Somehow I don't care for being lectured about authoritarianism from someone on the side of the Biden Admin, the unelected bureaucratic deep state, the military and the Intelligent Community.

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It is my hope that as the injuries sustained from the "vaccine" mandated by prominent members of the Democratic party become more commonplace, the discussion about it becomes highly racialized, moralized, and directed at people like the author.

No Justice, No Peace.

Tucker's problem is not that he is authoritarian. It's that he's too kind. Your civil liberties and material wellbeing should be treated with the same level of disregard as those who pay your salary.

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This "professor" is so full of shit her eyes are brown. Using the word 'authoritarian' that liberally is lazy. It's like saying conservatives are everything i don't like. Want smaller government and less debt is NOT authoritarian.

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mbaer typifies the disaster that has befallen what was the Republican party. The definition I like for authoritarianism is "lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others." Carlson is the poster child for right wing extremists. With him in the leadership role the alt-right just needs to nod their heads in approval. mbaer obviously does not understand or appreciate the progress of human history over the past 200,000 years or so. Government's purpose is to insure order and safety which requires an ever expanding government role. Governments aren't perfect as they attempt to do something for everyone. As to "want(ing)...less debt," unless both parties are willing to pay for their programs (Middle East wars, Bush and Trump tax cuts, Obama paying to save the world's economies, Trump and Biden's funds to fight the pandemic and help keep people solvent) our national debt will haunt us.

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Honestly, it’s hard to deny the ‘authoritarian’ tendencies of the MAGA crowd. Read her book. It’s worth the time…

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LIke I said bullshit! A little extra toilet paper wouldn't hurt

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Shhh, dear. The grownups are talking.

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It was an embarrassment to see a Senator grovel to a swine like Tucky Carlson. Pathetic.

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Thank you for this most illuminating essay Ruth. Carlson's "Popular Enlightenment as Propagandist in Chief is truly soul destroying to watch on a daily basis.

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A powerful piece by RBG indeed.

However, there is another piece of the puzzle. Trump’s Big Lie is now the engine of his political power, and therefore the central engine of the rising autocracy in America. Republican Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota repudiated the Big Lie on Sunday, saying that the 2020 presidential election “was fair, as fair as we’ve seen,” and, “we simply did not win the election, as Republicans.” On Tuesday, Rounds stated that “we can trust the election system.” Trump responded, “Is he crazy or just stupid?” and, “even though his election will not be coming up for 5 years, I will never endorse this jerk again.” Senator Rounds responded to Trump merely by saying he was “disappointed but not surprised.” Senator Romney posted Monday, “Mike Rounds speaks the truth, knowing that our Republic depends upon it.” Senator McConnell stated, “Senator Rounds told the truth about what happened in the 2020 election.” Other Senate Republicans defended Rounds (though less strongly). Neither Rounds, Romney, nor McConnell seems to be intimidated by either Trump or Carlson. (It’s hard to envision any tears coming from them if Trump goes to prison, unlikely as that is; in fact, a great many Republicans would be happy to be rid of Trump, even if they are too frightened to say so publicly.) Even if those of us who read Lucid may not be paying close attention to what Republicans are saying, other Republicans certainly are. They are not all the same.

This scenario conforms to Timothy Snyder‘s model that divides the Republican Party into “breakers“ and “gamers.” Carlson and Cruz are breakers: they want to break the democratic system. McConnell “only” wants to game it.

McConnell is undoubtedly looking forward to resuming his position as Senate Majority Leader in 2022, the role he lives for. His and other Senators’ motivation for opposing Trump’s Big Lie may be fear that Trumpism will prevent the Republicans from recapturing the Senate majority in 2022.

