Excellent article. Loved it. “The power of suggestion” is really a dangerous power in the hands of megalomaniacs like Trump.

I recently wrote a piece called “Cooking Lessons for Power-Hungry Politicians” in which I talk about how our 3 most recent Presidents come to power and how they used it on us.

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This really is an excellent piece. True evil of the Trumpian kind has existed among us for the whole history of our country, and indeed of the world, but in America with good laws we have been able to push back against it. I do believe we got complacent and stopped pushing. I do hope this years long episode with Trump will awaken whatever contact Americans still have with a genuine "patriotism," which will cause us to voluntarily turn away from the racism, antisemitism, religious conflict, love of violence that have blossomed among us. Reading this made me think of the great rock song Sympathy for the Devil.

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Thank you for this essay and its clarification of the communication mechanisms that allow our fellow Americans to creep and slip into this insanity. The word 'clever' comes to mind. It is exactly how you describe with the use of humor, 'in jest', off-handed comments, jokes and then gaslighting others to feel they are over-sensitive, not jovial-enough or have taken comments 'too seriously'. These types 'float' their suggestions as the recent Florida Senator Rick Scott did regarding Social Security. Their 'innocent' off-handed comments test the waters and they proceed underground to advance. A dangerous breed.

Listen - validate - talk to everyone you don't yet know. Flood the zone with diversity. Flood the zone with truth.

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Listening to today's J6 hearing, I recalled something you said in an earlier OP--that Trump desperately wanted to be at the Capitol in order to be 'anointed' as dictators frequently do. The details from Hutchinson's testimony indicated that desperation (and the ensuing temper fit when thwarted) very well.

We now know that Trump was willing to attack his own Secret Service men when they refused to take him to the Capitol. It's easy (also chilling) to follow the dotted line of Trump's expectations:

Arrive at the Capitol amidst cheering crowds. Quickly lead the crowd to the House floor then position himself at the House Rostrum surrounded ardent supporters, protected by his armed Praetorian Guard. If Pence wasn't moved by threats of hanging, certainly this show of force and passionate energy would put the fear of God into anyone who resisted his return to power.

Hail, Caesar!

The fact Trump knew there were a number of insurrectionists armed and ready, that he flipped off any worry bc he knew they weren't there to hurt HIM is another indication at how depraved this plot was, how we could have easily had a genuine bloodbath in the streets. People died that day, many police officers were injured but the country (though grievously wounded) narrowly missed the kill shot.

Stunning. And still a grave threat to our institutions and the future.

Thank you for the continuing essays. Always helpful and thought provoking.

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The account of the Secret Service trying to be derailed by Trump; and that of shattered plates I pray will wake up fellow citizens to the overarching folly of the GOP as lacking in any responsible leadership. The fact that this must be known and the GOP still is shoulder-to-shoulder is frightening.

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Every word is so true.

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It is difficult to put into words the gratitude one feels, Ruth, for the specific warning you have been writing about for years. That unpublished essay from 2017 illustrates cogently your foresight in this issue of strongmen. May your analysis continue to reach far and wide!

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Creeping authoritarianism and creeping psychopathy in leadership were seen early on in Trump's reign, and even though many tried to warn the nation of impending peril, much of these warnings were stifled. Here is a quote from Dr Lance Dodes, Psychiatrist on the subject.

"Very few major institutions in this country spoke up. The worst was the American Psychiatric Association, which should have been leading the effort to help people understand Trump psychologically and the danger he presented. Instead, they actively tried to suppress criticism about Trump's mental health. They threatened to throw people out of their organization if they spoke up. The Goldwater rule never applied to this situation, and was touted to protect the reputation of the APA at the cost of protecting truth, democracy and mental health.

People still don't quite understand the enormous danger from Trump."

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Thank you so much for your articulate, well-reasoned explanations. Analyzing real-world examples is so very important!

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Hearing is about to start. Check out my tweet, Dave Troy podcast, pretty eyeopening. Washington Spectator, he is connecting the dots. I got it from Anne Nelson. Enjoy your trip, be safe. I hope you and Jason being gone at the same time is not a sign. Take pictures.

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Who is Jason?

