I feel such concern for citizens in the country of Georgia. They are putting their lives on the line against Putin who is stomping on their will to join the EU.

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Is the Supreme Court ruling of July 1, 2024 something that could generate resistance among most Americans?


The Supreme Court case TRUMP v. UNITED STATES, changed the Constitution’s “separation of powers” and gave immunity to Presidents when they use their official powers to commit crimes.

A President can: (Excerpted from Justice Sotomayor’s dissent)

• “Order the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival.”

• “Organize a military coup to hold onto power.”

• “Take a bribe in exchange for a pardon.”

• Etc.

In the Supreme Court discussions, Justice Jackson basically asked:

• What is to prevent the Oval Office from becoming the seat of criminal activity in this country?

In her dissent, Justice Jackson points out that:

• “….this Court has effectively snatched from the Legislature the authority to bind the President (or not) to Congress’s mandates, and it has also thereby substantially augmented the power of both the Office of the Presidency and itself.”

This Supreme Court decision is a drastic departure from the Constitution and clears the way for Dictatorship. Trump, Kevin Roberts, Stephen Miller, Russ Vought, J.D. Vance and others are ready to install a Dictatorship now, which would outlast Trump for decades.

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Resist and persist! Thank you

Ruth for beginning to show us

the way. Happy Thanksgiving

to you and all here.

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I give thanks for your essay on resistance on this Thanksgiving. We have much to learn from past resistance. Do not obey in advance.

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Ruth Ben-Ghiat: The Gestapo selected Professor Richard Harder to do the philological analysis of the "Weisse Rose" (White Rose) writings.

Richard Harder had taught Greek to Hannah Arendt and was professor at the University of Munich.

Professor Harder's life project was the still-standard translation of the works of the neo-Platonist, Plotinus ("The Enneads" -- text with translation and commentary -- six volumes, Felix Meiner Verlag-

Professor Harder reviewed the pamphlets their literary references and learned writing, and determined they must come from the pen of a professor at the University of Munich.

This philological review soon led to the arrest and martyrdom of Professor Kurt Huber, Professor of Philosophy.

Against the Third Reich, Professor Huber had continued to advocate the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza.

Of course, this teaching was open resistance, because Spinoza was Jewish.

Itself a worthwhile story, since, like the Puritans, Spinoza found relative religious freedom in 17th century Amsterdam.

Huber is a common name in Bavaria: My beautiful Wife, Nancy (we have been together 53 years, married 51) is of the family Huber.

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Thank you for these comments, Armand

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Ruth Ben-Ghiat: The complicity of Professor Richard Harder with the Third Reich and the Gestapo at a time the best writers (Thomas Mann, Joseph Roth) and academes (Paul Tillich, Karl Popper) LEFT academic positions to emigrate from Germany.

Plotinus is a most sublime Philosopher, and Richard Harder had made Plotinus his life’s project, and he still became a convinced Nazi.

And I am very disappointed that the Philosophische Bibliothek of Felix Meiner Verlag didn’t postwar commission an uncompromising scholar to create a replacement for this standard, highly acknowledged work of Professor Harder.

It is important for me to understand Plotinus, and pains me every time I open the commentary.

Thank you for the work you do and share.

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Maybe there is hope. Thank you for informing me with this article.

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There are many ways to fight back. What inspires me is the memory of the multitudes that have given all in the past for freedom: The White Rose, the Maquis in France during the occupation as well as the resistance to the Nazis in other parts of Europe. Together we are a hammer for freedom. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in this community.

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Your article is awesome … telling us that virtually everyone can be a part of the resistance .. if they want to !!! I love it!

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Hopeful, Ruth. But aren’t all those holding signs in the photo women? Is this a global phenomenon - that young women are more active in resistance movements than young men? Video games are the opiate of male masses worldwide? Yikes….

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I am going to write a separate piece on women and resistance. Good observation.

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Thank you, Ruth. And I am so thankful for you, Ruth.

