Indeed it does. As esteemed historian Timothy W. Ryback, author of "Takeover: Hitler's Final Rise to Power," has pointed out, the dismantling of Germany's democracy in 1933 took only 53 days.
I didn't see anything written about Miller and I apparently figured that out in a nanosecond. I received an email from a family member with bs verbiage around the presidential seal commemorating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
My response quoted Angelou (When a person reveals...) and HRC (lipstick on a pig). I said it sounded like Steven Miller, the Jew, whose family disowned him. I said this was why (for @ four years) I tried talking him out of returning here and hoped he'd go elsewhere. Then said I remember his mother taking me to see a Great Aunt on the Upper West Side of NYC where I saw the engrained purple-blue fading tattoo on her arm. So, it was the nice (his mom taking me for my own history lesson) way of saying the bad, here's the reality of the state we're in. Don't misunderstand it.
There's a lot out there written about the despicable Stephen Miller being more emboldened – and having more power to abuse – than ever, including this:
I've seen something like that in more general terms (I think from Ruth). I understand not caving and we all have to weigh the risks. I marked the date you gave on my calendar. Ruth (and Applebaum) point out that all dictators are different. While dt is a fan of stephen miller and hitler he may do things differently.
In the meantime, there's life that continues like walking a senior yapadog (his first middle name) otherwise known as a Pomeranian. Dog or no dog, we better be as healthy as we can be to get through this.
Agreed and “Autocracies, Inc” by Applebaum shows an organization of dictators sharing what they’ve learned. In that way, they will be similar or the same. Each dict. has its own brands like duerte dropping adversaries out of choppers . I don’t know that crossed anyone’s melting brains here to do the same. And, brands tend to be different. We know Mump’s is violence.
Yes, but those 53 days had years of propaganda preceding it, as a foundation for what happened in 1933. Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch was in 1923, so it took quite awhile to sell fascism. tRump has been selling his crap since 2015.
Yes, and as we know, it's being done on purpose to flood everything so we don't know what's going on other than the destruction of this country. But it takes a village of dictators past and present and their lessons-learned to enable this.
Hmm … “the long game” and “a marathon”— nice concepts but halting SNAP affects people RIGHT NOW. A sigh and a sad shaking of head does little in the face of not eating.
I have also tried to get the substack app for my computer without success..I would really like to watch these interviews...Hope someone will help us out here...
The Substack app does not download on a Macbook, and I do not have a tablet. My phone is too small for me to manage and see, or even hear properly, plus on my phone I cannot access my accounts, because I only look at it when I am not home, and I do not have all of these passwords memorized. It would be nice if these could be not on the Substack app, but some other format for those of us who do not have tablets to access.
You don't need the app to watch videos. Just go to the Substack website on your computer and on the Lucid homepage, there is a videos tab. They are all there!
Be aware of our personal surroundings. Be willing to keep J621 alive, but be anonymous about it. It will take time, but the more J621 monograms etched or tagged on public assets, the more our determination and confidence will be sustained.
A couple of paragraphs worth sharing with the Lucid community, from a very insightful guest post in The Contrarian on Monday titled "Cruelty and Loyalty" by Kim Lane Scheppele of the Princeton University faculty:
Ernst Fraenkel, a Jewish lawyer writing from inside Nazi Germany in the late 1930s, described what he saw as a legal practitioner. For most Germans, life went on as usual. Laws were enforced as written; the courts operated predictably. He called this the Normative State. But there was another parallel state operating at the same time into which people could be cast when the government had decided to target them. This was the Prerogative State, in which arbitrariness reigned and all safeguards of law disappeared. This Dual State relied on the surface appearance of normality from the Normative State to whitewash the use of emergency powers, enabling acts, special decrees and discriminatory laws that created a Prerogative State where cruelty was the order of the day. Hitler’s government counted on the appearance of the Normative State to avert people’s eyes from the Prerogative State.
Fraenkel’s description of the Dual State should warn us that we cannot be complacent because the United States just had a free and fair election followed by a peaceful transfer of power or because the Democratic Party now acts like they can will normality into existence by enacting their half of normal politics. Even the most terrible dictatorships that history has produced found ways to make life seem normal for most people, as long as they demobilized politically and didn’t challenge the dictator’s hold on power. To understand what kind of government we have, we need to look at how that government treats those whom the leader believes are his enemies as well as those who are on the margins of society.
In that vein, President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address 64 years ago, which this reader was inspired by while watching on a small black-and-white TV set, included these words:
"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."
