Today I and five other democracy scholars have co-signed a brief that has been submitted to the Supreme Court in connection with Donald Trump’s appeal of the Colorado Supreme Court ruling.
Very happy to hear five of you submitted a brief to the Supreme Court. No one knows what small action, or large action, might tip the scales to right our beloved ship of state away from the waves of fascist madness.
Realistically, Americans are sleepwalking into authoritarianism! Or, as I’ve said before,” Fiddling while Rome burns!” The Nero Syndrome is very active! With our voices & votes, Trump & MAGA must be defeated. There may not be a second chance! As cynical as that sounds, I believe it to be true! Thanks Ruth for reminding us!
Thank you for being a signatory of that letter. Hopefully, it will make an impression on the Justices. The 14th Amendment is crystal clear on the matter.
I spent six years writing The Trump Files based my blog that I began in 2005. My day to day writing of Trump while he was in office and shortly after he left was exhausting, like Ruth has pointed out. We must take him seriously. My background as a science educator came into play in the book. Trump played havoc on science and public health. We can and must imagine what Trump 2.0 will be like. Now we must do something. I'm so glad you and colleagues filed Ty the brief we with Supreme Court. The 14th amendment is very clear. He is not eligible. Thank you Ruth
Hi Jack, did you publish your writings? I would like to read it. Hope you will review my very long but needed message somewhere in response to "It Can't Happen Here." It not only CAN happen here, but HAS. Elizabeth Graham
Yes. Thank you. We need to fight the good fight against autocracy. But the burn out it real. I feel it in my gut, my brain, my being. It is so hard for me to remain well in this political climate,AND we must!
2024's consequential election season looms. Psychiatrist Ravi Chandra takes a look at the Far-Right playbook and the choice between autocratic and egalitarian-in-progress choices, with a focus on psychology, propaganda, and dangerous influences that are amplifying chances of violence.
MOSF 18.12: Election Season 2024: Deconstructing the Trump/Far-Right Playbook and Propaganda, and Constructing a Positive Response From Our Shared Humanity and Reality – East Wind ezine (December 1, 2023)
Excellent article! There is no question that democracy promotes virtues, while fascism promotes vices. tRump, being a Machiavellian, sadistic sociopath and fascist, no wonder he promotes vices. He really should be institutionalized.
I grew up during WWII. Thought victory in 1945 was the end - been proud to live in a free democracy - thought the Hitler’s and the Mussolini’s were just a bad dream.
Then comes an undisciplined tantrum throwing trump.
Hi Stuart: The Republican masses in the U.S. have been unknowingly brainwashed - just like other totalitarian countries of WWII. Please read my long response to "It Can't Happen Here" above. It not only can happen here, but is happening NOW. Elizabeth Graham
MAGA voters have not been able to make the connection between fascism of 100 years ago and what tRump is selling. Most of this has to do with our eduction system not stressing the dangers of fascism. We sure stressed the danger of communism but that wasn't enough. After WWII, many of our elites embraced fascism, especially those in the CIA.
Beginning in middle school, these concepts should be incorporated into the curriculum! Too many dropouts after 8th grade! Add another course in high school to expand the learning!
Big Media's biggest collective sin in the 2016, 2020 and 2024 election cycles – devoid of conscience or sense of civic duty – has been normalizing Orange Mussolini. All for the sake of profits. How obscene.
Donald Trump’s candidacy might not be making America great, CBS Chairman Les Moonves said Monday, but it’s great for his company.
"It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS," Moonves said at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference in San Francisco, according to The Hollywood Reporter — perfectly distilling what media critics have long suspected was motivating the round-the-clock coverage of Trump's presidential bid.
"Most of the ads are not about issues. They're sort of like the debates," Moonves said, noting, "[t]here's a lot of money in the marketplace."
The 2016 campaign is a "circus," he remarked, but "Donald's place in this election is a good thing."
"Man, who would have expected the ride we're all having right now? ... The money's rolling in and this is fun," Moonves went on. "I've never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It's a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going.”
Dear Ted: Please read my long message to "It Can't Happen Here" by Elizabeth Graham. The media has played a role in the dissemination of Trump's lies and his brainwashing of the far right Republicans.
Let's call it like it is please and stop sugar-coating the message. The Trump-Russia connection is a terrifying reality. The shadow cast by Putin over the landscape of American democracy and American lives, and his influence and control over Trump grows larger and darker by the moment. The book called From Democracy to Democrazy reveals, in detail, Putin's carefully hidden plan to the American public - the facts, the evidence, and the proof.
The Trump followers - a unique modern phenomenon - have been unknowingly engaged in coercive control techniques (aka brainwashing) used daily by Donald Trump. Mass mind manipulations began in totalitarian countries about 100 years ago. It was/is used extensively in China, and during WWII days in Italy, Germany, Austria, and so on. John McCain used to talk about how prisoners of war were exposed to torture and brainwashin in North Viet Nam. Lo and behold we find the EXACT same methodologies used in the United States. It is defined as "telling lies over and over until it is perceived as the truth" (wikipedia) - like Trump's big lie about the election being stolen when Biden won by over 7 million votes. Once a person is convinced there may be little to no independent thought. If a lie contains hatred - which is used daily by Trump - it releases a chemical in the human brain to enact violence - what we saw on January 6th. If you doubt this works, only yesterday in Pennsylvania, a young man murdered his own father and beheaded him over an argument about Trump. Jim Jones was a cult leader who amassed a following of about 900 persons. He told them all to drink Koolaid laced with poison, and they followed his instructions. They all died. Hitler turned an entire peaceful nation info mass murderers and slaughtered over 6 million humans. It took WWII to stop Hitler.
