Thank you, Steven, for your sincere response. I voted my conscience. I voted for Jill Stein. Hillary won by three million votes. My vote had no effect on how Arizona cast its electoral college vote. Before that, I supported Bernie. Let the democrats triumph in 2022.

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My look inside at RB's book dissecting the Clinton-Trump election did not discern in those few introductory pages a discussion of my reason for not voting for Clinton; namely, her support for the coup in Honduras. I was tired of Democratic support for American imperialism in Latin and South America. When she was Secretary of State, she supported the coup in Honduras that ousted a democratically elected president. I remembered the Iranian and Guatemalan coups and said enough. My vote against Hillary did not cost her the election, and, I know, what we got was worse.

I applaud RB's work to get Democrats to define Republicans for what they are, power-hungry, do-nothing obstructionists, who support guns that kill children, abortion that denies women freedom to choose, and laws crafted to deny some the right to vote.

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Just be careful HOW you fight back. The combination of damaged self-esteem and fear can wreak havoc on our *subconscious*. If we fight back without care then we will continue to increase the divide and perpetuate our current situation. If we carefully fight back (showing a better way without directly attacking their leaders and ideals) then there will be less "digging of heals" on the part of the Republican base, MAGA, etc. (by self-esteem, I mean "implicit" self-esteem which is more related to how you fit to society and are part of something bigger and enduring (this is related to our subconscious dealing with death anxiety and the social psychology area of Terror Management Theory). https://democracyrebooted.com/fear-despair-control/

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dems have to learn to fight. and at every opportunity disparage republicans and shine a light on who they truly are. call them out. expose them. brand them as the insurrection party, and being anti democratic. bring an AK15 to a gunfight for a change. and joe needs to tell everyone how much he has helped them out this year. a lot of people were saved by his policies. they need to appreciate that and vote.

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Great interview! Thanks. I think the grass roots Democrats get this more than our leaders. RB needs to meet with Congressional Democrats.

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Finally, someone who gets it. Thank you. What can I do to help?

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I've said for a long time, you can't come to a gunfight with a stick! The Dems have been playing by norms and rules, the Repugs go for the throat. We have needed better messaging for years. The troops on the ground need talking points, and not those developed at 30000 feet. Every community is different, and we will be fighting at every level of government. Their current playbook of going after soft targets like school boards, Sec. of states where they are elected, election officials etc. We must defeat them everywhere, no choice!

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You summed up how I have felt also succinctly;

Democracy won't die with a bang, and a lot of people might not even notice when it does. I can't feel good right now if I'm not actively doing everything I can do every single day to head off what I see coming.

Praying hoping fingers crossed speaking writing art traveled and anything else I could and can to warn of this threat culminated into the dangerous crescendo of the prior djt and associates or enablers. I seriously feel that this is one of the greatest threats our country has been threatened with and believe the fight for our democracy along with accountability legally and other should heed our unceasing vigilance. As with that tortoise (not mcturtle McConnell) like you we shall, can and will win this race.

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With the ascent of neoliberal capitalism that arose from the Reagan/Greenspan era, the Republicans have that concept as their legacy. It has been destructive in nature, pushing austerity on the working class while putting out a beneficial foundation for corporatocracy. The Democrat Party needs to distance itself from this concept but unfortunately only a few members have openly rejected the idea. The Green Party rejects economic neoliberalism but the party is so small as to not have influence. The stranglehold by corporate interests on our two major parties is toxic and affects messaging. K Street lobbying money needs to be rejected by both parties. Andrew Yang is starting a new political party. I am hopeful for its success and maybe he will be critical of the neoliberal order that is destroying the nation.

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Ms Bitecofer is on the mark. I've been following her for awhile and appreciate her clarity particularly in refusing to allow the GOP to shape the narrative. Democrats have overlooked this narrative strategy in the past believing that good works and good governance would seal the deal with the electorate. But that strategy has failed us and allowed the GOP to gain dominance in state and local races for which we're now paying the price.

I'm encouraged with the recall rout last night. Yes, California is a blue, blue state but Newsom and his strategists relied on the messaging of choice between reason and extremism, science and conspiracy theory. Elder was no doubt a gift but the truth is that Elder's full embrace of MAGA extremism is what Republicans are now; it's their whole schtick, something they can't abandon without a primary slaughter.

The Frankenstein monster has escaped and the GOP has lost control.

Make them own it!

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The fundaments of everything … MESSAGING. All day everyday. Like being a mom. 24/7 building.

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This is welcome news to learn that Democrats are seriously focusing on messaging. For far too long many of us Democrats have felt the party was failing to adequately respond to the Republican sound machine which to their credit reverberates throughout the cosmos, finding its way into the most intimate recesses of the human brain, where it is pounded into a permanent imprint.

Democrats are once again articulating what they stand for, an active government which stands up for its citizens to ensure a decent quality of life. While at the same time, "Strike Pac is . . . . defining Republicans as a party of extremists, a party that has destroyed America, the American middle-class, the American economy, the American infrastructure, America's standing in the world."

This is language that punches back. Finally.

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I've followed Ms. Bitecofer for a while, and so appreciate her clarity. 4 thoughts: 1) Newsom won more decisively than expected, in no small part to his frontal asault on the dangers of Trumpism. Will other Democratic races adopt this strategy, which has the benefit of the truth?, 2) Why isn't the business community more alarmed about the acceleration of fascism and anarchy? Businesses in fascist regimes pay a heavy price, often literally in the way of extortion by the dictator. If the system collapses, exactly who do they think will protect them? 3) The never-Trumper GOPers have played a small but crucial role in swing states. Why hasn't Democratic leadership raised their visibility? 4) The GOP has abandoned their uncontested grip on 'values messaging'. Why hasn't Democratic leadership picked up the mantle of being the values-based party?

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