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Clinton’s signature ending the 1933-34 Communications Act t try o the Telecommunications Act rankled many, me included.

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It’s now surreal to see how the gop is in submission to Fox regarding their false narrative of January 6th. And their audience remains complicit in maintaining both the big lie and their hatred of woke.

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Woke is reality, and beautiful, the opposite is ?? "I'd rather be woke than broke." -- Heidi

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

"And their audience remains complicit...."

This is the result of the Backfire Effect, where even after being given corrective information, conservatives will double down on their erroneous belief. This is one reason why slowing down fascism, once it has started, is so difficult.

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Who can explain why in the face of all of the recent revelations about Fox, the network is on every TV on every American military base in the world? And why Armed Forces Radio is still hosting so many right wing hate talkers?

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As evidenced on Jan 6 at the Nations Capitol, too many of the rioters had military training or were still active military!

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Just what we need at this time in our history, a military radicalized by lying liars in service of the Orange Menace to Society.

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too militarized ? Maybe once you're heavily trained, you stay in the 'fight-or-flight' mode, over-ready? Broadcasting Fox would be riling up a vulnerable group to their propaganda.

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Peter, this worries me a great deal. How many military personnel subscribe to fascist attitudes?

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Why the "Christian crusaders"? Is that a self-appointed phrase? I don't see the connection they make, but then again I believe in separation of church and state for healthy churches and healthy states. Thanks for educating us.

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I'm afraid it's more than a few.

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Fascism is a cult of machismo... so is our military, so the transition is an easy one.

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By the very nature of the military, it's a pyramid of power. Trump has done so much damage.

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That and Law Enforcement should scare the shit out of all of us. Actually, it should have 50 years ago. "Nickel Boys", Colson Whitehead, good read about power gone bad.

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Why has FOX not been taken off the air? Freedom of Speech? The bad guys are using our freedoms against us. And what law did Reagan destroy that required media to tell the truth? Now its all Russian disinformation....

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I am completely at a loss to understand why no Democratic president has reinstated the Fairness Doctrine, the rule that Reagan killed. It would put a sock in the business model of Fox "News" and right wing hate radio in a hot second.

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Yes the Fairness Doctrine....should I write my Congressman?

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I felt a lot of hope after watching 'The Brainwashing of My Dad' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS52QdHNTh8), a brilliant documentary by Jen Senko. She follows her own inquiry into her father's personality change after he got hooked on Fox. She discovered the history of this technique as well as the fact that her dad was not an isolated incident—then gives us a primer through interviews with experts and scholars. Finally, Senko shows how her family welcomed her dad back to reality. A courageous and intimate film. Highly recommended.//And, as always, thank you, Ruth!

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Thanks for this resource, will check out.

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A variation on the “change the channel” strategy that was so effective in bringing Jen’s father back, has helped me bridge the gap between Fox-ified friends/ family and myself ---- just getting more personally involved in their lives. The more time they are involved with me ... the less time with Fox. It’s my experience, folks would rather (especially now that pandemic risks have lessened) do things, or talk personally with others... Those close relationships were created outside politics, before Fox barged in between us ... it’s just a matter of me prioritizing my time to actually show I’m really concerned and really do value the relationship ... and invariably ... it’s been fun

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Such loving subversion, Randolph—thanks so much for sharing this. I’ve thought often about trying to maintain these relationships, at least enough (and with an open heart) so that when and if they realize they’ve been ‘conned’ I can be a trusted friend they can talk with. Your strategy is exactly that.

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I think this approach should be amplified. (Sorry coming a little late to this discussion - we had a bit of a storm here). I suspect that people need community and belonging. and we have to get them some IRL vs. screens.

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Great idea, Annamarie, putting link to your community building website (sharinghousing) in your substack subscription list (anybody else clicking on circle icon to see what other podcasts Lucidites are listening to? Some wonderful activism going on among us!!!)

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:) Thanks! I'm working on advocating for people to share housing and it's one way to get the word out. And yes, I'm grateful to substack writers as a resource to inform and connect!

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The more coverage Fox and Carlson get for their lying propaganda, the more breathing room democracy gets in the US. Rachel Maddow introduced Guy Cecil, a Democratic thought leader, last night on her show. He has new - and hopefully better - plans for the party to get out its message. We also must remind ourselves how well we fared in the 2022 midterms. We may be turning a corner against the GOP, but there’s lots of work to do. Glad to see video for military and their families!

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I agree. It's preparing messages and -- anticipating their actions. Always have to have something ready in our hip-pocket with this *&%#^&@#. Messaging is key. Anticipation is key. They work on a chess board, strategically anticipating and blocking our moves.

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Maybe, Dana, lying would be cause to relieve Fox of its broadcast license?