I was at a book signing event at a Barnes and Noble in Tucson, AZ. A middle-aged woman came up to me and said "I think Putin is a great leader." I opened my mouth to respond, but was so shocked that nothing came out. These were the EXACT SAME WORDS ( used by Trump one week prior and right after Putin invaded Ukraine.
Putin, who was a Cold War-era spy, spent the majority of his spy years in East Germany. He acquired Hitler's methodologies and took them back to Russia, where he is now the foremost dangerous and ruthless dictator in the entire world. In 1997, a book was published in Russia called The Foundations of Geopolitics. Putin was assumed to be the ghost writer since this book explains his goals as the 2nd President of Russia. On top of his "wish list" is the destruction of the U.S. government and democracy - who he blames for the downfall of the USSR. He wants revenge and his number one stooge is Donald Trump.
Russians use at least three tools to entrap a foreigner: flattery, money, and beautiful women. Trump was susceptible to all three. I know this because I lived and worked in communist and dictator-led countries for about 20 years. I personally went through the "wine and dine and flattery" process several times, was invited to join the KGB, but managed to avoid enlistment. Visit -
Trump visited Russia many, many times and began his relationship with Russians in 1987.
In his gullible and ignorant ways, he did not avoid entrapment. He was either caught and photographed with his pants down (all Russian hotels where a foreigner stays has spy devices - cameras - in the walls and ceilings), or swayed by money given to the Trump organization after U.S. banks refused to loan him funds (due to his four bankruptcies).
In 2008, Trump Jr. announced at a NY conference that the Trump organization had received $100 million from Russian banks. ( These banks, which are ALL controlled and managed by the KGB/FSB, do not loan money to a foreigner just to watch the interest grow on the balance. They give large sums of money for two reasons: (1) to launder black cash into another countries economy, and (2) to obligate a foreigner to work for Russia. So it appears that about ten years before Trump became the U.S. President, he was on the KGB payroll. Russian banks also gave $9.8 million to Marie LePen who is the French opposition presidential leader in an effort to overthrow the French government. (
The Mueller Report failed to warn the American public about the Trump-Russia relationship. I believe this was because of the long-term friendship between Barr and Mueller, and the fact that Barr did not want to deal with a "treason" charge on his watch as the DA. The Jack Miller trial may not see the light of day before the election. Americans do not understand much outside of our four walls (borders) and need the media to tell them the truth - not just sensationalism.
If the violent Trump followers do not wake up from their cult-like mindless behavior (which is doubtful) - they will aid Putin in his destruction of our country and hand over the keys to our democracy without even a fight. Putin is not our friend - as Trump would like the American public to believe - but our enemy.
I apologize for the length of this message, but it is important to connect the dots from Germany to Russia to the USA. So if you think Trump's words and actions resemble Hitler - YOU ARE RIGHT.
CBS and most of the other major outlets would sell the nation down the river for profits. It's exactly what our corporatocracy did when they outsourced jobs and deindustrialized America. They did not have a conscience, because if they did, they would not have sold the nation out.
Thank you so much for all you do in defense of democracy. It is indeed a challenging time but I don’t feel like authoritarianism is a given. We still have rights and the vote. We just have to use them and we are more powerful than we know.
Ruth, thank you so much for your substantial and valuable knowledge, the Colorado Supreme Court had jurisdiction to say Trump is not eligible and cannot be on the ballot.........but the US Supreme Court can now review that rule as to whether or not it was properly decided.....
Towards that end the amicus brief argues that, "failure to resolve the merits now would place the Nation in great peril."
A very nice essay, as usual Ruth. WE have to try to educate those that are ‘open minded’, - and those seem to be few and far between. I hate to say it, but there are a lot of stupid people out there who aren’t open-minded....but we all have to try!
I wonder how many Americans have read The Plot Against America by Philip Roth? I read it in 2018 and began to see how it could happen here. That's a good one too, It Cant Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis. These are fiction, they take place in 1030's and 1940's America. Sometimes it takes a book to really explain how slowly that it can happen, and it is happening here today in the 2020's. It is up to us to stop it. Trump is no leader, he is a demagogue, and demagoguery has always been a powerful manipulator.
Ted, when the enemy is underestimated or overestimated the risk they pose becomes even greater. We need to realistically assess TFG. To deny his leadership skills, when millions follow him blindly, is a form of denial that offers a false sense of security. Trump is a demagogue. Demagoguery, mendacity and propaganda are effective tools in the fascist toolbox along with violence. Trump poses an existential threat mainly because he and his cult have been underestimated by the Biden, the Dem Party and many others; as evidenced by the penchant for dismissing the base calls (demands) for a ceasefire in the genocidal massacres against Palestinians; just to mention the latest betrayal; one of the most egregious.
The Former guy is not using "leadership" is what I am saying. I don't think I am underestimating him at all.
He is using Demagoguery that was taught to him by Roy Cohn, who learned it or honed it from Tailgunner Joe McCarthy during the Red Scare 50's and throughout Roy's legal career. This is incredibly dangerous to society and a threat to Democracy. I'm not under estimating the effect of manipulation through demagoguery, gas lighting and other techniques of manipulative persuasion by a malignant narcist ( all unethical behavior in my opinion. This is therefore NOT Leadership. Yes, agree, tfg is the leader of Maga, but that is more a cult with cult leader tactics, and being a cult, I am able to differentiate Leadership from Demagoguery. This is my area of academic study and interest. I like to help others differentiate and classify Leadership principles vs Demagoguery. Most Americans do not know the definition of Demagoguery, and therefore the dangers demagogues as President of the United States. When the followers are manipulated by unethical tactics, encouraging their worst behavior, we are incorrect to call that Leadership. We are correct to be hyper vigilant to protect democracy. Conversion is a goal of mine, and by clearly defining some of these topics has helped me turn some Rhino's into Biden supporters/voters. Its helped me transform non voters to become Democratic voters. But, how could I make it easier to understand and appealing to learn these terms to a wider audience? ( this is why I am here, to learn, and to take what I learn here out into the market place of thoughts and ideas, to strategize in my own way that lead to conversion outside Substack)
Hi Ted: Read please From Democracy to Democrazy by Graham. Kirkus Reviews said "A well-researched, expert guide to authoritarian regimes and the fragility of democracy in America." For Vladimir Putin, the Cod War did not end - it has continued to this day. Only the tools used to achieve his goals - racism, violence, cyber attacks, isolationism have changed. His number one tool used to destroy American democracy is Donald Trump.
