If this sounds like a psychopath, it should. He's a sadistic, Machiavellian sociopath. He has the Dark Tetrad personality. He will kill if necessary. He is no different from John Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy or Josef Mengele.
If this sounds like a psychopath, it should. He's a sadistic, Machiavellian sociopath. He has the Dark Tetrad personality. He will kill if necessary. He is no different from John Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy or Josef Mengele.
If this sounds like a psychopath, it should. He's a sadistic, Machiavellian sociopath. He has the Dark Tetrad personality. He will kill if necessary. He is no different from John Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy or Josef Mengele.