And look at the disgusting level of presidential "leadership" that we have now. Unconscionable.
Interesting quote about two separate societies. This reminds me of how fascists create a new and parallel reality for their people to believe in. So we end up with two realities; one based on sociopathic evil and the other based on sane virtues. tRump has done the former.
Anyone who knows someone who works for the federal workforce and federal employees themselves are on the frontline of this madness, along with immigrants-oh, and Native Americans who the administration deems non-citizens. Yes, that is a fact. We arrived today at Dictatorship. Haven't we? Trump is homicidal. At best he wants American citizens to suffer at worst he cares less at the death of people in the community of "wokeness" and "DEI". This is the purge. God HELP US!
Try clicking on the word: Lucid (top of the page) It will take you to the Lucid homepage. The videos should be under the Videos Tab
Thank you so much for doing this work, it's really a positive step during these chaotic time we are currently living in.You have always been a voice of reason.
I’m signing up ppl for lucid. It seems to be the place where we can begin to understand and perhaps to unravel the mess our world is in now.
Not many media outlets willing to tell the whole story… or worst try to minimize the outrage. Lucid and The Independent are my places where the truth is present!
I get emails from this organization (Democracy Forward), which is fighting the tRump regime via legal means. They are taking action.
It does feel as though things are speeding up, doesn't it?
Indeed it does. As esteemed historian Timothy W. Ryback, author of "Takeover: Hitler's Final Rise to Power," has pointed out, the dismantling of Germany's democracy in 1933 took only 53 days.
Which, in our case, would take us to mid-March.
We are on pace to beat that.
And whose fingerprints are all over it?
Predictably, those of Goebbels clone Stephen Miller:
I didn't see anything written about Miller and I apparently figured that out in a nanosecond. I received an email from a family member with bs verbiage around the presidential seal commemorating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
My response quoted Angelou (When a person reveals...) and HRC (lipstick on a pig). I said it sounded like Steven Miller, the Jew, whose family disowned him. I said this was why (for @ four years) I tried talking him out of returning here and hoped he'd go elsewhere. Then said I remember his mother taking me to see a Great Aunt on the Upper West Side of NYC where I saw the engrained purple-blue fading tattoo on her arm. So, it was the nice (his mom taking me for my own history lesson) way of saying the bad, here's the reality of the state we're in. Don't misunderstand it.
There's a lot out there written about the despicable Stephen Miller being more emboldened – and having more power to abuse – than ever, including this:
Needless to say, in 1930s-early '40s Germany, he would have fit in perfectly.
I've seen something like that in more general terms (I think from Ruth). I understand not caving and we all have to weigh the risks. I marked the date you gave on my calendar. Ruth (and Applebaum) point out that all dictators are different. While dt is a fan of stephen miller and hitler he may do things differently.
In the meantime, there's life that continues like walking a senior yapadog (his first middle name) otherwise known as a Pomeranian. Dog or no dog, we better be as healthy as we can be to get through this.
re "all dictators are different":
Surely they are, in some ways. However, in other ways, they're also very much the same.
Agreed and “Autocracies, Inc” by Applebaum shows an organization of dictators sharing what they’ve learned. In that way, they will be similar or the same. Each dict. has its own brands like duerte dropping adversaries out of choppers . I don’t know that crossed anyone’s melting brains here to do the same. And, brands tend to be different. We know Mump’s is violence.
Yes, but those 53 days had years of propaganda preceding it, as a foundation for what happened in 1933. Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch was in 1923, so it took quite awhile to sell fascism. tRump has been selling his crap since 2015.
Someone here or on Applebaum's substack suggested this may surpass hitler's dismantling. It feels like it will.
No doubt that if Hitler had Elon Musk at his side, the demolition would have gone faster.
oy vey. i agree by hook and by crook.
Yes, and as we know, it's being done on purpose to flood everything so we don't know what's going on other than the destruction of this country. But it takes a village of dictators past and present and their lessons-learned to enable this.
I’ve never found the video tab. Where is it?
If you click on the word Lucid at the top, it takes you to the homepage where the video tab is located.
See my new note.
Hmm … “the long game” and “a marathon”— nice concepts but halting SNAP affects people RIGHT NOW. A sigh and a sad shaking of head does little in the face of not eating.
Breaking News: Trump’s EO suspending funds to SNAP - among others - has itself been suspended by a federal judge.
The Analog Demagouge teams up with the AGI Libert-Aryan Oligarchs.
