Authoritarians always try to maintain a veneer of respectability so they don't spook elites. Trump's ability to do that may be waning as some investors in his new media venture pulled out. Last week, the "[Boaz] Weinstein's Saba Capital group pulled out after they learned their venture was investing in a Trump entity. Weinstein "I knew t…
Authoritarians always try to maintain a veneer of respectability so they don't spook elites. Trump's ability to do that may be waning as some investors in his new media venture pulled out. Last week, the "[Boaz] Weinstein's Saba Capital group pulled out after they learned their venture was investing in a Trump entity. Weinstein "I knew that for Saba the right thing was to sell our entire stake of unrestricted shares, which we have now done. Many investors are grappling with hard questions about how to incorporate their values into their work. For us, this was not a close call," he explained. Another investor who held a 10% stake sold out too. "The idea that I would help [Trump] build out a fake news business called Truth makes me want to throw up," they said.
But among the base in MAGA world, Trump remains a powerful charismatic figure. His followers are enthralled by him and his big lie that the election was stolen from him. Many have joined para military groups and are in survivalist mode -- locked and loaded to take their country back. Violence and the threat of violence has always been a key component of Trump's authoritarian appeal as it is for all strongmen and authoritarians.
The sense of victimhood among MAGA types is off the charts. As you know, victimhood is a major component of fascism. Victimhood leads to violence, which is why fascism is so dangerous.
Authoritarians always try to maintain a veneer of respectability so they don't spook elites. Trump's ability to do that may be waning as some investors in his new media venture pulled out. Last week, the "[Boaz] Weinstein's Saba Capital group pulled out after they learned their venture was investing in a Trump entity. Weinstein "I knew that for Saba the right thing was to sell our entire stake of unrestricted shares, which we have now done. Many investors are grappling with hard questions about how to incorporate their values into their work. For us, this was not a close call," he explained. Another investor who held a 10% stake sold out too. "The idea that I would help [Trump] build out a fake news business called Truth makes me want to throw up," they said.
But among the base in MAGA world, Trump remains a powerful charismatic figure. His followers are enthralled by him and his big lie that the election was stolen from him. Many have joined para military groups and are in survivalist mode -- locked and loaded to take their country back. Violence and the threat of violence has always been a key component of Trump's authoritarian appeal as it is for all strongmen and authoritarians.
The sense of victimhood among MAGA types is off the charts. As you know, victimhood is a major component of fascism. Victimhood leads to violence, which is why fascism is so dangerous.