A stark realism of what some are trying to do here. Their blueprint is clear especially with the policies being pushed on such a rapid pace in states. When people show you who they are believe them. The GOP has been planning this coup for longer than djt he was the culmination of all their divisive destructive policies.

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Exceptional post. The level of pain and grief we experience collectively and individually, from this life, is staggering. The Buddha reminds up that all pain and suffering is due to attachment. When we realize innocence lost, we want to hold on, we hurt. Babies are not born because they are comfortable. They go thru tremendous pressure and constraint. So it is with us. Adversity, lies and darkness that tears at our soul, propels us toward truth. You've had some exceptional answers on this post. Your guest opened a door. Thank you. You have quite a following.

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I wish TJ would have explained "what lies" they were told in the USSR.

I remember USSR propaganda about the US. What they said was all true! They told truths we denied ourselves. About slavery. About genocide against the native Americans. About racism. About inequality. Etc. Etc.

And, of course, no mention today of a war crime trial for George W. Bush, whose aggression against Iraq is the very definition of the superior war crime.

U.S. hypocrisy is showing up now, as we seek international war crime trials for Russia, when we overlook U.S. support for Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians, or U.S. support for Saudi war crimes in Yemen.

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Thank you Tinatin for your insights and thank you Ruth for this interview.

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The comments of Ms. Japaridze complement perfectly the insights of Peter Pomerantsev in his work on surreal Russia entitled "Nothing is True and Anything is Possible." It is a read I can recommend.

It is hard to imagine the existential trauma one would undergo to learn that everything one thought was true was suddenly shown to be false. Such a trauma would be, in my opinion, like losing one's mind.

How does one survive that?

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