Grateful for your posture on leaving @Twitter. Conflicted by the pause from MSM.

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Thank you, Ruth. If a tweet from Donald Trump earlier today sent to Musk is accurate it shows which way Musk is oriented. After Musk fired the Twitter executive responsible for security and truthful content and booted Trump from Twitter several years ago, a message supposedly from Trump on Twitter read, “Thank you, Elon.”

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Thank you for your clear view and warning about this. I hope your views will be widely broadcasted.

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I have read where several people have called Musk a sociopath. This could easily be, since sociopaths tend to be far right politically. He sure has the callousness to be one.

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Everyone please stay safe, stay strong, stay active, and keep on fighting!!!!!

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Thank you Ruth. Your insights are always a light in the darkness of deception!

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Thanks Ruth, I rely on your perspective to keep me sane.

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Thank you Ruth for writing today on this difficult day. Your comment about not abandoning twitter preventively, reminds me of the Lucid discussion to remember that the flag belongs to all of us and we should claim it as such. Anything less is surrender, the American flag belongs to us all. Prayers for Mr Pelosi and family tonight. Prayers that fellow Americans will pause -- and give thought to where we want to be. And to act with intention, to support us getting back there.

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The Hebrew meaning of Ruth is “friend, friendship, and compassionate friend.” She represents faithfulness, loyalty, virtue, and love. Her traits are bravery, hard work and taking care of those around her.

Ruth Ben-Ghiat’s parents prophetically selected the name that would describe their daughter perfectly. I hope they are proud of their daughter’s accomplishments, for she stands courageously against tyranny and continues to do so even as threats of authoritarians grow louder every day.

We all thank you Ruth.

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48 min ago

Hello! Yes, I'm a new Subscriber as of today!! I'm so very grateful I found you!! Being new, and having read about your upcoming Q&A events, I'm wondering how one gets into these special 'happenings' (lol). Is there anything I should do or know to take advantage of and join in to these events and any special way to get to them? I would really appreciate someone letting me know what is to be done to join in, basically where these events happen (on Twitter?). Thanks in advance. ~Maddy

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Thank you, Ruth! Spot on like you always are. I had a chance to listen to your interview with Preet and it was also great. A phenomenal podcast episode of his show that should be listened to by everyone in the country. And really around the World. Your knowledge and training are so invaluable at this time b/c you always lay out it out in precise form. Love that Tara is going to be a guest. She is incredible and a rational truth seeking voice.

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So sorry about the social media pile on. It happens more and more and is getting scary. Where did these awful examples of the worst of humankind come from? Have they always been here?

I'm not leaving Twitter. I've been careful about the people I choose to follow and just block the trolls (already blocked Musk). I visit every evening just to get some strokes from "my" people and remind myself that not all is lost.

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Thanks for your great work - and for calling out Musk.

But I disagree on quitting Twitter. After 6 active years, I've started the process of downloading my data and deactivating. Musk controls the algorithm. He can boost what he wants and hide what he doesn't. There is no ceding the space to him, because he quite literally controls everything about the space. I've concluded that all we can do is remove users from Twitter and end it's reputation as a "public square".

If decent users leave, decent advertisers leave, and he's bought himself a $44B Parler.

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I intend to remain on Twitter. In part for the reason you state. But also because I follow many investigative journalists, as well as politicians, individuals and organizations who do good work and have ideas I want to be exposed to. The hateful aspects must not be allowed to drive the rest of us out of a huge platform.

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I have far too many journalist, political and world connections on Twitter to dump it/them. This is the only social media site I’ve been on since the likes of Zuckerberg’s information gathering machine is worse than Google, Amazon et al!

It amazes me Ruth that rocket boy answered you!!

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Way to go Ruth. responding to your tweet with a 2 nickel misdirection! Ha Ha.

When I see this kind of dopery I just respond: "Is that your final answer?

Why is it that sentient hight school AP History class kids could call him out for such flab? Can't wait for more Lucidification!

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