Thank you for submitting the amici. Nearly every one I know is in denial, completely unaware that Trump and his co-conspirators are running the Nazi playbook almost verbatim. Something unique a 2025 Trump administration would have, if SCOTUS removes Chevron Doctrine, is a straight path from the 5th Circuit to SCOTUS to follow through on Bannon’s 2017 promise to dismantle the administrative state.
Another highly notable problem is the total disengagement of the medical community. I am an ER doctor and tried very early to bring the attention of our state medical boards to the problem of the “extremely pro Trump doctors” the 2020 Trump Reelection Campaign created to provide legitimacy to bad ideas like “Herd immunity via mass infection” and support the premature opening of the economy. These doctors are now known as America’s Frontline Doctors who gave us Dr. Simone Gold and Florida State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. Gold spent 48 days in prison for her role in the J6 insurrection and Ladapo is manipulating research data to use as his justification to proclaim from his position of authority that COVID19 vaccines are not safe when they absolutely are.
There are not a lot of U.S. licensed physicians leading this movement but all of them remain licensed to practice medicine to this day. Many have also committed fraud, selling ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine as COVID19 “cures.” There is no interest in stopping this problem at any institution, private or public, local, state or at the federal level.
The problem is, it’s a little known fact that when Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933, approximately 50% of German doctors joined the Nazi regime, participated in sterilization of handicapped people and other “useless eaters” as well as euthanized babies. They promoted participated in “racial hygiene” and eugenics.
Their justification was they were treating the German population, not the individual.
This led to horrific human experimentation, their role in making selections on the ramps when the trains filled with boxcars of people arrived. Doctors decided who would stay alive to work as slave labor for major industrial facilities and who would be sent directly to the gas chambers. The German Medical Society formally recognized the role so many German Doctors willingly played in the Holocaust and wrote a formal apology in 2012.
Since the COVID19 vaccines came into existence, Trump’s doctors have been telling the MAGA base extremely dangerous conspiracy theories including that vaccines cause AIDS and are killing more people than COVID. These are just two examples these anti-vaccine extremists have integrated into other MAGA victim-persecution narratives of such as the “Great replacement theory” and “White genocide.”
Finally, these doctors constantly threaten vaccine advocates including doctors, scientists and public health workers with “Nuremberg 2.0.” This idea is based on the false belief that the vaccines are “experimental” and vaccine mandates meant forced experimentation, in violation of Nuremberg Code. We get pictures of nooses and gallows, and death threats sent to us on social media. Elsewhere, like in Congressional testimony these same doctors claim they’re being censored for their “alternative viewpoints.”
And with all that being said, not only is the medical community ignoring all of this, per all medical specialty societies are donating to both political parties for the 2024 election and 10/19 listed are giving more to the Republican Party than the Democratic Party.
It is worse than I ever imagined it could be. We started working on this issue in September 2021 when we published an opinion in the Washington Post announcing a website we set up that streamlined the complaint process to state medical boards. See:
The boards were flooded with complaints. They took minimal to no action.
It is really sad what's happening to this country and the world. So many driven by greed, desire for power, or resentment and hatred. Where's the altruism and common good? Concern for the natural habitat? Worse and worse since the 80s. It's really hard to see how we can fix any of this. It's a perfect storm.
Particularly concerning amongst one of the few professions ostensibly bound by their oath to adhere to the highest ethical standards and to do no harm. Turns out those are merely suggestions. More lawyers have been disbarred for their MAGA associated actions than doctors have lost their licenses. Think about that.
Very disturbing as we all know how so many medical personnel suffered greatly during the pandemic with pressure, even abuse, from all sides, leading to many mental health issues, deaths from COVID and other reasons, and many leaving medicine altogether. The stage could be set for more than we think to succumb to future autocratic demands. Many are under stress even now in states with unreasonable abortion laws not allowing for reasonable care of pregnant mothers. It's quite scary and your information is so needed.
Dear Dr. Sawyer: Please read From Democracy to Democrazy by Graham. Kirkus Reviews stated: "A well-researched, expert guide to authoritarian regines and the fragility of democracy in America." It talks about the horrors of Nazi Germany and Trump's illicit response to COVID - killing over one million Americans Below is a response that I sent earlier today. Elizabeth.
Let's call it like it is please and stop sugar-coating the message. The Trump-Russia connection is a terrifying reality. The shadow cast by Putin over the landscape of American democracy and American lives, and his influence and control over Trump grows larger and darker by the moment. The book called From Democracy to Democrazy reveals, in detail, Putin's carefully hidden plan to the American public - the facts, the evidence, and the proof.
The Trump followers - a unique modern phenomenon - have been unknowingly engaged in coercive control techniques (aka brainwashing) used daily by Donald Trump. Mass mind manipulations began in totalitarian countries about 100 years ago. It was/is used extensively in China, and during WWII days in Italy, Germany, Austria, and so on. John McCain used to talk about the torture and brainwashing techniques used in a North Viet Nam prison.
