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Mar 28, 2023Edited
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An interesting assessment. With regard to Trump's demise, while it is true that he would become something of a martyr for a portion of his "base," I'm not sure how broad that would be, or how long it would last. Historically, even "dear leaders" are pretty quickly forgotten once they go.

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Mar 28, 2023
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Yes, fascism always promotes vices like scapegoating, anger, hate, vengeance and violence. Democracies promote virtues.

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Those mis-led sheep if they have guns might be more like Orcs if there is somebody organizing them.

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This expands my level of fear and concern for our country. The unconditional support from his minions (cult) is of utmost concern! Americans had better stand strong against this form of fascism before it’s too late! We can’t go hide!

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Timothy Snyder, who I have followed since 2016 also predicted this behavior.

It’s very frustrating for me to see it and not feel I can discuss it with my brothers. I seem unable to get family members to have any reaction at all. Anything I would forward to them is always met with...silence. I have no idea what they think.

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Confirmation bias affects us all but especially those whom have embraced the emotion-based thinking known as post-truth. This could be the situation with your brothers.

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Not quite sure what you mean.

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Confirmation bias is the tendency to believe something is true, that we WANT to believe to be true. Post-truth is when emotions supersede facts as a basis for thinking, especially in politics. Both of these are rampant right now in the MAGA world.

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I don’t think they are MAGA because they did not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020, even though they were both Republicans. I often wonder if they just can’t take the truth that they may have to constantly push back and constantly make the effort to support democratic institutions and candidates who support democracy. It takes effort and there is no end in sight. We are on a razor’s edge in the US for sure. I go back from time to time to re-read Snyder’s On Tyranny. It is a good guide.

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Yes, I’m experiencing the same thing, family members are mostly in a collective stupor about this emerging fascist state, the others are hardcore right wing nuts.....it must be confronted.......

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Most of my in-laws are shooting it up like heroin.

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Great work... perceptive and frightening. Already sending it out to dozens of other folks. ~ Paul

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Brilliant article Ruth, and terrifying , it’s hard to comprehend how millions of Americans have fallen into his spell !

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Mar 28, 2023
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I understand what you’re saying, but it’s still hard to comprehend , just like it’s hard to understand that poor people will back candidates that will do nothing for them…..speaks to the poor quality of our educational system

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Very well said thank you for saying it!

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Actually, I do not think that Trump is as smart as all that. He has authoritarian tendencies, but he is a functional moron in other regards: he is famous for not reading, and not knowing very much about history at all. And although he does have a knack for theatrics and for identifying grievance culture, etc., most of his tactics now are from those with whom he surrounded himself, like Bannon, Miller and others who ARE smart, and DO know history, and were able to "teach" Trump more of the "authoritarian playbook" than he knew.

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Mar 29, 2023
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I think he is more Mussolini than Hitler (though Hitler did pattern HIS trajectory partly on what he learned from Mussolini). But yes, Trump's malignant narcissism does make him a sociopath. Combined with arrested development and the active lack of morality he was brought up with vis-a-vis his father (and later, Roy Cohn), he will not only do whatever it takes to get what he wants, but he will continue to believe that he is (legally) untouchable. Still, his own education and intelligence is far weaker than most. And again, I'm not sure it's HIS knowledge of history that informs his "pattern," but rather the knowledge of those he surrounds himself with, who know that history, including how it will benefit THEM. :-(

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Mar 29, 2023Edited
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Excellent assessment!

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This has been the central question/thought in my mind too. I wonder too if Trump is a useful surrogate for fascists because of what you have noted about his seeming personality disorder(s) and the ease with which one can appeal to his vanity. I recall the account of him saying Nick Fuentes gets him over Thanksgiving dinner. This just reminded me of reading "For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence" (Alice Miller, 1980) in the mid-80s. It has not been uncommon to hear Trump ask rally-goers if they love him, if they still love him or if he is their favourite president. Mary Trump's accounts of a childhood absent parental love and friendships combined with a narcisstic father unable to emotionally provide for his ailing wife or children are not dissimilar to the love-lacked childhood of Hitler with his aunt and terror of his uncle, manifest in the smoking pipe on the mantle. The sins of the father are all-too-evident in Don Jr. who, despite his horrific politics, fills me with an empathetic sadness for a shattered son just wanting nontransactional, genuine love from his father.

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Mar 30, 2023
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I wonder similarly. Do you think one factors of the Trumps' obsession with Hunter Biden may include the unconditional love and empathy he receives from his father?

