As a nation we have been slow in calling Trump a sociopath and a fascist. This hesitation came from the news madia but also from our psychological associations. No one wanted to stick their neck out and call it like it was. This had allowed Trump to gain traction to prove he was a stable genius to his followers and to get enough votes to…
As a nation we have been slow in calling Trump a sociopath and a fascist. This hesitation came from the news madia but also from our psychological associations. No one wanted to stick their neck out and call it like it was. This had allowed Trump to gain traction to prove he was a stable genius to his followers and to get enough votes to win in the Electoral College. His followers were too star struck to realize that sociopaths like Trump bamboozle all of those around them. They refused to believe he was a fascist leaning sociopath. Had we (media, APA etc.) called Trump out to show his true colors, we could have nipped this fascist movement in the bud. Now we're in the remediation mode, sadly.
As a nation we have been slow in calling Trump a sociopath and a fascist. This hesitation came from the news madia but also from our psychological associations. No one wanted to stick their neck out and call it like it was. This had allowed Trump to gain traction to prove he was a stable genius to his followers and to get enough votes to win in the Electoral College. His followers were too star struck to realize that sociopaths like Trump bamboozle all of those around them. They refused to believe he was a fascist leaning sociopath. Had we (media, APA etc.) called Trump out to show his true colors, we could have nipped this fascist movement in the bud. Now we're in the remediation mode, sadly.