Lo and behold we find the EXACT same methodologies used in the United States. It is defined as "telling lies over and over until it is perceived as the truth" (wikipedia) - like Trump's big lie about the election being stolen when Biden won by over 7 million votes. Once a person is convinced there may be little to no independent thought. If a lie contains hatred - which is used daily by Trump - it releases a chemical in the human brain to enact violence - what we saw on January 6th. If you doubt this works, only yesterday in Pennsylvania, a young man murdered his own father and beheaded him over an argument about Trump. Jim Jones was a cult leader who amassed a following of about 900 persons. He told them all to drink Koolaid laced with poison, and they followed his instructions. They all died. Hitler turned an entire peaceful nation info mass murderers and slaughtered over 6 million humans. It took WWII to stop Hitler.
I was at a book signing event at a Barnes and Noble in Tucson, AZ. A middle-aged woman came up to me and said "I think Putin is a great leader." I opened my mouth to respond, but was so shocked that nothing came out. These were the SAME WORDS ( used by Trump one week prior and right after Putin invaded Ukraine.
Putin, who was a Cold War-era spy, spent the majority of his spy years in East Germany. He acquired Hitler's methodologies and took them back to Russia, where he is now the foremost dangerous and ruthless dictator in the entire world. In 1997, a book was published in Russia called The Foundations of Geopolitics. Putin was assumed to be the ghost writer since this book explains his goals as the 2nd President of Russia. On top of his "wish list" is the destruction of the U.S. government and democracy - who he blames for the downfall of the USSR. He wants revenge and his number one stooge is Donald Trump.
Russians use at least three tools to entrap a foreigner: flattery, money, and beautiful women. Trump was susceptible to all three. I know this because I lived and worked in communist and dictator-led countries for about 20 years. I personally went through the "wine and dine and flattery" process several times, was invited to join the KGB, but managed to avoid enlistment. Visit -
Trump visited Russia many, many times and began his relationship with Russians in 1987. In his gullible and ignorant ways, Trump did not avoid entrapment. He was either caught and photographed with his pants down (all Russian hotels where a foreigner stays has spy devices - cameras - in the walls and ceilings), or swayed by money given to the Trump organization after U.S. banks refused to loan him funds (due to his four bankruptcies).
In 2008, Trump Jr. announced at a NY conference that the Trump organization had received $100 million from Russian banks. ( Russian banks, which are ALL controlled and managed by the KGB/FSB, do not loan money to a foreigner just to watch the interest grow on the balance. They give large sums of money for two reasons: (1) to launder black cash into another countries economy, and (2) to obligate a foreigner to work for Russia. So it appears that about ten years before Trump became the U.S. President, he was on the KGB payroll. Russian banks also gave $9.8 million to Marie LePen who is the French opposition presidential leader in an effort to overthrow the French government. (
The Mueller Report failed to warn the American public about the Trump-Russia relationship. I believe this was because of the long-term friendship between Barr and Mueller, and the fact that Barr did not want to deal with a "treason" charge on his watch as the DA. The Jack Miller trial may not see the light of day before the election. Americans do not understand much outside of our four walls (borders). It is now up to each rational American to warn others. Read From Democracy to Democrazy for the proof and be informed.
Under Trump's leadership, violence in the U.S. - including murders - increased by 30% ( and there were more than 7,700 hate crimes. This was the largest increase in our country's history.
If the violent Trump followers do not wake up from their cult-like mindless behavior (which is doubtful) - they will aid Putin in his destruction of our country and hand over the keys to our democracy without even a fight. Putin is not our friend - as Trump would like the American public to believe - but our enemy.
I apologize for the length of this message, but it is important to connect the dots from Germany to Russia to the USA. So if you think Trump's words and actions resemble Hitler - YOU ARE RIGHT.
We have been seeing a shift in the concept of truth in this nation since the tRump presidency. Once people can be convinced that the most ridiculous things are true, then those same people can be convinced that the truth is ridiculous. tRump has pushed the concept of post-truth (even though he probably didn't even know the term). It's the contention that feelings are more important than facts for the political subordination of reality. This, along with postmoderism have pushed the truth continuum into the realm of fantasy.
Among the professions in Germany in the 1930's, the most hated by Hitler were the Psychologists and Psychiatrists. They saw through his bamboozle.
I read a book titled “Justice at Nuremberg” which is the biography of Dr. Leo Alexander, a Jewish psychiatrist and neurologist and forced emigre from Germany in 1933. He was appointed chief medical advisor to Telford Taylor, the U.S. Chief of Counsel for War Crimes, and participated in the Nuremberg Trials in November 1946. He conceived the principles of the Nuremberg Code after observing and documenting German SS medical experiments at Dachau, and instances of sterilization and euthanasia. Alexander later wrote that "science under dictatorship becomes subordinated to the guiding philosophy of the dictatorship." Fascinating book. Alexander went on to work with Dr. Jay Lifton who wrote the book “Nazi Doctors.”
"science under dictatorship becomes subordinated to the guiding philosophy of the dictatorship."
Indeed! We saw how the perception of COVID was altered in the tRump administration. Not only is tRump a sociopath but has magical thinking as well. His mental disorder pervaded the nation; at least among his tribe. A national leader and role model with a Dark Tetrad personality is an extremely dangerous situation.
Thank you Ruth!
Excellent piece!
Thank you for your continued service to the country with the brief. Any possibility it can be released here as a post?
Link to brief is in the post
Very happy to hear five of you submitted a brief to the Supreme Court. No one knows what small action, or large action, might tip the scales to right our beloved ship of state away from the waves of fascist madness.