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Thank you for illuminating many aspects of the genesis of authoritarianism here and elsewhere, then and now. It prompts me to wonder where it is all headed in the case of the US today. The following Commonwealth Club interview, "Anne Nelson: Inside the Radical Right's Shadow Network" https://youtu.be/5YANRFT3jv0 has me thinking that the end game of right wingers in the US is simply stated as: converting our democracy into their theocracy.

A well designed theocracy may be much easier to manage than an illiberal democracy and may even find inspiration in Islamic fundamentalism. The high wall between church and state is being undermined. It sorely needs shoring up.

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Thank you Ruth! A prescient piece, especially in retrospect. It also continues to point out how the media really helped this along; with their lazy click-driven journalism that they are still doing to this day!

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Hi All,

I see this happen when many excuse Trump for his attempt to undermine the election. Even some Liberal Media currently question if it was him doing it on purpose. They want to think he's just stupid or misled by others. Saying that he is and was wrong but that he thought he was right but had bad advisors. Naive? Or stupid? Or complicit? Hard to know.

All the while it is Trump that started it, devised it and then found minions to take the blame and promote it.

Trump hires his advisors and tells them what to say. He won't write it down. He will speak vaguely so that while the person understands exactly what he is told to do if it ever comes up Trump can deny he directed the person to do what they did.

Even when recorded many won't see the obvious and arrest him.

Any reasonable person that hears that call knows he wants Georgia to change the vote.

He threatened them. On tape.

Yet we hear crickets chirping.

Trust is universal for humans. Gullible when fooled over and over by liars is also universal. Americans can be effected by it just as easily as those in other countries.

Our system of checks and balances, representative republic and not mob ruled democracy was designed to make it very hard if not impossible for a dictator to take over.

For 230 years there was a gentleman's agreement from both parties to not go too far. An agreement to split the spoils of politics. There was a perceived limit that the president was not above the country or above the party.

Now one party, certain very poor leaders of that party and the money behind the party decided that for short term political gain that they would ignore the criminality of the former president.

If it turns into long term political gain our country is finished.

Hoping that voters wake up and quickly learn that current gas prices are miniscule when discussing what really matters.

Yet propaganda and lies by the authoritarian party along will make it hard.

Very poor messaging by the Dems and with even the liberal media not explaining the issues clearly is very concerning for our future as a country.

Will American women vote out the Republican Taliban? Or will they be passive and not act?

When we left Iraq and Afghanistan it didn't take a huge army to overrun the country in a few short weeks.

It was a small minority that knew that millions would not stand up to them. Millions that had about twenty years to prepare.

What happens when good people do nothing?

It can happen here.

Vote and educate everyone you can about this. Don't stay silent.

Organize and find a common ground with others that see the danger. Speak with others like Lincoln Republicans, Libertarians and Independents and let them know this is serious stuff. Let the millions that don't vote know that their not voting can lead to their losing their right to vote. Or their right to control their own body.

Let the Dems know that they have to improve their messaging. They have to develp better leaders too. Better communicators.

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Thank you, Ruth, for this guidance.

Back in May, I made a list of the qualities and values I wanted in our New Democracy. (Because, why not?! I thought. Enough doom scrolling for five minutes!!)

Here's the motto:

"Our common purpose is the common good."

And here's a selection of what I came up with—enjoy....:

Equality. Diversity. Engagement. Collaboration. Civility. Teamwork. Respect. Curiosity. Compassion. Empathy. Community. Kindness. Friendship. Generosity. Truthful. Tolerant. No one is above the law. One person, one vote. Voting required of citizens with 'none of the above' an option. Justice. Peaceful transfer of power. Freedom of religion. Multi-racial and multi-cultural. Visionary. Science. Service. Dignity. Pragmatism. Indivisible. Safety. Happiness. Civilian-controlled military. Media literacy. Critical thinking. Civics! Respect.

Please add more...

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Affordable higher education; democracy in the workplace, overturning Citizens United; banning lobbying; mandatory psychological evaluations for all those seeking public offices; enforce existing anti-trust laws; encourage unions.

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Each time Trump horrifies us with an over the top offensive tweet a majority in the country is shocked and angered while a minority ie. most of the Republican party lines up with their cult leader's antidemocratic remark of the day in solidarity. The party, the leader the country is moved incrementally closer and closer to an authoritarian culture that becomes normalized. This is why Trump excels. The leader cult has never broken after two impeachments, over 30 thousand lies and the Jan 6th hearings. The closest it ever came was Jan 6th. There was talk of removing him with the 25th amendment or threatening to convict and impeach him if he didn't resign first. That quickly faded and Trump survived yet another impeachment and removal.

