Informative & interesting interview. Thank you.

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Another interesting feature I have noticed is if you look at one of these individuals and their martial break-up history. It can be an interesting timeline as to when some really became like 'overly sharpened' pencils and more extremist/ Did the cart come before the horse, or the horse before the cart -- we'll never know of course. Many times there is a close timeline.

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I am certain from my teaching days of High School English and social studies that Donald Trump is dyslexic, and one of the kids who was teased a lot, perhaps in elementary school. All the boys who were dyslexic in my classes were angry, assertive, and even defiant/oppositional when asked to do something minor (like take a test or just be quiet during it). The girls were not that way. Trump was kicked out of 8th grade middle school for kicking an art teacher, the reason he wound up in a private military school. A person on SNL said he could not read the script in a table reading for the show. Thus, a sense of bravado to prove "I'm smart", cruelty to others, violence is okay, calling people names is fine. Interesting if a lot of our autocratic leaders over history had learning disabilities, or ADHD. Trump has oppositional-defiance disorder in my estimation, and is also obsessive-compulsive, another big problem (obsessed with Obama/Hillary for a number of years).

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Thank you for this fine interview with Gideon on his new book. All of society needs to brush up on this personality type, as well as civic lessons in types of governance. And then connect the dots. Narcissists can be un-done. At the end of the day, it's helpful to remember that they are actually more fragile than the average person. They are the fragile thin vase on the edge of the shelf, ready to fall. They are full of empty bluster. It's their success at pulling in like a magnet, weaker-types to create a strong orbit of loyalty. Breaking the orbit, breaks the narcissist's gripe and the narcissist melts like the wicked witch of the west -- the orbit then flounders. How do we break the rings of the orbit? (image: Saturn's rings)

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I'm no fan of Trump but I've never understood why people equate him with dictators (strongmen). Trump working diplomatically with dictators to establish better relationships between the U.S. and other countries does not mean that Trump is a dictator. It's the Dems and the media (same thing) who created the "Trump is in bed with the dictators" story line. This interview is just more piffle designed to support that narrative.

The current regime in the U.S. is acting more like a strongman than Trump did (I say "current regime" instead of Biden because it's clear Biden is not the one calling the shots) with their new Ministry of Truth, I mean Disinformation Governance Board.

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Thank you Ruth for this interview with Gideon Rachman. I finished reading your book Strongmen...the day before the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Since then, one of the items I've been puzzled by is the 'acceptance' of these "leaders" by the general populace. In a Globe & Mail opinion piece on Saturday, 07 May, Miguel Syjuco (The last gasp of Philippine demoncracy--great piece!) frames this acceptance as a choice between "burdensome democracy versus comforting authoritarianism". Sigh!

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May 11, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

"But it could have easily gone the other way. And I think it could still, I'm afraid." GR.

Sadly, I couldn't agree more.

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Geezus! Democracy hangs by a thread.

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