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Fox Cult Programming is solely designed to convince the other 80% of white poorly educated there is a Great White Religious Replacement coming using every negative stereotype of black, brown, jewish American’s by distorting Free Speech marches. The Woman’s March and Black Lives Matter scared the living hell out of the riechwing white male patriarchy and showed the world just how these same people structurally destroyed We the People for 200 years.

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So true your description. Their fear is palatable. They need to 'chill' and accept.

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I can't stand Tucker Carlson. My question is if he and the other Fox hosts cost Rupert Murdoch a billion dollars will he continue to employ them.

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Probably depends on their ROI to Murdoch's bottom line....?

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I applaud this commentary, as a beginning. Although Fox and Murdoch is relatively strong, they have been weakened considerably, their decline is in progress. I have always viewed them as a tip of the iceberg. The real question is: Who owns American airwaves and the subject of censorship.

The top 5 are as follows: 1.) Nexstar, 68% coverage, 3.6 Billion. 2.) Gray, 36% coverage, 3.3 Billion.

3.) Tegna, 39% coverage, 2.8 Billion. 4.) Sinclair, 43% coverage, 2.7 Billion. 5.) Fox, 39% coverage, 2.5 Billion.

Key players in order are: 1) Perry Sook. 2) Hilton Howell Jr. 3) Soo Kim (Standard General owns Tigna). 4) David Smith. 5) Rupert Murdoch........ Open Secrets is a good place to view political affiliations and donations.

The main issue is, and always has been, the lack of access to rural areas. While the elites (Stations) snubbed their nose at the rural markets, these top 5 capitalized. These focus on underserved, over the air markets. Folks who can't afford cable or, unwilling to pay. The Red/Blue divide and the top 5 Television broadcasting companies saturation areas, are by no accident. I live in such an area, most would not believe the quiet, suggestive, mis-disinformation of the propaganda machines.

FOX or no FOX, the issue is censorship and lack of Government accountability. What most folks do not realize is, we already have censorship. It was decided by both political parties long ago, as well as the more progressive companies flocking to the densely populated areas.

This is the result of an unconcerned, complacent, complicit populous. We reap what we sow. The issue is Censorship.

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I admire your optimism that Fox is in decline beyond a short term hit.

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Excellent post. I agree about lack of Government accountability. And ... the result of unconcerned, complacent, complicit populous. I've often thought of writing an July-ish essay entitled: 'Patriotism is not a Lawn Chair'. Indeed we reap what we sow. The censorship piece I need to be educated on deeper. Thanks for this.

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Great title and subject, go for it.

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Thanks for cheering me on. I saw a cartoon in July around the 4th and the idea just clicked!* T

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Good research, Art!

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Excellent discourse, Art! Superb!!

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The only thing that will work is cut the money that enables Fox News eg advertisers, sponsors , billionaires, donors etc. Find out who they are and expose them and the numbers to the public.

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Perhaps the Dominion lawsuit will shed light.

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Good write up in WAPO tonight.

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Fox is a money making golden goose. It has the highest ratings and profits of any cable news outlet. It has more power to shape false narratives and spew propaganda than the GOP itself. As such it will remain a malignant force that eats away and destroys democracy and truth.The beneficiaries of their agenda are billionaires and very wealthy corporations seeking more tax cuts and deregulation.

Fox is a key protagonist in the J6 insurrection for the role it played in spreading Trump's big lie 24/7. Now it has been exposed thanks to private communications that were subpoenaed by the Dominion defamation law suit and is frantically doing everything it can to cover up its crimes. They are bleeding and we have to keep exposing them as the biggest most corrupt lie machine in history. We must sully and ruin their reputation not with malice as they have done to American democracy and Dominion, but with simple truths and facts, as we've been doing, so more and more viewers come to recognize them as being nothing more than an evil propaganda machine for a fascist, white Christian, nationalist, Republican party.

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The sad part about our present situation is that much of our wealth class and corporations would prefer fascism, as it benefits them greatly. Unions could be banned, making profit margins grow even further. Regulations would be eliminated, giving corporations even more latitude and freedom. Corporations could bask in their newly formed monopolies/oligopolies. It's easy to see why Fox gets backed by these people. Our neoliberal economics seems to be the road to fascism.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

Its the obscene levels of inequality produced as a result of 40 years of Neo liberalism. And as I quoted last week I will here again; "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both". Louis Brandeis

Billionaires can buy all the political influence they need and then use their power to get laws enacted to keep the game rigged for themselves.

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Agree. Here's a question: Is use of the term, semantically 'Billionaires' helpful to our cause -- showing, emphasizing the great divide? Or is it hurtful to our cause (causing hopelessness)? idk.

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That is why TAX THE RICH must be an on-going theme for the dems to pursue.

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Fair taxation for all people and companies & corporations. Yes!

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Interesting how this coincides to the parallel experience currently going on in banking. If receiving dividends and enrichment by being a shareholder is your god -- idk.

This deregulation has marred society & its values.