Realistically, Americans are sleepwalking into authoritarianism! Or, as I’ve said before,” Fiddling while Rome burns!” The Nero Syndrome is very active! With our voices & votes, Trump & MAGA must be defeated. There may not be a second chance! As cynical as that sounds, I believe it to be true! Thanks Ruth for reminding us!
So happy that you filed the brief!!!
Thank you for being a signatory of that letter. Hopefully, it will make an impression on the Justices. The 14th Amendment is crystal clear on the matter.
I spent six years writing The Trump Files based my blog that I began in 2005. My day to day writing of Trump while he was in office and shortly after he left was exhausting, like Ruth has pointed out. We must take him seriously. My background as a science educator came into play in the book. Trump played havoc on science and public health. We can and must imagine what Trump 2.0 will be like. Now we must do something. I'm so glad you and colleagues filed Ty the brief we with Supreme Court. The 14th amendment is very clear. He is not eligible. Thank you Ruth
Hi Jack, did you publish your writings? I would like to read it. Hope you will review my very long but needed message somewhere in response to "It Can't Happen Here." It not only CAN happen here, but HAS. Elizabeth Graham
Yes. Thank you. We need to fight the good fight against autocracy. But the burn out it real. I feel it in my gut, my brain, my being. It is so hard for me to remain well in this political climate,AND we must!
Don’t take this lying down, anyone!!
2024's consequential election season looms. Psychiatrist Ravi Chandra takes a look at the Far-Right playbook and the choice between autocratic and egalitarian-in-progress choices, with a focus on psychology, propaganda, and dangerous influences that are amplifying chances of violence.
MOSF 18.12: Election Season 2024: Deconstructing the Trump/Far-Right Playbook and Propaganda, and Constructing a Positive Response From Our Shared Humanity and Reality – East Wind ezine (December 1, 2023)
Excellent article! There is no question that democracy promotes virtues, while fascism promotes vices. tRump, being a Machiavellian, sadistic sociopath and fascist, no wonder he promotes vices. He really should be institutionalized.
Thanks for reading! I totally agree!
I grew up during WWII. Thought victory in 1945 was the end - been proud to live in a free democracy - thought the Hitler’s and the Mussolini’s were just a bad dream.
Then comes an undisciplined tantrum throwing trump.
Hi Stuart: The Republican masses in the U.S. have been unknowingly brainwashed - just like other totalitarian countries of WWII. Please read my long response to "It Can't Happen Here" above. It not only can happen here, but is happening NOW. Elizabeth Graham
MAGA voters have not been able to make the connection between fascism of 100 years ago and what tRump is selling. Most of this has to do with our eduction system not stressing the dangers of fascism. We sure stressed the danger of communism but that wasn't enough. After WWII, many of our elites embraced fascism, especially those in the CIA.
Beginning in middle school, these concepts should be incorporated into the curriculum! Too many dropouts after 8th grade! Add another course in high school to expand the learning!
Big Media's biggest collective sin in the 2016, 2020 and 2024 election cycles – devoid of conscience or sense of civic duty – has been normalizing Orange Mussolini. All for the sake of profits. How obscene.
"Trump is horrible for the country, but he is great for ratings" - CBS Exec
Yes indeed, the execrable Les Moonves,
whose résumé includes sexual assault.
So he and Trump have that in common.
A total sleeze bag. Les Moonves:
Feb 29th, 2016
Donald Trump’s candidacy might not be making America great, CBS Chairman Les Moonves said Monday, but it’s great for his company.
"It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS," Moonves said at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference in San Francisco, according to The Hollywood Reporter — perfectly distilling what media critics have long suspected was motivating the round-the-clock coverage of Trump's presidential bid.
"Most of the ads are not about issues. They're sort of like the debates," Moonves said, noting, "[t]here's a lot of money in the marketplace."
The 2016 campaign is a "circus," he remarked, but "Donald's place in this election is a good thing."
"Man, who would have expected the ride we're all having right now? ... The money's rolling in and this is fun," Moonves went on. "I've never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It's a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going.”
What an assh@le
Our public broadcasting public company Billionare CEO. Behold America!!!!
A true plutocracy.
Mooves is a likely psychopath.
Funny how a billion dollars does that!
Dear Ted: Please read my long message to "It Can't Happen Here" by Elizabeth Graham. The media has played a role in the dissemination of Trump's lies and his brainwashing of the far right Republicans.
Let's call it like it is please and stop sugar-coating the message. The Trump-Russia connection is a terrifying reality. The shadow cast by Putin over the landscape of American democracy and American lives, and his influence and control over Trump grows larger and darker by the moment. The book called From Democracy to Democrazy reveals, in detail, Putin's carefully hidden plan to the American public - the facts, the evidence, and the proof.
The Trump followers - a unique modern phenomenon - have been unknowingly engaged in coercive control techniques (aka brainwashing) used daily by Donald Trump. Mass mind manipulations began in totalitarian countries about 100 years ago. It was/is used extensively in China, and during WWII days in Italy, Germany, Austria, and so on. John McCain used to talk about how prisoners of war were exposed to torture and brainwashin in North Viet Nam. Lo and behold we find the EXACT same methodologies used in the United States. It is defined as "telling lies over and over until it is perceived as the truth" (wikipedia) - like Trump's big lie about the election being stolen when Biden won by over 7 million votes. Once a person is convinced there may be little to no independent thought. If a lie contains hatred - which is used daily by Trump - it releases a chemical in the human brain to enact violence - what we saw on January 6th. If you doubt this works, only yesterday in Pennsylvania, a young man murdered his own father and beheaded him over an argument about Trump. Jim Jones was a cult leader who amassed a following of about 900 persons. He told them all to drink Koolaid laced with poison, and they followed his instructions. They all died. Hitler turned an entire peaceful nation info mass murderers and slaughtered over 6 million humans. It took WWII to stop Hitler.