But McConnell may also be looking forward to resuming the Senate Majority Leadership in the coming weeks or even days. Joe Manchin seems to have come to the logical end of gaming Biden and the Democrats throughout 2021. For a year he decoyed them into focusing on economic policy instead of the political and constitutional situation. He spoke again and again as if an agreement with Biden on the BBB bill was within reach, only to pull back the bait at the last moment. Now he has declared that he is against even the paltry BBB deal he himself proposed last year. This is straight out of McConnell‘s playbook. In order to neuter Obama, McConnell opposed all legislation proposed by the Democrats, including legislation that the Republicans themselves had originally proposed. Manchin now has humiliated Biden, leaving the central legislative proposal of Biden’s first year in ruins, and has succeeded in making Biden look hopelessly inept. Biden has been reduced to pivoting to promoting election laws that almost certainly cannot pass, because Manchin will not vote against the filibuster; thus Biden’s speech in Georgia on election law was dismissed by other Democrats as being too little, too late. The next logical step for Manchin would be to make good on the implicit threat he has been blackmailing Democrats with all year, and to become a Republican. That would instantly make McConnell Senate Majority Leader again, and elevate him to national leadership on a level with Biden, who would then undoubtedly work on compromise legislation with him. This would leave Trump looking like a mere former leader in exile. Or this could happen at the beginning of 2023. (Consider the contrast between the lethally Machiavellian McConnell and the clownish House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy.)

However that may be, we are looking at a major public, institutional division at the highest levels of the Republican Party. McConnell clearly does not want to be Donald Trump‘s (or any other autocrat’s) cat’s paw. He wants to maintain democracy in order to be able to continue to game it. Wouldn’t it be ironic if McConnell, who has been called the potential gravedigger of American democracy, turned out to be its savior (in a manner of speaking)?

The plot may turn out to be thicker than we expect. Perhaps the Democrats will end up exploiting this fissure in the Republican leadership. In its election last year, the Czech Republic showed the world how to defeat rising autocracy: everyone who is still in his or her right mind must set aside policy differences and unite against the would-be autocrats. The enemy of your enemy is your friend; Liz Cheney is now best friends with Democrats (and her father has joined in). As is true in many families, we can start fighting with each other again after we have defeated our common enemy.

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Thank you for posting some possible scenarios. It will be interesting to witness what events take place in the near future, including the mid-term election and in 2024. There are a lot of moving parts and events can happen quickly. This has been the case with US politics, but this time around I fear the consequences could well reshape the country, and in IMHO not for the better.

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Tucker Carlson always strives to look and talk soooooo serious and concerned, frowning and scowling - the outward mask of a little man only interested in his paycheck generated by appealing to DJT's, Q Anon's, Republicans', and all the obsequious rest who will believe anything but the truth marching in unison down the ever increasing slippery slope leading to autocracy !!

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Jan I could not agree with you more re: using psycholigists. Good call! This is really a must. Please consider referring to Dr. Bandy Lee's work. Ruth and Dr. Lee have preaented in the past. I'm hopeful they will join in looking at future paths to address this national pathology.

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Gary, Thank you for the Dr Lee mention.

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Hi Jan, my apology for this tardy response. I don't believe the importance of impared psychological functioning can be over stated. Yes Dr. Lee and World Mental Health Coalition has especially taken the lead and gotten the most 'heat' and been ignored the most. Main stream media has droped this investigation like a live bomb. I suppose fears of legality play the main role. That has not stopped Dr. Lee and her long lonely struggle. These deserve much more than mention.

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I know the federal bureau of investigations etc and DOD has such expertise, however some similar chess pieces need to moved to more front- store operations.

They are playing a rough game of hockey, and pro- democracy is playing gentleman's (woman's) tennis matches.

Unlike skill sets being used...

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Kasumii I am grievously sorry to hear your story, sharing it is very relevant. I often wonder if inside the WH or Democratic Party organization if they employ psychologists to help anticipate ( as in a match of chess ) next-moves by the opposition.

That is what may be required, not just political advisors, but those with expertise in narcissism moves.

At the heart of every human being ( using the term broadly ) is the need for being liked and belonging. Unfortunately --- to our peril -- some have been able to satisfy these needs in the public domain.

How do we unplug them? Without defying our own democratic values. If they cross the line into criminalty, that is the only potential avenue. Or, if they are part & party to a network of wrongdoings already under investigation.

Prayers lifted for J6C and DOJ, and free media.

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I think it would be mindful of us to "share" button here once a day - to raise awareness.

So much icky stuff going on these days, covid, hospital capacities, schools, etc etc. Yet this issue is the BEDROCK of quality of life. We must expand our partnerships & base of knowledge with ordinary friends and neighbors.

