Here are Tim Snyder's suggested ways to help Ukraine:

Everyone has different values, and so here is a range. Please do something.

NGO that arranges life-saving equipment for Ukrainian soldiers: https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate

Hospitallers working at the frontline: https://www.facebook.com/hospitallers/posts/2953630548255167

Ukrainian Women’s Veteran Movement: https://www.uwvm.org.ua/?page_id=3437&lang=en

NGO that assists internal refugees: https://unitedhelpukraine.org/

NGO that assistants internal refugees, especially from Crimea: https://www.peaceinsight.org/en/organisations/crimea-sos/?location=ukraine&theme

NGO that aids traumatised children: https://voices.org.ua/en/

Foundation that assists healthcare and education in eastern Ukraine: https://razomforukraine.org/projects/zhadan/

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I say, "Attack Russia," in all ways possible. This atrocity should not stand.

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I’m feelin it, too, mansur …. but my brain ain’t so gun-ho … sucks that Putin can intimate western allies to inaction by rattling his nukes … but taking action to save a few millions, while risking billions in nuclear holocaust … wow …

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I was thinking today: The U.S. imposed a no-fly zone over northern Iraq to protect the Kurds from Saddam. Now we are prevented from doing that because Putin has nukes and Saddam didn't. It would be a gamble to impose no-fly over Ukraine, after announcing we were doing it for humanitarian reasons, and your nukes be damned. That's what the U president wants us to do. We are cowed by Putin's nukes. Is that right?

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Correct .. but shouldn’t be right

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Exactly right Randolph.

I am sickened every time I hear Biden tell Putin what “we” won’t do to help save Ukraine. He might as well say “help yourself Putin”. When Putin decides to invade and destroy the next country on his list will Biden & NATO write them off too? Will they decide they, like Ukraine, can be sacrificed to appease a madman with nuclear weapons?

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Putin has many non-nuclear options.to respond if Biden and western allies escalate militarily as necessary to clear Russia out of Ukraine … satellites, submarines, cyber, mercenaries … allies, of course, know this, yet won’t challenge Putin … perhaps it’s more than fear of igniting nuclear apocalypse that immobilizes allies?

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Such a heartbreaking interview that makes one feel so helpless. Why so many people have to suffer and die at the hands of a maniac is beyond all reason. Putin is the devil and his end will come. Please God 🙏🏻

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No one is immune from this nightmare. So why on earth do we leave the decisions to aid a country to defend itself from further death and disruption to diplomatic military strategist who can actually assist in shortening this war? To me there only seems to be one side to the argument, the one who pays the price for independence and freedom.

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Excellent interview! This interview would be helpful to many if it were freely available to the general population who, for whatever reason can't have access to Lucid. Thank you for sharing it here.

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Jude, You can share this, and any of Ruth’s articles here, on numerous social media platforms … I am regularly sharing to numerous FB groups that I am a member of

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Heartbreaking and horrifying.

But thank you for this.

We must do what we can to help the children.

Save the Children’s Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund:

"Save the Children staff and volunteers are distributing food, water, and hygiene kits to refugees arriving at the Romania-Ukraine border and in reception centers.

In Poland and Romania, Provide Child Protection services including targeted support for unaccompanied and separated children, psychosocial support, and access to legal services."


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I pray and hope refugees arriving to destinations are daily being told the whole world is on their side and praying for them, we won't let up. Good people united across the globe.

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Thank you Dr. Carballo and RBG for this discussion. It is horrifying the trauma being inflicted and the longterm impact on this generation and the next and so on . As a child of Jewish refugees from the Nazi's/WW2, I am consumed by sadness that it is happening again....Thank you to Gary Kloner below for his thoughts on ways to help the Ukraine.

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Heartbreaking and yet so vital to know.

Thank you for storytelling this so we know and understand.

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This is such a catastrophe and Dr. Carballo outlines it well.

I've read there are 80,000 pregnant women in country who will give birth in the next 3 months. As a mother myself, the thought of giving birth in a war zone makes me shudder, the impossibility of it, the horror for both mother and child. And then, of course, there's the countless children fleeing with parents and those who are fleeing alone like the 11-year old boy with a small bag of belongings and a telephone number written on his hand. It's beyond heart wrenching and terrible.

The situation for the elderly and disabled is equally terrible. I have a medically compromised grand daughter. The thought of her surviving, struggling through the mayhem and lack of services is mind-boggling.

A nightmare made worse by the suggestion of chemical and/or biological weapons, another fevered projection by the Russians.

This cannot stand! We may, in fact, be facing a much broader, more terrible war. But this must stop before Putin turns Ukraine to ash, and then marches forward to other illegal, amoral conquests.

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Again, thank you for the attention to the most vulnerable- children and those who are disabled/poor/sick/immigrants. I can't wrap my ahead around the notion that a child in a blown up building, dies of dehydration days later and sitting near her dead mother. In this country, the desensitization of suffering we are witnessing by political leaders and extremists is sickening.

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Excellent interview. Thank you.

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I wish every American could read this. In this interview, we all are.

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Profoundly tragic situation for innocent people caught in the vice grip of one dictators need for even more power. I'm reminded of the refugees within our own borders being used as pawns for political stunts by cruel republicans DeSantis and Abbot while both angle to out stupid Trump by flying desperate people to Martha's Vineyard and to the VP mansion. Pathetic! They should drop them off at Mar-a-lago, plenty of room there.

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