I was at a book signing event at a Barnes and Noble in Tucson, AZ. A middle-aged woman came up to me and said "I think Putin is a great leader." I opened my mouth to respond, but was so shocked that nothing came out. These were the EXACT SAME WORDS ( used by Trump one week prior and right after Putin invaded Ukraine.
Putin, who was a Cold War-era spy, spent the majority of his spy years in East Germany. He acquired Hitler's methodologies and took them back to Russia, where he is now the foremost dangerous and ruthless dictator in the entire world. In 1997, a book was published in Russia called The Foundations of Geopolitics. Putin was assumed to be the ghost writer since this book explains his goals as the 2nd President of Russia. On top of his "wish list" is the destruction of the U.S. government and democracy - who he blames for the downfall of the USSR. He wants revenge and his number one stooge is Donald Trump.
Russians use at least three tools to entrap a foreigner: flattery, money, and beautiful women. Trump was susceptible to all three. I know this because I lived and worked in communist and dictator-led countries for about 20 years. I personally went through the "wine and dine and flattery" process several times, was invited to join the KGB, but managed to avoid enlistment. Visit -
Trump visited Russia many, many times and began his relationship with Russians in 1987.
In his gullible and ignorant ways, he did not avoid entrapment. He was either caught and photographed with his pants down (all Russian hotels where a foreigner stays has spy devices - cameras - in the walls and ceilings), or swayed by money given to the Trump organization after U.S. banks refused to loan him funds (due to his four bankruptcies).
In 2008, Trump Jr. announced at a NY conference that the Trump organization had received $100 million from Russian banks. ( These banks, which are ALL controlled and managed by the KGB/FSB, do not loan money to a foreigner just to watch the interest grow on the balance. They give large sums of money for two reasons: (1) to launder black cash into another countries economy, and (2) to obligate a foreigner to work for Russia. So it appears that about ten years before Trump became the U.S. President, he was on the KGB payroll. Russian banks also gave $9.8 million to Marie LePen who is the French opposition presidential leader in an effort to overthrow the French government. (
The Mueller Report failed to warn the American public about the Trump-Russia relationship. I believe this was because of the long-term friendship between Barr and Mueller, and the fact that Barr did not want to deal with a "treason" charge on his watch as the DA. The Jack Miller trial may not see the light of day before the election. Americans do not understand much outside of our four walls (borders) and need the media to tell them the truth - not just sensationalism.
If the violent Trump followers do not wake up from their cult-like mindless behavior (which is doubtful) - they will aid Putin in his destruction of our country and hand over the keys to our democracy without even a fight. Putin is not our friend - as Trump would like the American public to believe - but our enemy.
I apologize for the length of this message, but it is important to connect the dots from Germany to Russia to the USA. So if you think Trump's words and actions resemble Hitler - YOU ARE RIGHT.
Elizabeth Graham
CBS and most of the other major outlets would sell the nation down the river for profits. It's exactly what our corporatocracy did when they outsourced jobs and deindustrialized America. They did not have a conscience, because if they did, they would not have sold the nation out.
Thank you so much for all you do in defense of democracy. It is indeed a challenging time but I don’t feel like authoritarianism is a given. We still have rights and the vote. We just have to use them and we are more powerful than we know.
This is beautifully written. Thank you. I hope they read it carefully and take it to heart.
Ruth, thank you so much for your substantial and valuable knowledge, the Colorado Supreme Court had jurisdiction to say Trump is not eligible and cannot be on the ballot.........but the US Supreme Court can now review that rule as to whether or not it was properly decided.....
Towards that end the amicus brief argues that, "failure to resolve the merits now would place the Nation in great peril."
A very nice essay, as usual Ruth. WE have to try to educate those that are ‘open minded’, - and those seem to be few and far between. I hate to say it, but there are a lot of stupid people out there who aren’t open-minded....but we all have to try!
I wonder how many Americans have read The Plot Against America by Philip Roth? I read it in 2018 and began to see how it could happen here. That's a good one too, It Cant Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis. These are fiction, they take place in 1030's and 1940's America. Sometimes it takes a book to really explain how slowly that it can happen, and it is happening here today in the 2020's. It is up to us to stop it. Trump is no leader, he is a demagogue, and demagoguery has always been a powerful manipulator.
♥️.....and thanks for these earlier time period “slow progression” fiction suggestions for a possible more comprehensive understanding
Ted, when the enemy is underestimated or overestimated the risk they pose becomes even greater. We need to realistically assess TFG. To deny his leadership skills, when millions follow him blindly, is a form of denial that offers a false sense of security. Trump is a demagogue. Demagoguery, mendacity and propaganda are effective tools in the fascist toolbox along with violence. Trump poses an existential threat mainly because he and his cult have been underestimated by the Biden, the Dem Party and many others; as evidenced by the penchant for dismissing the base calls (demands) for a ceasefire in the genocidal massacres against Palestinians; just to mention the latest betrayal; one of the most egregious.
The Former guy is not using "leadership" is what I am saying. I don't think I am underestimating him at all.
