DAVID CORN has just published a book that talks about ‘psychosis’. I grew up when Democrats were the Party of Jim Crow/segregation.

I wondered how the MINority could oppress the MAJority. When Corn used that word …"a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality" … I realized that people do not have a ‘severe mental disorder’.

They are ‘choosing’ to have thought and emotions that impair their contact with external reality.

People (particularly very religious and/or people) are ‘choosing’ to be psychotic!

Here’s one of the perfect, sad/funny examples that occurred in my life. https://www.npr.org/2014/03/14/290119435/society-for-indecency-to-naked-animals

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Election Assault (or rape) is accurate but doesn't include consequences the way Autocratic Takeover does.

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Sowing nihilism

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I would call them what they are - Fascists. They are sharing the psychosis that Dr Bandi Lee talks about

here https://twitter.com/bandyxlee1/status/1477614126872547330. The media and Democratic politicians are not doing any of us a favor by continuing to not talk about this.

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Absolutely agree. We have been in an attempted fascist takeover since 2016. In reality, the foundation of such a takeover has existed long before. Jeff Sharlet wrote of a religious entity in "The Family". Today, Dominionism and Evangelicalism has taken over where the "Family" has retreated to some degree. Fascism NEEDS Religion. Religion is the fuel that makes fascism burn bright. Most local church goers have no idea of the politics behind their organizations. We are watching the total destruction of separation of Church and State. The lie used, that we are a Christian Nation, and those who point towards "In God We Trust", only perpetuate the fascist takeover. "In God We Trust", was never a part of our Democracy until 1956. Before I get any religious flack, let it be known, I am not against anyones religion. I am against that religion being imposed on me, a State religion and, that religion being used by autocrats to engage in a Fascist takeover of our Democracy. WHICH IS HAPPENING.......... These Fascists use a very primitive defense, known as projection. They project their position onto others. Sarah Kendzior makes this very clear in, "Hiding in Plain Sight." We have less than a month to see if our reprieve will continue. Buckle up folks.

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I truly fear what’s coming from the Supremes when they discuss the rights of state legislatures with regard to elections. I’m bracing myself. I’m safe in Colorado but the 49 others??? Not so much

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I'm confused. When a set of maps are declared illegal by the state Supreme Court how do they stay in use? Is this a case of a court with no way to enforce it's orders being told to f'k off by the GOP? Is there any redress?

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I'm struggling a lot lately with the language gaps. But the big concept I haven't even seen addressed is: If you enter a contest (pie-eating, arm-wrestling, chess, elections), the baseline presumption is that the rules for the contest have been established and agreed on. Cheating in a normal case means using advantages or ignoring the rules. But the thing now spreading from 45 is something else: It isn't "cheating" within the rules of a contest. It's a THREAT, a PLAN, an INTENTION to ignore the agreed-on rules if the outcome isn't to their liking. This is tantamount to saying "I win no matter what happens", and in the case of elections it says "I win no matter how many people vote against me". Why don't we DISQUALIFY each candidate who takes as a starting premise that they won't honor democratic election outcomes? Big Lie proponents have essentially already started down that road; they already are insistent that they can choose their own reality in spite of actual election stats. They DISQUALIFY themselves when they don't agree to abide by the rules, the results, the frame of the contest. Why is that not our response to election deniers?

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okay, i'll bite although i've never suggested anything in "contests" like these that has taken root; nevertheless, to replace Election Denial, i offer, Republican Ruse.

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Pro-coup Republicans

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“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people…They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty” Jefferson

Thanks for all you do Ruth!

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Or "Coup D'état Republicans"

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Ironically, this “stolen election” elected many federal, state, and local Republicans down the ticket. No one ever asks Republican incumbents why the presidential election was illegitimate but their election results were totally legit. Bending the will of the people requires selective application of the rules. But, when you’re a member of an authoritarian party, and in the words of their Esteemed Leader “they let you do it”. And, they will!

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

We would call it a Fascist Coup. Built on the Fascist White replacement Blueprint developed by Hitler and the Nazi party.

Please see our website, StopFascismNow.org, recently published by myself, a son of Holocaust survivors ; my parents both spent WWII in Buchenwald as slave laborers, and lost over 50 members of our immediate family in the Auschwitz death camp. Also co-authored by my political friend and co-publisher, whose family were NAZI perpetrators. https://stopfascismnow.org/about

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Party line voting has been eroding the election process for 100 years. It actually sounds loyal to the electoral process but it denies the voters of the best representation possible. It morphs itself from term to term and prevents a registered party member due process due to party boss hierarchy naught to be challenged a guarded closely. It has been morphing for decades and here we are. This is an inherent generational problem. Call it what it is ... media and journalism has had its teeth cut on it.

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When you say that the GOP is attempting a "fascist takeover" that phrase describes it perfectly for me.

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