I went to San Sebastián decades ago when I did my junior year in France. I remember so many flower boxes in so many windows.

Another topic: I asked a hard core alt-right person I know, a retired teacher, “What do you think of Project 2025?” “Never heard of it,” she said. “If I sent you a piece about it, written by a history professor who’s not associated with any media company, would you want to read it?” I asked. “No,” she said. “I don’t have time.” She scrolls on Facebook all day long. Ha. Doesn’t have time.

But I realize she’s not in the category of people it’s worth getting into about this.

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On January 21,2025 (the day after inauguration) she’ll find out why she should have paid attention!

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Let us hope we don't all have to find out with her. These Trumpers are jumping off a cliff, like in the Wiley Coyote, and dragging everyone else with them.

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A recent poll highlighted that the most disinformed are relying on social media for news. I recently discovered a once fully Covid vaccinated family member spewing conspiracy theories about Covid vaccine. Upon further conversation realized she is doing the same thing. Scrolling FB and watching Fox News occasionally. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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It’s frustrating.

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Sharing op-ed widely.

On social and to personal network.

Title can be misinterpreted if person only glance see ‘denial … low’

Obviously if people think and then read …it’s clear. Sadly some we need to reach don’t.

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You’re exactly right! Reading & thinking are critical. If you do you can form an honest evaluation of our crisis today! As long as “Cult” people are sleepwalking, it’ll not happen enough.

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I understand about being caught up in the every day activities and not being up on the news. It took me being retired, with nothing else pressing, and marrying a man who loves to watch the news to get me involved in the news. Now I can't imagine not wanting to know what's happening. Fortunately, we've never gotten caught up in the weird "news" sources, but even if we did watch/listen to/read them we would still ask questions. And I think we would leave them behind quickly. Trump may be an air-head, but his strings are pulled by all sorts of people, who in my mind, are just plain evil, and who put self over country. Therefore it is imperative that we believe what trump tells us, and recognize that it is not where we want to go.

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I use the question regarding project 2025 to assess engagement and knowledge of current events. I asked a lot of people in my sphere. I don't think I've had anybody answer in the affirmative! I have a pretty well educated crowd but they're not engaged in politics. The right wing has done a great job in disenfranchising people and turning people off to the news. As if they would get any information about project 2025 from the corporate media outlets. It should be front Page News every single day until the election. It reminds me of what Hannah arendt wrote about regarding the absence of any objective truth. They've thrown into question the idea of an objective reality. So I tell them there are places to get trusted information and that would be you, Ruth and other experts on the subject matter. I try to frame it like they would trust a geologist or something sort of benign like that. Where there's really not much question of who knows the reality. Anyway I ramble. Thanks so much Ruth and everyone in this wonderful community. Enjoy the weekend!

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Thank you for sharing the strategies you are using with friends/ people to open doors. Appreciate.

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I do the same, Michael. Just back from a road trip (Wyoming, Colorado, Utah) where I talked to people at every opportunity, including members of my extended family. NO ONE had heard of Project 2025. I found it enormously depressing. Then we met a couple of Dutch doctors on a hike. They were well informed; we had such good conversations we spent the evening with them - until midnight! They lifted my spirits, but they are not Americans. Americans are not well informed. It's a difficult - but critical - problem to overcome.

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Dr. Ben-Ghiat’s book —Strongmen

Mussolini To The Present— is outstanding. It’s essential reading for our time. https://ruthbenghiat.com/strongmen/

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Ruth, I’ve had Strongmen for a while. I consider it to be a national treasure! You’ll never have to reflect on our current situation and say, I wish I had told them! Some right wing supporters are that for financial reasons. Some do so due to hate and racial reasons, but many are just in a stupor of some kind. The violence they inspire is really scary. One more thing: the reactionary decisions made by the judicial system, especially SCOTUS, are significantly undermining democracy. Please pardon my diatribe!

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Having spent several weeks with an American in denial, I know how tough it is to persuade people who willingly remain uninformed. I tried to plant seeds. Hopefully, the one that matters most will come up in the voting booth this November.

Ruth, seeing you last week was a real bright spot. :) Thank you for including me in this round-up of your visit to Donostia-San Sebastián.

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Not directly responsive to this post. But I think of interest to Lucid devotees.

A short (-5 min) chat between historians Joanne Freeman and Heather Cox Richardson on Rep. Jim McGovern’s words (list of facts) being erased from the Congressional Record.

As they say. This is just not done.

Media not covering this affront to democracy.



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May 26·edited May 26

What makes fascists most comfortable is marching in lockstep – and, of course, erasing history.

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Thank you for that link. I have been stewing about McGovern being erased.

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I want that juice! Looks delicious!

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Great post and great post on MSNBC. On the latter, I am reminded of the first stanza of Auden's Musee des Beaux Arts--actually the whole thing, but I've been transfixed watching our country with "where dogs go on with their doggy life."


About suffering they were never wrong,

The old Masters: how well they understood

Its human position: how it takes place

While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;

How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting

For the miraculous birth, there always must be

Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating

On a pond at the edge of the wood:

They never forgot

That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course

Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot

Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer's horse

Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.

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I hope you had a fabulous trip to Spain. I moved from NYC to Spain (living in Barcelona) almost 2 years ago, a life dream of mine. San Sebastián is one of the places with the best food!

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You must be happier now and more relaxed! ....I wonder how many Americans will emigrate if the worst happens. 🤔

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I always dreamed of living by the sea, and added wanting to live in Spain after studying abroad here in college. So Barcelona is ideal; my office is next to the beach and I live a 20-minute walk away. … I didn’t move here due to politics; it was many years in the making, and I deeply hope the worst doesn’t happen, but I am glad to have residency in Europe in case.

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Thanks for the pictures. I was lucky enough to visit Spain several times in my Navy career. I enjoyed it. Your pictures bring back fond memories.

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Lovely to see you so happy and relaxed!

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I have closed my eyes for photographs too since childhood; however, like you, more open than most to whatever was going on. Always been passionate about understanding what is true and real.

Thank you for giving us the hard news, but in such a well related way, we can respond to it and others more effectively and well.

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Lovely photos. See you tonight.😀😀

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May 26·edited May 26

Toward the end of her epilogue to the October 2021 paperback reprint edition of 2020's "Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present," Professor Ben-Ghiat wrote:

"After January 6, nothing is off the table: extremists might well view the failed coup as a trial run. 'That's what we fucking need to have, 30,000 guns up here,' said one rioter that day, frustrated that he was not entering the Capitol more rapidly. 'Next trip,' someone answered him."

Fast-forward to December 2022. Speaking at a gala of the New York Young Republicans, MAGA Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia said that if she and fellow anarchist Steve Bannon had organized the violent insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021, "we would have won. Not to mention, it would’ve been armed."

Pause for a moment and consider the implications of all this, combined with the oft-stated threat by Orange Mussolini – who incited the insurrection and was at the center of the coup conspiracy to overturn the free and fair 2020 election, block a peaceful presidential transition for the first time in U.S. history, and unlawfully remain in power – that he will accept the 2024 election result *only if he wins*.

MAGA has had nearly three and half years to think about what it feels went wrong on January 6 and, to no one's surprise, is doubling down with its Project 2025 and other formalized planning for fascism.

This is where our democracy now stands, 163 days before the next election, and it's not a good place.

It's great news that "Strongmen" is, in Professor Ben-Ghiat's words, "being reprinted yet again." The book is essential for anyone who cherishes our democracy. But will the warning it conveys be heeded?

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