He is using Demagoguery that was taught to him by Roy Cohn, who learned it or honed it from Tailgunner Joe McCarthy during the Red Scare 50's and throughout Roy's legal career. This is incredibly dangerous to society and a threat to Democracy. I'm not under estimating the effect of manipulation through demagoguery, gas lighting and other techniques of manipulative persuasion by a malignant narcist ( all unethical behavior in my opinion. This is therefore NOT Leadership. Yes, agree, tfg is the leader of Maga, but that is more a cult with cult leader tactics, and being a cult, I am able to differentiate Leadership from Demagoguery. This is my area of academic study and interest. I like to help others differentiate and classify Leadership principles vs Demagoguery. Most Americans do not know the definition of Demagoguery, and therefore the dangers demagogues as President of the United States. When the followers are manipulated by unethical tactics, encouraging their worst behavior, we are incorrect to call that Leadership. We are correct to be hyper vigilant to protect democracy. Conversion is a goal of mine, and by clearly defining some of these topics has helped me turn some Rhino's into Biden supporters/voters. Its helped me transform non voters to become Democratic voters. But, how could I make it easier to understand and appealing to learn these terms to a wider audience? ( this is why I am here, to learn, and to take what I learn here out into the market place of thoughts and ideas, to strategize in my own way that lead to conversion outside Substack)
Hi Ted: Read please From Democracy to Democrazy by Graham. Kirkus Reviews said "A well-researched, expert guide to authoritarian regimes and the fragility of democracy in America." For Vladimir Putin, the Cod War did not end - it has continued to this day. Only the tools used to achieve his goals - racism, violence, cyber attacks, isolationism have changed. His number one tool used to destroy American democracy is Donald Trump.
Thank you for your work on the amicus brief.
Thank you for submitting the amici. Nearly every one I know is in denial, completely unaware that Trump and his co-conspirators are running the Nazi playbook almost verbatim. Something unique a 2025 Trump administration would have, if SCOTUS removes Chevron Doctrine, is a straight path from the 5th Circuit to SCOTUS to follow through on Bannon’s 2017 promise to dismantle the administrative state.
Another highly notable problem is the total disengagement of the medical community. I am an ER doctor and tried very early to bring the attention of our state medical boards to the problem of the “extremely pro Trump doctors” the 2020 Trump Reelection Campaign created to provide legitimacy to bad ideas like “Herd immunity via mass infection” and support the premature opening of the economy. These doctors are now known as America’s Frontline Doctors who gave us Dr. Simone Gold and Florida State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. Gold spent 48 days in prison for her role in the J6 insurrection and Ladapo is manipulating research data to use as his justification to proclaim from his position of authority that COVID19 vaccines are not safe when they absolutely are.
There are not a lot of U.S. licensed physicians leading this movement but all of them remain licensed to practice medicine to this day. Many have also committed fraud, selling ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine as COVID19 “cures.” There is no interest in stopping this problem at any institution, private or public, local, state or at the federal level.
The problem is, it’s a little known fact that when Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933, approximately 50% of German doctors joined the Nazi regime, participated in sterilization of handicapped people and other “useless eaters” as well as euthanized babies. They promoted participated in “racial hygiene” and eugenics.
Their justification was they were treating the German population, not the individual.
This led to horrific human experimentation, their role in making selections on the ramps when the trains filled with boxcars of people arrived. Doctors decided who would stay alive to work as slave labor for major industrial facilities and who would be sent directly to the gas chambers. The German Medical Society formally recognized the role so many German Doctors willingly played in the Holocaust and wrote a formal apology in 2012.
Since the COVID19 vaccines came into existence, Trump’s doctors have been telling the MAGA base extremely dangerous conspiracy theories including that vaccines cause AIDS and are killing more people than COVID. These are just two examples these anti-vaccine extremists have integrated into other MAGA victim-persecution narratives of such as the “Great replacement theory” and “White genocide.”
Finally, these doctors constantly threaten vaccine advocates including doctors, scientists and public health workers with “Nuremberg 2.0.” This idea is based on the false belief that the vaccines are “experimental” and vaccine mandates meant forced experimentation, in violation of Nuremberg Code. We get pictures of nooses and gallows, and death threats sent to us on social media. Elsewhere, like in Congressional testimony these same doctors claim they’re being censored for their “alternative viewpoints.”
And with all that being said, not only is the medical community ignoring all of this, per all medical specialty societies are donating to both political parties for the 2024 election and 10/19 listed are giving more to the Republican Party than the Democratic Party.
This is all shocking. ☹️
It is worse than I ever imagined it could be. We started working on this issue in September 2021 when we published an opinion in the Washington Post announcing a website we set up that streamlined the complaint process to state medical boards. See:
The boards were flooded with complaints. They took minimal to no action.
The whole this is absolutely horrifying.
It is really sad what's happening to this country and the world. So many driven by greed, desire for power, or resentment and hatred. Where's the altruism and common good? Concern for the natural habitat? Worse and worse since the 80s. It's really hard to see how we can fix any of this. It's a perfect storm.
Particularly concerning amongst one of the few professions ostensibly bound by their oath to adhere to the highest ethical standards and to do no harm. Turns out those are merely suggestions. More lawyers have been disbarred for their MAGA associated actions than doctors have lost their licenses. Think about that.
Very disturbing as we all know how so many medical personnel suffered greatly during the pandemic with pressure, even abuse, from all sides, leading to many mental health issues, deaths from COVID and other reasons, and many leaving medicine altogether. The stage could be set for more than we think to succumb to future autocratic demands. Many are under stress even now in states with unreasonable abortion laws not allowing for reasonable care of pregnant mothers. It's quite scary and your information is so needed.
Dear Dr. Sawyer: Please read From Democracy to Democrazy by Graham. Kirkus Reviews stated: "A well-researched, expert guide to authoritarian regines and the fragility of democracy in America." It talks about the horrors of Nazi Germany and Trump's illicit response to COVID - killing over one million Americans Below is a response that I sent earlier today. Elizabeth.
Let's call it like it is please and stop sugar-coating the message. The Trump-Russia connection is a terrifying reality. The shadow cast by Putin over the landscape of American democracy and American lives, and his influence and control over Trump grows larger and darker by the moment. The book called From Democracy to Democrazy reveals, in detail, Putin's carefully hidden plan to the American public - the facts, the evidence, and the proof.
