Re: Mom ‘Lang’? Spitballin’ here. Mom may be mishearing the name of B’s staff chief Ron Klain. Klain does lots of tv/cable. He’s whip smart and been w Biden long time

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Many thanks for the session, really great. I had a question that didn't pertain specifically to the US.

Considering all the manifestations of authoritarianism globally and far right populist parties (EU for example), do you believe this is a cyclical wave that 'needs' to play itself out?

In reference to what you were asking about at the end, right now I think anyone living in the UK is exposed to a tremendous amount of information that is skewed towards the right and sustaining the current government. I also think a certain mentality kicks in when you're going through a collective threat (fallout from Brexit and Covid)- sort of rally around the government and the Conservatives. That's my humble reading as I see what is being published there.

Cheers, and thanks again, Mo

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