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What Trump has, I believe, is a very advanced reptilian brain, by which I mean that his survival and power grasping instincts are strong.

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A huge part of it is the ritual; it's the language of the myth. It speaks from a primal level that doesn't always touch the rational.

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Before he became elected, I always felt he was a “Hitler wannabe”; people thought my ideas about T. was silly. Unfortunately, my worst fears have become true, he is another Hitler.

How many in his former administration are compromised? Is there anyone in the GOP not tied/or afraid of T? Are they defending him due to their own role in the coup attempt?

Where is Merrick Garland? DOJ? Is the SCOTUS guilty, too?

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In 2015 I suspected T of being a sociopath. A year or two later, psychologists/psychiatrists were confirming this. Since fascism is led, in most cases by sociopaths/psychopaths, T had the personality disorder necessary to be just like Hitler and Mussolini.

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Trump’s fascist disposition is embedded in his soul! We must recognize he’s not going to change! Our task is to rally people who reject his objectives!

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There is really no cure for sociopaths/psychopaths, so I agree, Trump will not change. Fascism was created by a sociopath, so it makes sense that Trump embraces it.

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There is strength in numbers. For example, Moms Demand Action is a great group to join or support if you are concerned about guns. They support gun control candidates and legislation.

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Ruth, I just wanted to say I am a new subscriber after watching you on Rachel Maddow’s show last night. I am looking forward to reading your work, and achieving a greater understanding of our country as it attempts to stave off authoritarianism. Thank you so much! I’m glad to be here!

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Thanks for the blueprints; even if we go no deeper into details, that's all we need to know.

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Trump theme song:

I'm a grifter and I want your money

but in exchange

I will teach your children how to hate

I will teach them to discriminate

I will teach that white rule is our fate

If we act now and don't be late

So put your money in my plate

For a bigot needs a mate

So put your money in my plate

Don't wait until it's too late

for you see

I'm a grifter and I want your money.

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trump doesn't know the pledge of allegiance. He had to read it. Melania taught him to put his hand over his heart.

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Ruth, this is a very well-written and comprehensive development of the Nazi party movement in Nuremburg with some contrasts to the Trump rally in Waco....including the 'Horst Wessel Song' v. 'Justice for All.' Although the J6 choir and political prisoners references was totally funky to say the least! But thank you so much for these unforgettable contrasting image references!

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The parallels with Hitler and Nuremburg are chilling. I also see a lot in common with Mussolini, a murderous clown, who was able to gain power through violence and persuasion.

This is really getting scary.

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Trump's apocalyptic rhetoric and calls for death, destruction and retribution remind me too of the Futurist movement in art in Italy, particular the works of its founder, Filippo Tomaso Marinetti, which helped lay the cultural foundations for the ascent of Italian fascism and Mussolini. In his "Manifesto of Futurism," for instance, he wrote in points 6, 7, 9 and 10, respectively:

"The poet must consume himself with ardor, splendor, and generosity, to swell the enthusiastic fervor of primordial elements."

"Except in struggle, there is no more beauty. No work without an aggressive character can be a masterpiece. Poetry must be conceived as a violent attack on unknown forces, to reduce and prostrate them before man."

"We will glorify war—the only way of cleansing the world—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of those bearing freedom, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and the contempt of woman.'

"We will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of all kind; will fight against moralism, feminism, and all opportunistic or utilitarian cowardice."

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Whomever is elected King, or Queen in 2024, CBP and DHS will be the place to watch. They are most likely to rise as a national police force. We must have the leader, crisis and organization for a rapid police force, in place. Netanyahu is seeing what happens when you don’t. After the latest shooting, the hatred aimed toward the LGBTQ community will rise exponentially. Franklin Graham was already stirring the pot on Twitter last night. Perfect scapegoats. Thanks for your work Ruth. Kitchen is heating up.

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I just saw an interview with several attendees at the Waco rally. It was a study in social psychology. The degree of nihilism/postmodernism was off the charts. The danger of this sort of thinking is that it easily leads to post-truth, the belief that emotion supersedes facts. There was a retreat from reality seen in the interviews, in addition to delusional thinking.

It has been said that fascism promotes fantasy in society to accomplish its mission, and given what I saw at Trump's rally, he has surely done just that.

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Those people scare me more than Trump.

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"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." (Voltaire)

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Excellent writing, Ruth. Thank you for speaking out. We all must do the same. We cannot ignore this behavior. Our future safety depends upon calling it what it is: an invitation to be violent.

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