The Trump followers - a unique modern phenomenon - have been unknowingly engaged in coercive control techniques (aka brainwashing) used daily by Donald Trump. Mass mind manipulations began in totalitarian countries about 100 years ago. It was/is used extensively in China, and during WWII days in Italy, Germany, Austria, and so on. John McCain used to talk about the torture and brainwashing techniques used in a North Viet Nam prison.
Lo and behold we find the EXACT same methodologies used in the United States. It is defined as "telling lies over and over until it is perceived as the truth" (wikipedia) - like Trump's big lie about the election being stolen when Biden won by over 7 million votes. Once a person is convinced there may be little to no independent thought. If a lie contains hatred - which is used daily by Trump - it releases a chemical in the human brain to enact violence - what we saw on January 6th. If you doubt this works, only yesterday in Pennsylvania, a young man murdered his own father and beheaded him over an argument about Trump. Jim Jones was a cult leader who amassed a following of about 900 persons. He told them all to drink Koolaid laced with poison, and they followed his instructions. They all died. Hitler turned an entire peaceful nation info mass murderers and slaughtered over 6 million humans. It took WWII to stop Hitler.
I was at a book signing event at a Barnes and Noble in Tucson, AZ. A middle-aged woman came up to me and said "I think Putin is a great leader." I opened my mouth to respond, but was so shocked that nothing came out. These were the SAME WORDS ( used by Trump one week prior and right after Putin invaded Ukraine.
Putin, who was a Cold War-era spy, spent the majority of his spy years in East Germany. He acquired Hitler's methodologies and took them back to Russia, where he is now the foremost dangerous and ruthless dictator in the entire world. In 1997, a book was published in Russia called The Foundations of Geopolitics. Putin was assumed to be the ghost writer since this book explains his goals as the 2nd President of Russia. On top of his "wish list" is the destruction of the U.S. government and democracy - who he blames for the downfall of the USSR. He wants revenge and his number one stooge is Donald Trump.
Russians use at least three tools to entrap a foreigner: flattery, money, and beautiful women. Trump was susceptible to all three. I know this because I lived and worked in communist and dictator-led countries for about 20 years. I personally went through the "wine and dine and flattery" process several times, was invited to join the KGB, but managed to avoid enlistment. Visit -
Trump visited Russia many, many times and began his relationship with Russians in 1987. In his gullible and ignorant ways, Trump did not avoid entrapment. He was either caught and photographed with his pants down (all Russian hotels where a foreigner stays has spy devices - cameras - in the walls and ceilings), or swayed by money given to the Trump organization after U.S. banks refused to loan him funds (due to his four bankruptcies).
In 2008, Trump Jr. announced at a NY conference that the Trump organization had received $100 million from Russian banks. ( Russian banks, which are ALL controlled and managed by the KGB/FSB, do not loan money to a foreigner just to watch the interest grow on the balance. They give large sums of money for two reasons: (1) to launder black cash into another countries economy, and (2) to obligate a foreigner to work for Russia. So it appears that about ten years before Trump became the U.S. President, he was on the KGB payroll. Russian banks also gave $9.8 million to Marie LePen who is the French opposition presidential leader in an effort to overthrow the French government. (
The Mueller Report failed to warn the American public about the Trump-Russia relationship. I believe this was because of the long-term friendship between Barr and Mueller, and the fact that Barr did not want to deal with a "treason" charge on his watch as the DA. The Jack Miller trial may not see the light of day before the election. Americans do not understand much outside of our four walls (borders). It is now up to each rational American to warn others. Read From Democracy to Democrazy for the proof and be informed.
Under Trump's leadership, violence in the U.S. - including murders - increased by 30% ( and there were more than 7,700 hate crimes. This was the largest increase in our country's history.
If the violent Trump followers do not wake up from their cult-like mindless behavior (which is doubtful) - they will aid Putin in his destruction of our country and hand over the keys to our democracy without even a fight. Putin is not our friend - as Trump would like the American public to believe - but our enemy.
I apologize for the length of this message, but it is important to connect the dots from Germany to Russia to the USA. So if you think Trump's words and actions resemble Hitler - YOU ARE RIGHT.
Elizabeth Graham
From Democracy to Democrazy
We have been seeing a shift in the concept of truth in this nation since the tRump presidency. Once people can be convinced that the most ridiculous things are true, then those same people can be convinced that the truth is ridiculous. tRump has pushed the concept of post-truth (even though he probably didn't even know the term). It's the contention that feelings are more important than facts for the political subordination of reality. This, along with postmoderism have pushed the truth continuum into the realm of fantasy.
Among the professions in Germany in the 1930's, the most hated by Hitler were the Psychologists and Psychiatrists. They saw through his bamboozle.
I read a book titled “Justice at Nuremberg” which is the biography of Dr. Leo Alexander, a Jewish psychiatrist and neurologist and forced emigre from Germany in 1933. He was appointed chief medical advisor to Telford Taylor, the U.S. Chief of Counsel for War Crimes, and participated in the Nuremberg Trials in November 1946. He conceived the principles of the Nuremberg Code after observing and documenting German SS medical experiments at Dachau, and instances of sterilization and euthanasia. Alexander later wrote that "science under dictatorship becomes subordinated to the guiding philosophy of the dictatorship." Fascinating book. Alexander went on to work with Dr. Jay Lifton who wrote the book “Nazi Doctors.”
"science under dictatorship becomes subordinated to the guiding philosophy of the dictatorship."
Indeed! We saw how the perception of COVID was altered in the tRump administration. Not only is tRump a sociopath but has magical thinking as well. His mental disorder pervaded the nation; at least among his tribe. A national leader and role model with a Dark Tetrad personality is an extremely dangerous situation.