Trump's gift, his genius if you will is to inspire such strong loyalty and devotion that no one ever breaks with him except the never Trumpers and the neocons, which was long ago. Hence "I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any voters" is so powerful and true. Trump's spell on the Republican party so far has been just unbreakable. So far...

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As J.M. Post says, "the sense of grandiose omnipotence of the leader is especially appealing to his needy follower."

He explains the symbiosis of the charismatic leader/follower relationship. Trump is so good at propaganda that he sucked 74 million voters into his authoritarian cesspool; all abandoning democracy to obey their hero.

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".... needy follower." Reminds me of creating and sowing co-dependency which is the sibling of corruption. They feed off each other. Critical independent thinking skills need to be emphasized. (and get the GOP out of our schools).

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There's always that element of emotion and irrationality in human affairs. Its part of human nature. And human history can't change until human nature changes. We're apes with atomic weapons and a climate crisis created by our own inability to ween ourselves off of fossil fuel.

Words like savage, corrupt, depraved, violent, self destructive and destructive come to mind when I think about who we are as a species. The question looking ahead is whether cooperation, compassion, tolerance and reason will be enough to win out over our dark side and save our species from extinction?

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They don't even realize they're complicit in destroying democracy. They beleive its the Dems and Biden that are the ones stealing not only Democracy but the election as well.

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Exactly right; they feel that they are the upholders of democracy, liberty and freedom; all the while supporting a fascist platform. It is psychological projection for sure to blame the Dems. The Trump supporters that I know seem to have FPP (fantasy prone personality).

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Agree, they seem fantasy prone the ones I know. Also seem fatalists (it will be what it will be)... We should (media, grassroots, whomever) go on a campaign to emphasize independent critical thinking skills.

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Its a product of very effective propaganda!

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Superbly articulated and delineated, Ms. Ben-Ghiat. Thank you! May I share an excerpt on Social Media? I, of course, will credit you, as the author, but only with your permission will I proceed on that. I will most definitely share this most insightful writing with family and friends. Best wishes on your visit with your family!


Mike Halaiko

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"Savvy politicians know that ideas prepare the psychological terrain for future actions. " Is really spot on. You also characterize the destruction of norms through trial balloons - that are simply left out there if they do not get push back.

Another technique he uses is saying completely polar opposite things to different audiences on the same subject. In the old world, this would be called out as worse than flip flopping. But in the new world, it is more of 'Trump being Trump'. It delivers the ability to issue statements to the 'normals' left in society to say whatever they want to hear. The best example was Russia. He is an agent of Putin's and has been cultivated for decades, via DB and other mechanisms . For detail see https://civilwarii.substack.com/p/trump-and-putin Yet because the "deep state" continued its usual work in sanctioning Russia, Trump could say "I have been very tough on Russia" while at the same time saying he trusted Putin over the IC, and doing all he could to destroy NATO and other top Putin priorities. When he gets back in - its a guarantee that he will finish the job on NATO - and thus end Ukraine - something he and Manafort worked on for years. The subsequent destabilization of Europe will have no precedent short of 1933-39.

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"When he gets back in -"

The DOJ needs to take this guy out of circulation or we will see fascism. This isn't over yet.

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We are neck deep in fascism. The only question is can we escape it. Despite the excellent work pf the J6C I doubt it. Unless there are mass arrests of Trump on down. It is enjoyable watching Trump freak out... and he needs a new script... everything is 'fake news' and 'I never knew her'... like that is relevant. Someone is throwing their toys out of the crib today turning red and not getting mommas love.

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Need more Saturday Night Live skits to highlight and show the absurdity of this. Humor, sarcasm and cartoons to jolt our fellow Americans into reality. We need the arts to communicate on a subconscious level. Flood the zone.

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Trump is a classic sociopath and it is no coincidence that most fascist leaders were sociopaths. It's the politics of lunacy. The only way that system can work, is if gullible fools believe in it. We have no shortage of these people in the US.

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Wake up America.

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