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Agree, would only add pseudo-Chrisitans...

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Good write up in WAPO tonight on the lawsuit. Murdoch is not going down because of his Putin kiss-ass employees. He will throw everyone under the bus. I wrote what I did, because the 4 sharks above him are circling and smell blood. His "short term hit" has done damage. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. Many are watching the rural markets, and have been for 5-6 years. Watch for who DeSantis major propagandist is. That will tell a lot.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023

Propaganda is an amazing tool. I remember a guy on "60 Minutes" who had convinced people that birds were not real. It was a stunning display of how malleable the human mind is. Fox uses confirmation bias on viewers who are gullible and possibly have a fantasy prone personality (FPP). Surely, what Fox is selling is fantasy; fascism is all about fantasy. Fox uses hate to polarize its audience against those who prefer democracy; of course they never say they are against democracy. They are promoting political bigotry and that has been wildly successful. Just look at the hate seen among the MAGA Republicans against anyone outside of their clan.

There are limits to freedom of speech and Fox has crossed that line. Diversity of though is critical in striving for a democracy, but what if that far right diversity intends to destroy what is left of our democracy? Fascist politics and propaganda must be banned. Jan 6th is what we get when we allow it.

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FOX appeals to people that crave simpler times. They also subliminally elevate the concept of 'karma' which is superstition etc. When people talk of the concept of 'karma' to me, I talk St Judes Children's Hospital. Karma is an ancient propaganda tool. Down with this concept!*

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Hello everyone. I just became a paid subscriber after reading this today. I decided to support Ruth because her style is so straightforward and clear. I also value how she not only states her case, but also gives suggestions on how we can each do something to take action to elicit change. I read a lot and it is rare in what I see to find someone who follows up their observations with suggesting something to do to act on making a change.

I am still struggling to understand how in the world we ended up with such a grifter and criminal as T**** in the White House. After reading Ruth's article today, I began to think that TFG was just an easy mark for the extremely wealthy to further their interests because he will say or do anything to stroke his fragile ego, he was ready, willing and able to parrot whatever they wanted him to say just so they could get more money and power. T**** was just a useful idiot for them.

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TFG laundered money for the Concrete Cartel and was a valuable Russian asset. The White House became an extension of mobbed-up activity with Russian and Murdoch assistance. Murdoch, an Australian-born citizen should have been deported years ago!

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Welcome SusanA to Lucid. Speaking for myself, I hold Ruth in the highest regard possible. So grateful. I hope you will join the Friday Q&A's where cross-sharing occurs and possible solutions sprout & spring up like tulips in springtime. Peace and love today.

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Who is TFG? Why asterisk Trump?

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Asterisks because I can't give that dickwad's name any oxygen. TFG = The Former Guy, some use it as an abbreviation of That Fucking Guy.

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Those are good reasons, SusanA, but for the sake of clear communication, I would suggest, in your terms, to precede T's name with Dickwad Trump and to use TFG spelled out with a few descriptors, e.g. That Fucking Guy known as the Rapist in a department store and famous misogynist, DJT.

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Love your latter suggestion and will probably use it at least once!

As to the first suggestion, I could only go as far as writing Dickwad T****.

Thanks for the feedback.

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You picked the right place to be. Thoughtful, respectful, intelligent and aware folks. We are fortunate to be led by the best of the best. Our thread reflects her leadership. Welcome.

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That's very friendly, Art. Thank you. Agree with your assessment of the group and Ruth.

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Thanks Susan, for your paid support of Ruth’s vital work. And blessings on whatever that action is, that you discover that you can do to illicit change. Lots of cool stuff to do!!

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Truer words Ruth! I’ve been on a crusade against FAUX since it’s inception, they are the arm of the GOP that’s in desperate need of amputation!

Psyops of mind and opinion of FOX’s faithful, the unctuous derps in this country, require major action. Thanks again for your exceptional reporting!!

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"Amputation" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm all for it.

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1). Love the inclusion of a way to get Tox out of military bases. So important! 2). Will someone tell me why we use ‘disinformation’ instead of ‘lies?’ 3). Is there a modern parallel for Tox in authoritarian countries?

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Unfortunately, our Law Enforcement bathe in Fox urine. IE; Thin Blue Line and Blue Wall of Silence. We got a problem.

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Dominian may in the eyes of history be the hero to pursue this with Fox (sly-enemy of democracy). It is unraveling the web. Because of the coverup operation that is scrambling . . . may be why it is taking the DOJ so long to indict. Criminals love speed (do it & done!) and hate slow, thoughtful examination. While the scrambling of the coverup operation continues, the more yarns are exposed. Stay hopeful for democracy's win.

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The fascinating aspect of the Dominion lawsuit is that is it allows a front-row focus of follow-the-money, which is the root key to the treasure chest for answers - and thereby greater resolution of problems and instituting solutions. The flow of money & its associated documents is a map.

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