I agree about the look of nervous fear in Ted's eyes. I wonder how Texans are feeling about him now.

Telling, how he tried to get closer to Carlson (whose eyes I don't like ...) by saying he (Ted) had quickly texted him after his initial comments.

Would be interesting to see the cell phone records of who may have contacted Ted immediately following his statements in the Senate.

Just wondering.

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Reading Kasumii's story reminds me of adult patients I've seen and their on going struggle to carve out a healthy life. These efforts typically occured about 10 - 20 years after seperation from family. Sometimes with sibling support. Often siblings never shook their shame. This situation is reflective of our country's inability to grow. Damage for a lifetime! Good for you Kasumii for sharing your story. You are not alone as you probably know. Others sharing their stories would be helpful. All of us reading this might find ways to reachout to others.

This forum is a wonderful opportunity for mutual. Knowledge. Thanks to Ruth and Luicd.

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After watching Tucker spank Cruz I thought it would be good maybe to watch a clip (also including Carlson) of Crossfire with guest Jon Stewart from 2004.

“You’re on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls. What is wrong with you?”


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I have zero sympathy for Ted Cruz, he gets what he has earned. With an education and experience like Cruz, one would think Carlson would be easy prey. Cruz was no match for Carlson. Tucker Carlson is a lot like Stephen Miller, without the good education. I remember him with Bob Novak on Crossfire. Although I had no use for either, Tucker was the worse of the two. Carlson/Miller would be a formidable team to watch out for. Intimidations and threats. Like the last Trump, the next one would love this team. If Biden keeps slipping, the way will be paved for the next “Strongman”, and we won’t like the results.

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I recently heard an interview with Biden, in which he totally botched the question. I was thinking to myself.... age related cognitive impairment? The Dems need to be ready to have a replacement for him in 2024, in case he degrades more.

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Yes, agreed. I’m not sure Harris can carry the ticket, or the election. I personally have not seen any cognitive impairment, however, I have some at 70. Natural aging process. Hard to separate Biden being his goofy self, vs impairment.

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Tucker Carlson reminds me increasingly of Joseph Goebbles, the Nazi Propaganda Minister . Like Goebbles, his code of values is never ever speak the truth. Suppress democratic concepts, undermine law and order, all done in an attempt to destroy and undermine common decency. A profound observation by the late Ingrid Bergman, " as we grow older, we get the 'face we deserve' ? Every time the face of Carlson appears it confirms this observation is a certain fact.!

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As to Cruz, his implosion was predictable 6 years ago. Once he showed his willingness to be subjected to humiliation in service of his ambition, his card was up. No amount of groveling can save him now...the base viewed weakness as mortal sin, and there is no atonement. I've maintained for some time that Trumpism is less cult than religion. The base transferred obeisance to religious dogma to obeisance to leaders who elevate their basest instincts with a patina of patriotism. Bannon is driven by fanaticism and greed, Trump is driven by corruption and greed, whatcdrives Carlson? He already has power over millions, power over life and death decisions of his viewers, thecability to shatter GOP political careers. He was born into and made great wealth. Albeit a narcissist and a sadist, he's neither an ideologue nor a fanatic. He's not driven by greed, he doesn't want to be president, so what's his end game?

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I think he does want to be President. But other than that, power, greed and ego feed themselves. Especially once you realize that you can compel people to actually kill themselves for what you tell them. Plus, to distill it down - some people are horrible just because they can be, because they’re never held accountable and that feeds itself too. Based on the life I have had I believe some people - too many really - are self-serving assholes full of bastard filling and their answers for their actions are always - excuse my language - “because I can” and “fuck you, that’s why”.

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Belligerence, sadism and narcissism are all common in fascists. Carlson seems to be a believer in postmodernism which can lead to post-truth. Both of these form part of the foundation for fascism. Carlson is a purveyor of unreality, the ultimate mind fu*k.

