Wow! Thanks Ruth!

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Looking forward to it!

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Welcome home Ruth. Hoping you’re doing well .... thankful for Lucid this week.

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Barbara McQuade is entirely straight forward, thorough and worth listening to-always! I look forward to the conversation.

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Barb is great, thank you.

Looking forward to Terrell in Aug.

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Perhaps Barbara has some insights on relationship of SCOTUS with public sentiment and political opposition to its prevailing corporate-supporting conservative agenda? Are we seeing in the recent, unexpected, pro-democracy, Alabama and Harper decisions an echo of the 1937 SCOTUS course correction to cease overturning New Deal legislation, after FDR’s proposed SCOTUS changes, and FDR’s overwhelming 1936 election victory? SCOTUS justices would never admit that public sentiment and political pressure from the left, influence their decisions .... but .... what’s happening here?

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Randolph, thanks for that great historical comparison ... I wonder too. Also is there anything more we on the outskirts of this can do? Or say? Or protest to support further pro- democracy moves?

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Thank you!

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Wow!! Looking forward to this powerful morning chat! Thanks, Ruth! 😁👍🏻

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Very excited to have Barbara McQuade on Lucid! My husband and I were just commenting on her Monday evening, she is very sharp and has a world of knowledge. And she doesn't mince words. Can't wait!!

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Agree, she's concise, humorous quips when needed and razor sharp intellicult with a nod of compassion and empathy. She, Joyce Vance and Ari Melber have saved many of us our sanity.

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For sure, Jan. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that I had a commitment that same time that I could not cancel. I urged my husband to watch and he took copious notes for me.

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Plus two is always better-than-one!*

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Barbara McQuade is a great choice!

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Another great guest for Lucid! Thank you Ruth. Look forward to Terrell again in August.

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I was trying to find the email to get on the Friday program and I could not find it.

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Never mind! Wrong day!

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