Roy Cohn's 3 Rules
1. Attack Attack Attack
2. Admit nothing, deny everything
3. Even in defeat, no matter how beaten, claim victory, never admit defeat.
He's been declaring victory a lot lately which is a sign of his decline
Is there a way to get a substack app for a computer/. I do not own an i-pad or i-phone!
I have also tried to get the substack app for my computer without success..I would really like to watch these interviews...Hope someone will help us out here...
Many of these actions are blatantly illegal. Schedule F violates the Civil Service Act.
The Substack app does not download on a Macbook, and I do not have a tablet. My phone is too small for me to manage and see, or even hear properly, plus on my phone I cannot access my accounts, because I only look at it when I am not home, and I do not have all of these passwords memorized. It would be nice if these could be not on the Substack app, but some other format for those of us who do not have tablets to access.
You don't need the app to watch videos. Just go to the Substack website on your computer and on the Lucid homepage, there is a videos tab. They are all there!
Michelle thank you. I found them!❤️
Be aware of our personal surroundings. Be willing to keep J621 alive, but be anonymous about it. It will take time, but the more J621 monograms etched or tagged on public assets, the more our determination and confidence will be sustained.
A couple of paragraphs worth sharing with the Lucid community, from a very insightful guest post in The Contrarian on Monday titled "Cruelty and Loyalty" by Kim Lane Scheppele of the Princeton University faculty:
Ernst Fraenkel, a Jewish lawyer writing from inside Nazi Germany in the late 1930s, described what he saw as a legal practitioner. For most Germans, life went on as usual. Laws were enforced as written; the courts operated predictably. He called this the Normative State. But there was another parallel state operating at the same time into which people could be cast when the government had decided to target them. This was the Prerogative State, in which arbitrariness reigned and all safeguards of law disappeared. This Dual State relied on the surface appearance of normality from the Normative State to whitewash the use of emergency powers, enabling acts, special decrees and discriminatory laws that created a Prerogative State where cruelty was the order of the day. Hitler’s government counted on the appearance of the Normative State to avert people’s eyes from the Prerogative State.
Fraenkel’s description of the Dual State should warn us that we cannot be complacent because the United States just had a free and fair election followed by a peaceful transfer of power or because the Democratic Party now acts like they can will normality into existence by enacting their half of normal politics. Even the most terrible dictatorships that history has produced found ways to make life seem normal for most people, as long as they demobilized politically and didn’t challenge the dictator’s hold on power. To understand what kind of government we have, we need to look at how that government treats those whom the leader believes are his enemies as well as those who are on the margins of society.
(Sound familiar?)
In that vein, President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address 64 years ago, which this reader was inspired by while watching on a small black-and-white TV set, included these words:
"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."
And look at the disgusting level of presidential "leadership" that we have now. Unconscionable.
Interesting quote about two separate societies. This reminds me of how fascists create a new and parallel reality for their people to believe in. So we end up with two realities; one based on sociopathic evil and the other based on sane virtues. tRump has done the former.
Anyone who knows someone who works for the federal workforce and federal employees themselves are on the frontline of this madness, along with immigrants-oh, and Native Americans who the administration deems non-citizens. Yes, that is a fact. We arrived today at Dictatorship. Haven't we? Trump is homicidal. At best he wants American citizens to suffer at worst he cares less at the death of people in the community of "wokeness" and "DEI". This is the purge. God HELP US!
Is there a link to the full discussion w Anand Giridharadas on the substack platform somewhere?
Try clicking on the word: Lucid (top of the page) It will take you to the Lucid homepage. The videos should be under the Videos Tab
I actually had to paste the link into my browser to get to the Lucid homepage on the web to find the videos tab.
Thank you so much for doing this work, it's really a positive step during these chaotic time we are currently living in.You have always been a voice of reason.
I’m signing up ppl for lucid. It seems to be the place where we can begin to understand and perhaps to unravel the mess our world is in now.
Not many media outlets willing to tell the whole story… or worst try to minimize the outrage. Lucid and The Independent are my places where the truth is present!
Curtis Yarvin- in case you don’t know who he is…you should. He’s a driver of tech billionaires/bros motivation and his philosophy is driving the right wing monster media sphere.
Yarvin sounds like he's right out of 1933 Germany and all its social Darwinism. He sounds sociopathic.
Muskrats have taking over the OPM - probably not legal for them to have federal employee data. But for them legal is irrelevant.
They are running the same playbook, a failed one from a business POV, the Musk ran when he acquired Twitter.
Best coverage is in Wired
I get emails from this organization (Democracy Forward), which is fighting the tRump regime via legal means. They are taking action.
They are worth a look.