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One of my parents was a violent sociopath. One of their favorite activities (aka physical abuse & mindfucks/gaslighting) was to beat me & my siblings nearly senseless & then drag us in front of a mirror, force you to look at your bloody, bruise covered face while they insisted “I didn’t touch you. You did this to yourself. Look how sick you are that you would do this to yourself”. On occasion they would then insist we say that out loud - that we did all that to ourselves. (If you refused another beating followed.)

Fascists do the same. Blame their victims and the society they control for the damage that they gleefully and greedily cause. The thing is, if they do it often enough and with accompanying coercion you can convince people that the crimes committed upon them are of their own doing and entirely their fault. All it takes is time and repetition. If Republicans take over, we will all be put through this approach in a variety of ways.

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Powerful story about your violent parent, Kasumii. Probably an even more powerful story, how you rose from that abuse and how you broke the chain of transmission of that darkness, that your parent was unable to do. Seems really important to know that, that Darkness, whether expressed by parents, or autocratic leaders (as Ruth describes in STRONGMEN) is REALLY dark

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Thank you Randolph. All the ugliness, hate and fear of my childhood was difficult to live in. I never wanted any part of that and got out as soon as I could at 18. It took decades to learn about the depth of the traumas inflicted and I will always live with the damage but I did get out.

That’s why I talk about it - to show exactly how dark and ugly it will be under a government run by a fascist (or thug, bully, narcissist, sociopath). The parent I mentioned also used death threats to control and keep us in fear. Never knowing if they really would “smother you in your sleep” or “oopsie, accidentally bump you into traffic” was quite the control mechanism. Fascists will use the same kind of fear - fear of being censored, arrested, tortured, killed - to control and to stay in control. We have to be made aware of what we are potentially facing.

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Kasumii, the story of your childhood is tragic and unimaginable and I'm deeply sorry for what you and your siblings suffered. I can't begin to imagine the daily fear. It takes strength to seek help and to share your story. It is heartening that you have been able to do both and I thank you for your comments in this post. Surely, we are on a very slippery slope with the threats to our democracy. Having SCOTUS turn over documents to the Jan. 6th committee is heartening. I hope we don't run out of time to prosecute those who are responsible.

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So sorry you had to go through that growing up.

Most fascist leaders have been sociopaths, so that explains a lot about fascism. A high percentage of our prison population are sociopaths. They actually belong in mental institutions, where they can't do damage to society. Of course Trump is a sociopath as well.... a real red flag!

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Appreciate your reply Steve.

What worries me is the human propensity for ignoring the obvious and for downplaying the obvious because facing the threat and the stark ugliness is so scary and would require action they also don’t want to face or don’t think they are capable of.

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The false prophet (politician) never raises up the masses. The masses raise up the strongman, or woman, due to their own fears. There is no shortage of false messiahs. As has been rightly mentioned, the prisons are full of them. I agree. It is the propensity of humans to avoid personal accountability. One final thought: The physical damage from sociopaths heal, yet the scars of PTSD never go away. The individual has been permanently altered.

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It’s Gangsters of Capitalism by Jonathan Katz

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To my mind Donald Trump and all his supporters are guilty of Treason. The evidence is uncontroversial . To commit Treason and deliberately attempt to destroy Democracy requires very severe punishment. Law and Order is the bedrock of any civil decent and law abiding Country. A promise made by the late Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the very first President of the Turkish Republic and also it's very first Field Marshall, when he had evidence that an individual was attempting to defy the best interests of the population "Such a man deserves to be hung ". . So now America, reflect by comparison. Ataturk was a very clear thinking and strong man. Turning to America who can compare with him at the present time. ?

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Ivan: I agree with your concerns. I think the Committee’s focus on the laws surrounding preventing Congress from certifying the electoral votes, and Trump’s role in that will work.🤞🏻

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That is the question. The problem with treason is: the guilty have to be aiding an enemy of the US in time of war. I wish that last piece wasn’t there, otherwise I’d agree. We need people to take this situation seriously.

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My thanks for your post Tom Quigley. I have now moved on to the words Insurrection and Sedition, prompted by your contribution. How virtually beyond belief with so many laws in The land of the free.? Yet, apparently Donald Trump, after all the compelling evidence of video and word, may well run for the office of President again, aided and abetted by undoubted charlatans.? an immediate S.O.S. unless it is too late .?

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