Thanks for this perspective, we'll see him on the cross, I'm sure! It would be funny if it weren't so dangerous.
I know there are people who need to idealize someone in order to feel safe in the world. We all have relative degrees of this idealizing need leftover from childhood. But I hope there are SOME previous Trump voters …
Thanks for this perspective, we'll see him on the cross, I'm sure! It would be funny if it weren't so dangerous.
I know there are people who need to idealize someone in order to feel safe in the world. We all have relative degrees of this idealizing need leftover from childhood. But I hope there are SOME previous Trump voters who will see that he has NO CONSCIENCE. A person with no conscience can "use and discard" people because he suffers no self-doubt, no regret, and no guilt about what he does and what he asks others to do for him. Suggesting that physically sick Iowans travel in below zero weather in order to caucus for him is a manifestation of this sociopathic trait. One doesn't need to be a psychiatrist to be trained to recognize that a person with no conscience has no morals or values guiding and limiting his behavior. A person with no internal limits will ultimately break all the rules until he's stopped by a society that sets the limit for him. Germans made a terrible mistake for the world and for themselves, when they set no limits on Hitler.
Thanks for this perspective, we'll see him on the cross, I'm sure! It would be funny if it weren't so dangerous.
I know there are people who need to idealize someone in order to feel safe in the world. We all have relative degrees of this idealizing need leftover from childhood. But I hope there are SOME previous Trump voters who will see that he has NO CONSCIENCE. A person with no conscience can "use and discard" people because he suffers no self-doubt, no regret, and no guilt about what he does and what he asks others to do for him. Suggesting that physically sick Iowans travel in below zero weather in order to caucus for him is a manifestation of this sociopathic trait. One doesn't need to be a psychiatrist to be trained to recognize that a person with no conscience has no morals or values guiding and limiting his behavior. A person with no internal limits will ultimately break all the rules until he's stopped by a society that sets the limit for him. Germans made a terrible mistake for the world and for themselves, when they set no limits on Hitler.