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I appreciate the MEH interview and all the comments below on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. I have not understood how they work and have felt in the dark about them. It's illuminating to learn that extremist groups are being funded with these currencies. Also disturbing to me is that the radical right is so adept at using these cryptocurrencies.

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"Follow the money." has long been the heuristic used by those who endeavor to uncover the machinations of evildoers and then use the resulting knowledge to hold them to account. Criminals, terrorists and shady business persons and politicians have seized upon cryptocurrency as an opportunity to immunize themselves from the effects of this kind of monetary surveillance. The anonymity of current cryptocurrency is the nexus of the problem Hayden describes. So the question becomes: If those "bits" could be followed by any and all, would cryptocurrency have any redeeming value to anyone?

If yes, should government get involved either to de-anonymize cryptocurrency or supplant it as state supported lotteries have done to the numbers racket?

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I've read so much of Dave Troy's work and the history of Libertarian thinking/beliefs going back to The New Deal. My takeaway is that the crypto bros (Bannon, The Council for National Policy, etc) are working hard to convince the general public to move in this direction. I don't understand all of it, but its impact on the environment will accelerate the climate crisis rapidly and with crypto there's nothing to put your hands on. It sounds like play money being used in criminal ways. I'm perpetually bombarded with advertising (using famous faces, CNBC, MarketWatch) to jump into the crypto market. The depth of Troy's work and messaging leaves me terrified.

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With all due respect, I found this interview a bit too brief. I understand that one cannot expect an in-depth explanation of bit-coin, but it would have been helpful if Michael Hayden had given one simple example of how donors get money to these rightwing groups, following it from normal currency to bitcoin to extremist group to use of bitcoin for practical action on the ground. This is an area that is very opaque to me.

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Loved the interview. I never realized before but am not surprised to learn just how dependent these extremest groups are on using crypto currencies to fund their operations. Also, I like MEH's self care, I like sports too particularly the Carolina Hurricanes and MN Wild. You've got to have your escapes and streaming services like HBO and Netflix help too.

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While the depth of dark money funding extremism is alarming, the existence of these networks are unsurprising. What I struggle with on a daily basis is why so many millions of people are so amenable to messages of hatred, bigotry, and violence. Where is th ef personal agency? Where is the desire for a safer, healthier world for their children? I understand that a portion are grifters or motivated by tax cuts, and a portion are motivated by a self-importance fostered by a delusion of being part of a grand revolution, but that leaves millions who don't obviously fall into either bucket. What am I missing?

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