And none of the Trump family will find their fate along with the Romanovs.

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And that's too bad.

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Beautifully written as always, Ruth

Thank you for being with us throughout as we continue to work to save our democracy

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I second this sentiment!

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To paraphrase Churchill, this is the end of the beginning. Perhaps. There are multiple Trump wannabes drinking the Kool-Aid. Let’s celebrate tonight and recognize the hard work continues tomorrow.

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This is a great day for the country. Months ago, I asked here at Lucid: How will the Secret Service protect Trump in jail? It was wishful thinking then. May they have that problem soon.

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I feel that Secret Service protection ought NOT to be provided to insurrectionists &/or traitors to our U.S. Constitution. Just a thought.

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Put him in general population. We can start a betting line on how long he lasts. (Whitey Bulger)

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I had also asked that. I assumed he would be put in solitary for his protection, which would be a huge punishment. I think he would mentally deteriorate much more rapidly. Prof. Joyce Vance says that he is unlikely to get jail time because it is his first conviction and also what he is convicted of, while it could earn him jail time likely will not because it is small potatoes in the scheme of felonies. What it will do is make him unable to leave the state during a period of time. I guess another discussion is that he cannot get a liquor license, so he will not be able to have bars in any of his properties. I think we will hear more restrictions of the life of a felon moving forward. We have almost a month and a half to wait for the sentence.

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Michael Cohen was a first offender and he received a prison sentence.

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Thank you.

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Great article. This is the stand-out comment for me:

"This trial could never have happened in the countries Trump admires. No one can hold Xi, Putin, Orban, Erdogan, Lukashenko, or any other of these vile strongmen accountable. This is why we invest in democracy and work to uphold it when it is being attacked."

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Ruth, I think of your comment, “Don’t underestimate the American people.” A jury of a cross section of ordinary Americans held Trump accountable.

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Truly appreciate what you do. Thank you!

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Ruth thank you! In my opinion you said what most of us -if not all of us- feel about the Trump verdict! I am proud to be a Lucidter(?sp) because I believe you speak the truth to corruption and moral decay. I love your “go for it” approach with intelligence and passion. No fear in the Ben Ghiat name only - truth, justice

and compassion for others!!!!

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Lucidite?(Nah, sounds like a cleaning product.😆)

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Hahaha!!!! It was Lucidter-

but I loved your comment on Lucidite( a rare gem found in the halls of nyu!). We all need a bit of humor these days🙄

Thanks Charles, liz

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I've got a new MAGA slogan. Make America Great Again! Put a Felon in the White House!

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"Can freedom become a burden, too heavy for man to bear, something he tries to escape from?..Is there not also, perhaps, besides an innate desire for freedom, an instinctive wish for submission?" - Erich Fromm

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So appreciate your point of view. Bit of a problem though. I ordered the book and the shipping was almost as much as the book. Bit of a surprise but I appreciate it nonetheless.

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Wonder if the gag order is still in effect. I may be necessary now.

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Trump and his sycophants will only get worse in their condemnation of the trial and results. Violence and threats will likely occur. His potential loss in November will stimulate even more! We must prepare for this!

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It's like swatting a beehive in a tree. Now they're really angry and out for blood. They're still living in tRump's sociopathic truth.

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I just had to tune into Fox News after the verdict was rendered. The wailing against the trial, judge, jury, the prosecutor….. exploded! I got nauseous soon and tuned out! The battle is on!

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Anthony…me too! I tune into Fox when there is an issue at hand. I can stomach about 5 mins of it before I shut it off. I do so also bc many, many ppl where I live just adore Fox News and regurgitate the pundits comments ad nauseum! I have to walk away from them when they go on and on extolling his -DJT- “praises”. Disgusting but dangerous!

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Let me ask you a question. Why doesn’t Trump have to pay for airtime (like today’s “press conference”). He’s campaigning!

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Anthony, so true. He’s (DJT)- convicted now bc he refused to pay for services to him and got a lot of negative publicity for it. Like Ruth says all publicity- negative or positive- kept him in people’s consciousness. And that’s the goal of propaganda. Like you say it’s campaigning for free. MSNBC- the network I love- was on air about Trump’s conviction from 330pm( CT) until after I went to bed at midnight. The MAGA channels: tv social media and talk radio also did and are doing the same as I write this. Of course- free free free!!! Thanks, liz

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Campaigning & telling multiple lies!

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What I find so utterly stunning is the degee at which Fox and MAGA folks are removed from reality. But this is what happens in fascism. They abandon the prior truth and existing institutions for a new truth, brought to them by a madman.

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Bring it!!💪💪😡

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How do we prepare?

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I have so much respect for the jury that listened and took their job very seriously. They really paid attention. So impressive.

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I may start taking orders for the following T-shirt:

I ❤️ NY


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I'd be happy to order a T-shirt.

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