Magnificent interview. Perfect updates too. Many, many thank yous and to Hugo as well.

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I wish I had Hugo Lowell’s optimism.

I do not. Corruption and greed reign supreme in America. That fact coupled with a useless AG and DOJ means trump and his entire brazenly corrupt and treasonous administration will never be held properly legally accountable. In fact, it is highly likely that trump - or the smarter, even more hateful version of him in desantis- will turn what’s left of our pseudo democracy/really an oligarchy into an authoritarian state that dispenses cruelty, violence and eventually, widespread state sanctioned death to all those not deemed worthy of inclusion in their cabal.

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Garland's delay(s) on Trump and his ruffians remain inexplicable, moreso in that he IS moving on Russian sanctions. The cautiouslly-building rationale does not fly in this day and age, particulary when fifteen months have passed. If a BLM group OR progressives had committed these crimes, the indictments, verdicts, and sentences would have been swift.

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I'm a patient person, but I really expected something of substance to happen to.tRump and his gang before now. I guess there is something deep and ugly the committee hasn't got by the throat yet. I hope they spring something loose just before the election that helps clean out all the bought and paid for so-called politicians.

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There is a roadmap for this, it's the Obama administration's failure to hold accountable those responsible for the financial collapse and then lose in the mid-terms. Far easier to be the minority party than the ruling party, no one expects you to get anything done but you can still rake in bribes and do favors for your friends.

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Just now, Garland steps in front of the cameras to announce more sanctions on Russians. This war happened long after Trump's crimes. If a judge who looked at the evidence finds the probability of crimes, what's taking Garland so long, we all want to know.

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If no one in Trump's motley crew of traitors and conspirators or Trump himself is ever indicted for illegal and unlawful behavior ie. conspiracy to violate the electoral count act or seditious conspiracy (coup attempt) for example then we truly have entered into a new era of full blown authoritarian lawlessness.

Merrick Garland so far has not inspired confidence that Trump's crimes will be prosecuted or that it will be done in a timely manner. Perhaps Garland may be too deliberative and cautious out of concern any prosecution or indictment he might bring will be being trashed by Trump and the GOP as a political witch hunt. It also doesn't help that he sounds like Droopy Dog when he talks and has all the ferocity of Don Knots.

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"The pace of justice is very, very slow. Maybe necessarily, so, because we are going through due process and we're going through machinations that maybe we did not have during the Trump administration." Machinations we won't go through if the R's return to power too.


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