It's way too early to post anything intelligible, but here's a copy/paste link as a 'thank you'.


It's okay, she's Ukrainian.

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Thanks for this perfectly timed discussion on the state of our educational system Professor =] I am setting my reminder right now for fridays discussion so I don't accidently miss it. Here is me wishing the very best of luck to all educators and especially to the ones that share in the Lucid community, Break a Leg =] (agh, now Im wondering if break a leg will come across as a micro aggression. I will let it stand and resist self censorship. I come from a theatre family and we use it in the loving way in which it is intended)

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No offense taken here ... accepted in love, as offered, James, and pretty sure you won’t step on any toes by encouraging anyone to “break for self-care”

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I think I misused "micro-aggression" what I meant is that there is so much violent rhetoric being thrown around that I was afraid to be adding to it =]

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Has anyone heard of a request made by the Indian Government to MIT for the names, details (contacts, lodging, dates), and research interests of anyone having recently traveled to India? I heard that MIT is complying due to tax & funding pressures.

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I used duckduckgo and google (don't like it but it finds more results) and it's not there now or ... yet? I've been reading/hearing other atypical things happening (can't find proof yet). Will keep an eye out, jh.

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DDG with a VPN has kept me invisible.

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I know a VPN sounded great to me for a long time but it's not invisible. A sibling worked overseas for years and used it when she wanted to access some websites outside that country. The only thing I know about DDG is since it's an app used on a cellphone and cellphones are called "privacy bleeders" by my geek sibling and co-workers, I'd be concerned about how safe that really is.

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thank you, Ruth, for this gift chock full of useful resources!

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Thanks for posting all - I have alot of homework to do- especially learning about Italian fascism.

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Ruth -- thank you for mentioning the role of informers. I taught high school math in a semi-rural, very red area. When I was new to the high school, it was between classes, but several people overheard an exchange I had with a student who was already seated. I was writing the day's agenda on the whiteboard. The student asked me if I voted for Obama. I replied, "I not only voted for him, I canvassed for him in both elections." Then the student said, "Then I'll have to kill you." I laughed, thinking it was just a joke (this was in about 2013.) Nothing came of that, and I continued a witty, good-natured dialog with that student the entire school year. However, he or one of the observers must have told the principal, who I later learned was in the Tea Party. Suddenly I was over-observed and over-critiqued as a teacher! I kept having to explain classroom decisions I made.

I got zero disciplinary backup from the principal.

Finally, I had to quit. As I was approaching retirement and already had a thriving tutoring business, I quit rather than being transferred to the central office (which is what they do with "bad" teachers.) The more I think over those years, the more I think there was an informant involved. Growing up in an area where political discussion was free and fairly nonjudgmental (DC suburbs), I never thought to initially evade his question about Obama. Now I NEVER reveal my political beliefs to relative strangers unless I know they already agree with me. I continue to canvass for Democratic candidates.

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I have to also say that I continue to tutor, am 72 years old -- so no plans to return to classroom teaching. However, I'm having to tutor students of unqualified (temporary license) or under-qualified math teachers. The pandemic was harmful, but the lack of qualified math teachers is more long-term. It threatens students' future. In some cases, they have been taught faulty information or techniques. I imagine the shortage is as bad or worse in other subjects.

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Thank you for your important work!

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Thank you Diane , she’s a trooper 🙌

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“Then I’ll have to kill you.” Monday, August 28th, Grad student kills UNC Professor. I suppose folks will advocate BP vests in the classroom now. We have become a world of insanity and, it is getting worse. Be safe.

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At the time, I told myself it was a joke. I continue to believe that, but it has haunted me, and I haven't forgotten it! Now there's no way I'd go back to teaching even if I were younger. You be safe, too! It fits in perfectly with Ruth's article -- it kept me from speaking out ever again except to my best friends.

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It is haunting! I’m so glad you continue to contribute your important teaching as a tutor!

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I have to note that the many letters , talks, interviews , commentary here speak of accomplishments , ongoing progress and plans, putting others first and working towards betterment.

What I hear about the Republican Circus is wheel spinning , rev ruckus for their base, tactics of conquering and control, hatred, division ,bigotry ad infinitum.

Seems the American tax payer would be so sick of these representative banging the warning bells , coming up with no substance and based on nothing but THEIR philosophy ( plus still the lies).

What voter isn’t saying ‘I’m sick of this ‘ buffoonery , bluster , and bullshit . Doesn’t fly . Doesn’t provide alleged evidence...repeatedly. Overplays name calling , childish bully talk ...soooo boring.

Except to their base.

Bless their hearts...( WV saying)

And then there’s Biden out there telling accomplishments, goals, mostly of not even three years, respecting, smiling, forging ahead, as his staff works quietly towards yet more goal for all of us.

Sorta a no brainer , huh!


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It would seem a no-brainer, Patricia, ... but when ALL you hear ... over and over and over and over and over again ... are the seductive chants of the carnival barkers for the Republican Circus ... chants that include --- we are the only ones exposing the socialist lies, we are the only ones who are daring to tell the whole truth that is suppressed by the totalitarian left, everything else is fake news, Jan 6 was a peaceful, political protest, the DOJ is weaponized to persecute snd prosecute the only leaders standing up for you, and you are next --- how are you going to know that Biden is actually a good man??

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I am one of the many who believe their number dwindled, their base per se. As for the seduction , let it be the first flag seen . Hear me women of America ! Women in near every sector have become educated , not only through ME TOO , but voting rights and such figures as Madonna, Michelle, even as far back as Mamie and a stand out Greta T who inspires our youth. Whether they’ll walk it to the ballot box ..we shall have to wait and see.

I DO acknowledge the dumbing down , as well as those seduced you mention , but the majority sees the fight which most have NOT forgotten with some perceived sense complacency.

Our fight is long and tenuous , has been proven , and likely will be yet. I have no doubt .

Thanks for your input and realities , we need to stay vigilant and remember .


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Lots of meat in this one. Thanks so much for all the extras this time. I wish you success in all you do. We all need encouragement and truth is encouraging. Ruthie B

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Thanks, Ruth for all you do. I'll dig into your homework assignment and I'll see you on Friday.

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Infinite gratitude, Ruth, for all the posts, essays & your being on MSNBC!

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What a generous soul you are, Ruth. My father taught college history as a 2nd career and I, out of rebellion, kind of ignored all his tales. Delving into your work is a homecoming for me. Eternally grateful.

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2. Defend Institutions - 20 lessons from the 20th Century, Tim Snyder

Here’s how conservatives/libertarians feel very openly about destroying the very institutions that sustain democracy. The ignorance is shocking. Since 1980, serious threats to abolish the Department of Education. Distrust of institutions is at an all time low, only 9% trust. This is so dangerous.


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