Who will all of these far right nut jobs going to blame when George Soros is no longer on this earth!? Why do people call for all of this BS?!

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How did George Soros become a lightening rod for all of this nastiness? What is the history behind this?

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Thank you Ruth. As an Italian-American whose uncles and cousins spilled blood to free Italy from Mussolini in WW 2, this breaks my heart.

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Be careful over there, don't drink the water. Actually, the water is just as bad here.......... Lately I've noticed and experienced, some online groups identifying as victims of hate. Most of those folks can rightfully claim the title. Times are quite scary, with violence, threats, vitriol and general unreasonableness aimed at opponents, marginal groups, adults and children alike. I can guarantee, it will only get worse. I feel it's important to remember, and remind folks, when we are splintered into "victim" groups, and identify as such, our power is greatly diminished. As we focus on individual identity, and in some cases for survival, we separate from a much larger protective fold. Identity can be splintered by self, or others, for ulterior gain. Usually, identity, fighting for rights, is a good thing. In these troubled times, it becomes as a wounded deer being left behind by the herd. We must shift our thinking to group safety, look for opportunity as a gestalt, not as individual pieces. We are fighting a united front determined to rid society of our existence. We no longer have the luxury of identity politics. George Soros is no different from Rupert Murdoch, different sides of the same hand, representing identity politics. THE ISSUE is Citizens United. We either stand together, or we will fall.

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Thank you for this post. If there is a way to hear your address on the 10/28 can you provide link? I would love to hear your remarks. Yes or no, it doesn't matter. Much thanks.

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Please tell us more about the “ultra-conservative wing of the Vatican.” I believe they sit on our U.S. Supreme Court. Thank you.

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Woo Hoo for Tara Setmayer!!!!

Also, there are so many issues that Italy will be dealing with and from what I have read about the macroeconomic plans so far, there does not seem to be any room left for any “light at the end of the tunnel” either!!!:

**High inflation.

**Looming recession and/or possible depression.

**Extremely high-energy costs.

**Planned attempts to block connections between local gas and power costs that will put in ceilings on gas imported from Russia.

**Enforcing strict controls on immigration.

**Requiring able-bodied Italians to work.

**Looming bankruptcies for many businesses within the next year.

**Becoming the most indebted country in Europe with debt at 150 percent of GDP.

**Looming new Meloni plans requiring even more debt.

**Impending regressive flat tax rates that Meloni expects will balance the budget.

**Impending lower energy costs from increased government income from increased excise and value-added taxes.

**Impending promises to cut taxes.

**Impending tax cuts for employees that are set to expire which will be an additional 3.5 billion euros.

**Implementing an increase in the retirement age that would increase public pension costs that are already the second largest in the Eurozone after only Greece.

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This seems to have had little media coverage as far as I can tell. It looks like a roadmap far right republicans would want to follow should they gain power. This trend in the world is alarming

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Blaming Soros for all the problems in western civilization is always amusing! Does he cringe, laugh, scoff or dismiss those peerless in vacuous idiocy notions his name invokes?

I’ve always loved 🇮🇹, but a return to Mussolini-esq times is pure evil and insanity!


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I am so proud of you, Ruth. Ralph Nader sent me his and Mark Green's helper to win the midterms, the website, winningamerica.net, and you were among the very notable contributors. Your written talk and video of the same was outstanding. I wanted to send it to all those whose races are described as "close". I tried to reach Tim Ryan in Ohio but I couldn't email, being from AZ, and his DC office didn't answer. I don't understand why those races are "close"? I should think the Rs threat to mess with Social Security would be enough to alarm all the old folks. Not to mention the 12 things Nader lists under his "Voter Guide" at that website that the Dems are for and the election liars oppose.

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When nations suffer from economic problems and desperation looms, fascists come to the surface, promising to fix things by turning back the clock to a more primitive time. They blame modernity for all the nation's problems. But fascism has never worked before, so why do they think it will work this time? The whole concept is a fool's game, driven by such good propaganda that followers are removed from reality. Followers are so bamboozled by the propaganda that truth and fiction become indistinguishable. People are suckers for fascism, both in the US and Italy. Don't they know history?

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[Steve Rasmussen said last week: “The fact that capitalism has its roots in feudalism, creates an easy transition back to that system, especially when our businesses are organized with a feudal structure. Successful businessmen are steeped in the authoritarian business model, and so it is a natural urge for them to have our political system match that in which they see in business. Their love of fascism is quite understandable. They will push for authoritarianism in this country for years to come.”]

Diane Monaco: Aspects of these Political/Economic Systems do go back and forth to aspects of previous systems that have existed but they are never the same again with these new experiences as a part of the new structures they are working within – they are continually changing and evolving. The oligopoly structures of what I was teaching about 25 years ago is not the same structure I will be teaching in about two weeks from now – it has changed dramatically! Prescott Bush’s 1933 oligopolies were really quite different than Jeff Bezos’ oligopolies/conglomerates of today especially with regards to the rate at which they merged and converged etc..

De-Globalization and China’s Demographics and Collapse (part 4)

[Some From Geopolitical Strategist Peter Zeihan]

Peter Zeihan says China has the worst demographics in terms of the ratio of “young people” to “old people” of all countries in the world.

**There are currently 1.3 billion people in China.

**China’s population peaked more than 10 years ago.

**By 2030 there will be more retirees than workers in China.

**By 2050 the entire population of China will have dropped below 650 million people.

The Chinese system will collapse this decade for sure says Peter Zeihan.

Essentially China went from Pre-Industrialization to a Post-Industrialization collapse in 45 years!

[Some History on China] Mao Zedong (1893-1976) was concerned that China had a young and upcoming generation after WWII that was going to eat the country alive so they went to a 2 child family policy and then a 1 child policy. Zeihan says that countries that industrialize later can follow some of the paths of those that came before and they can skip some steps too. What the United Kingdom did in terms of industrialization in 7 generations, China did in one generation. Zeihan says that China crammed everything into one generation and their economic growth has been so impressive but you can only do that once. And now that is behind them and they have very, very few people under 45 years of age and they have no children!

A country requires a balance between children, young workers, and mature workers as follows:

**Mature Workers >>>>>> they have the capital.

**Young Workers >>>>>> they bring the consumption.

**Children >>>>>> they bring the future.

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