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Dear Dr. Ben-Ghiat. Has there ever been such a public uproar against an elected official prior to the official taking office? Lightly organized but coming from many layers of our society. Challenges to cabinet picks, immigration policies, and women's health appear to be the leading arms of protest. Trump voters are questioning their November 5 decision. Do not acquiesce. Resist. The school of public opinion is our best weapon. Power structures that are threatened by non-capitulation realize the American voter will turn against them. Struggle. Basta.

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Good question David!

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Acclaimed actor Joel Grey, who played the Emcee in the original Broadway production of "Cabaret" as well as in the movie version, has a guest essay on The New York Times website that's well worth reading in full. It is titled "I Starred in 'Cabaret.' We Need to Heed Its Warning."

Unfortunately for us this year, 49.9% of the popular vote, combined with an enormous amount of apathy (the roughly one-third of registered voters who chose not to do their civic duty in the presidential election), has allowed fascism inside the front door of a country that for 248 years had prevented rule by an unaccountable king or autocratic strongman. Mr. Grey ends his article this way:

"The democratic election of an authoritarian figure, the normalization of bigotry, the complicity of the frightened masses — none of these are new themes. We have indeed seen this show before, and I fear we do know how it ends. It’s understandable to want to retreat, to find solace where we can, but we cannot afford to look away.

"History is giving us another chance to confront the forces that 'Cabaret' warned us about. The question is: Will we listen this time, or will we keep laughing until the music stops?"

What remains to be seen in our own country is how many "Good Germans" there will be now.

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will read!

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Resistance may now be our only hope, particularly since the ball was dropped by a significant number not voting! Thanks for your insights, Ruth! Too, Happy Thanksgiving Day 🦃

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Thank you again, Ruth, for your insights and perspectives that are not only consistently valuable, but essential as we confront the grim reality that, in less than two months, will grip our formerly fascism-free nation. And happy Thanksgiving to you and members of the Lucid community who, despite the daunting odds, are committed to fighting the good fight for American democracy.

For decades, this reader has found inspiration in the words and deeds of the courageous Czech dissident playwright turned president Václav Havel. In his play "Largo Desolato," written in 1984, after his release following nearly four years as a political prisoner, he offered what remains to me a constructive way of thinking:

"The meaning of life is not something which one can summarize or verbalize one way and then hand over like a piece of information – it’s not an object, it’s more like an elusive spiritual state – and the more one needs it the more elusive it becomes."

Havel was much wiser than I could ever imagine being, so I choose to accept his outlook on life.

"Hope," Havel wrote, "is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously headed for early success, but, rather, an ability to work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed."

In the end, that’s all we really have left working in our favor, isn’t it? Hope.

And love.

Best wishes to all of you in this holiday season ... and beyond.

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Thank you Ruth. These lessons are valuable as we begin “our resistance” to what’s coming. The chaos of Trump’s second term began when he claimed not to know anything about Project 2025, but now it’s smoothly being ushered into his upcoming agenda (no surprise, of course). What’s concerning to me is Musk’s massive wealth, - and his ‘joke’ about possibly purchasing MSNBC…can you imagine? Look what he did to Twitter? As “money is the root of all evil”, aligning with the wealthiest man in the world makes Trump’s presidency exponentially more dangerous in my opinion. Also, as Trump clearly doesn’t trust the FBI, he’ll soon begin defining and arranging his own “army” of loyal soldiers. We have our work cut out for us. Thank you again.

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Then WE become soldiers!

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The White Rose’s broadsides were smuggled to England by Helmut von Moltke who, as a lawyer working on behalf of the Reich, was able to travel there. Von Moltke also convened resisters at his estate, Kreisau, where they met to plan for Germany’s future once Nazism was defeated. It was the revelation of these “ Kreisau Circle” meetings to the authorities that led to von Moltke’s arrest and execution.

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Yes I mention von Moltke in my book

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