Putin has always used the "Maskirovka strategy" (dissemination of disinformation to his enemies and "friends" like Trump who has learned to use it very well on his own people.) Trump confirmed this weekend on CPAC that he'll run again in 2024, so if democracy is to survive, we need to find ways to disable Trump and DeSantis. I'd be interested in sharing some workable solutions to stop these two autocrats. Supporting Charlie Crist, Rebekah Jones and Ms Zimmerman in Miami. The latter two are fighting to take over Matt Gaetz' seat in November. But is this enough? Who's got some ideas to share?

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It’s like the Streisand effect on steroids …

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Putin took on a comic who, hopefully gets the last laugh.

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Brilliant; Putin's over-reach and the subsequence emergence of a newfound freedom fighter, Zelensky has both reinvigorated NATO and energized all of us who truly believe in democracy!

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Thank you, Ruth. Watching MSNBC now. I echo the comments below.

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As a friend wrote me today: #Ukraine Strong! Prayer for 🇺🇦

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Ruth...on so many levels I find myself so filled with emotion; dread, hope, pain, ache....I know I speak for so many. Since the election of Biden, I did not expect to be back on the continuum of dread, anger, sleepless nights, worry. You (not alone) and LUCID have centered me. Fridays are perfect. The weekend comes and...now Ukraine. I completely and totally blame TFG for everything that is happening. Of course, he didn't start it...we have so many scabs with bandaids ripped off in our own American history. But, he was the torch (tiki torch) that lit the spark. He f'd with Ukraine and Zelensky, he loved on Putin and Kim JU, Orban and Bolsanaro and he though I think his star is waning, he unleashed everyone at CPAC, the hate in our country and so much more. I will be on tomorrow. It's 6:58, 2/26/22 on my computer and I am so worried for Ukrainians and Europeans and the world order. I'm also so moved and inspired by Ukrainians...

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Poet Rainer Maria Rilke — Let this Darkness be a Belltower …. and You the Bell ….and as you ring: what batters you becomes your strength

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I meant to say, "though I think his star is waning..... I also hope that the stars align and the world remains inspired and motivated by the Ukrainian people. #DefeatPutin #StandWithUkraine

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