I love your examples of the "partnership men" who bring warmth and masculine tenderness into our clan along with the strength of their convictions regarding these values. I so appreciate the families who raised those boys to become these men. What a wonderful example they set for boys and young men today.

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I only wish I could have named all those in public service, and those in my life from birth to now, a short 78 years later. I hope everyone sees that we need men and women who care for everyone and for the country to win by a landslide in November.

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Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter come to mind. also as a partnership couple ... what a time, in hospice for over a year, former President Carter wanting to make it to 100 y.o. to vote for Kamala, per his grandson. The arc of time ~ marches on, with love as its prize.

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And in the personal realm, look at the loving relationships that this type of masculinity tends to inspire from their partners ~ it's visual and palatable. A win-win.

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Yes -- This! Such a lovely piece. I am reading Timothy Snyders "On Freedom" and this idea of love as an antidote to what ails our politics/civics serves very well as a canvas on which Snyder's ideas are written. So much to learn, so much to do. Thanks!

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As a psychotherapist, I have come to understand that the actions of love are what heals us… and emotional neglect is often even more damaging than active abuse, which is my theory on how we have the current GOP nominee….

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Also, the popluar acceptance of tRump has a lot to do with his followers not recognizing his mental aberrations (ASPD, NPD and Machiavellianism). They don't accept that he uses fascist politics either.

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Russ, I agree completely that Trump is the most extreme example the U.S. has seen recently of a traumatically neglected baby who also had to adapt to a self-absorbed, denigrating father. He adopted the only personality style his father approved of..defensive grandiosity, no compassion, and the use of others for self-aggrandizement. His father nurtured those qualities in his second son, deriding displays of empathy and the longing for human connection. Trump longs for the approval of the most callous, emotionally brutal dictators on the planet, just as he longed for his father's attention as a boy. :(

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Could not love this more. Thank you.

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After reading your article in the LA Times a couple days ago, I harked back to the 60’s, when as a young, just married, Optometrist, I considered myself a β€œplain-clothes hippie”. It was peace and love everywhere, and it really was a joyous time with great music, that still resonates today. And your beautiful article, which should be read by everyone, hit all the high notes that reflected what Kamala represents today. Thank you!

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I remember the GOP at the time, and they hated the hippie movment. They still do today.

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The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Steve, not only did the GOP and the military-industrial complex hate Hippies, but the threat they posed to millionaire-supremacy motivated Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell tp recommend to Republican insiders that they bankroll a concerted effort to infuse right-wing attitudes into business, education, economics, political science, and sociology. That brought us Reagan in the 1980's, huge reduction in taxes for the morbidly rich, the beginning of Rupert Murdoch's hate radio empire, the Kochtapus arms reaching everywhere, etc. etc. all the way to Trump. But let's hear it for the Boomers..."Talkin' 'bout my generation!" :)

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Yeah, the Powell memo was a joke and seemed to be a rejection of the New Deal and the beginning of our current corporatocracy and its toxic deindustrialization. The hippie movement was mostly a rejection of the newly minted domestic authoritarianism and foreign imperialism seen in the Vietnam aggression. Dick Nixon was incredibly dirty it turns out, and once people found out about the Tonkin Gulf scam, our leadership lost a huge amount of credibility among the "left". The "right" was believing everything their clan was dishing out. They still do! Speaking of The Who, I saw them at Anaheim Stadium.

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lack of control for them, scares them silly.

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Love, love, hoping and trying to tune in with listening and care.

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I'm so glad you are highlighting this vision. I spent the early part of the summer reading about beloved community and Otpor when I began to realize that no matter what the result of this election, we will need a resolute pro-democracy movement in the US. The non-violent goal of beloved community is humane and liberating. It is quintessentially anti-authoritarian. You are right to pick up Cory Booker's baton and bring this forward. Thank you!!

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I'm trying, I'm trying . . . but all my life "love" has been a shifty word. It can be no more than an emphatic of "like" ("I love ice cream" or "I love my job"). But "make love" means "have sex." "I love you" has often been used by men to manipulate women into having sex and/or taking care of them. And then there are the religious devotees of various persuasions who tell me they "love" me even they never laid eyes on me before. At the same time, I can still sing a verse or two of Jackie DeShannon's "What the World Needs Now Is Love, Sweet Love" even though it was released when I was a teenager and I've only heard it a few times since. But still -- "love" is a shifty word.

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