If anyone is not a paying subscriber, now is the time to do so. Ruth has gone way above and beyond the call, to stay in the forefront and on the frontlines of this fight we are in. She is a thought leader, brilliant and fearless. She has not backed away, as so many others have done. Ruth is also on multiple sites as backup, as am I and most of the vocal defenders of our Democracy. Ruth's guest this week is Brynn Tannehill. Her book, "American Fascism", is extraordinary. Brynn is a proven combat leader and incredible freedom fighter for our rights, justice and Democracy. Please support Ruth anyway you can. She ain't running away folks. I am convinced, this is the fight for our country.
Rise and Resist was outside protesting this event with about 15 activists . The NYPD kept trying to shut us down and arrest us. They closed the east side of Park Ave. to pedestrians and provided “protection“ to the guests. That is they protected the wealthy supporters of the attackers of the Capitol.
Our banner read “Arrest Trump” and we also had Arrest Giuliani and Arrest Bannon and Arrest Stone signs.
Jamie, the NYC police officers’ outrageous anti-democratic behavior you described shocks and frightens me. I spent many years growing up, studying and working in Manhattan, and always knew that the vast majority of NYC’s cops were staunch right wing Republicans. I never thought NYPD officers would put on such a public display of anti-democratic and physically menacing behavior. But I’m also shocked that there were only 16 of you who actively protested the New York Young (Fascist) Republican Club's annual gala. I wish I could have been the 17th protester at this disgusting event.
The aspect of the New York Young Republican Club's annual gala that I would like to comment on is their use of the name of Alan Dulles for an award. As the author of the overthrow of the Iranian government in 1953, with the help of Mr. Roosevelt, to gain Iranian oil resources, and Guatemala in 1954, to prevent a progressive President from improving things for Guatemalans, I can tell you as one who has visited Iran and studied in Guatemala: Guatemala still suffers from that coup and Iran, as the indirect result of Dulles's coup, is now imprisoning thousands and executing protestors. The Shah of Iran took the place of the government overthrown by Dulles. The Islamists overthrew the Shah. And here we are. The unfortunate "blowback" often mentioned by Chalmers Johnson is evident to all who study the result of U.S. foreign policy. It goes without saying that the honorees of the NYYRC awards are lowlife troublemakers.
Allen Dulles was a fascist leaning sociopath. He essentially determined US foreign policy while in power. Having no conscience, he had no problem removing leaders of other nations. It goes to show the danger of letting a sociopath attain power. Fascism and sociopathy go hand in hand. Trump is a fascist leaning sociopath as well, but there have been many others worldwide. Our GOP seems to attract these people. The New York Young Republican Club is glorifying a sociopath (Dulles) as their hero. It's a sickness. Fascism is a sickness.
The agents of chaos endemic, and those who fund their actions must be stopped!
Musk bringing back to Twitter the voices of violence, deception and hatred, along with unctuous derps, anxiously awaiting marching orders, we have a major problem! It’s time for government action… thanks for your excellent, but troubling report Ruth!
The faltering GOP, over the past 20 years, has now resorted to fascism as its last, best hope for survival. Their propaganda is so effective that they have divided the nation between their clan and the evil outside enemy. They have created political bigots, filled with hate. It's classic fascism. The ugliness of fascism is in its ability to sell their hate while it masquerades as freedom and liberty. The Jan 6th coup was all about hate. It's amazing how easy it was to convince Trumpers to hate democracy and love fascism.
Us curling up in despair is exactly what the other side wants. You may have given up, but I have not.
I think youll like this song then:
You may have given up, but I have not and I never will =]
Everything seems impossible until suddenly it isn’t.
How the heck did MTG & Bobo - as freshmen Congress women get so much power & rise as superstars in The GOP.?
I read BOBO was Ted Cruz’s “ liaison” & MTG was Bannon’s operative- but how did they get to the highest reaches of GOP power & stardom? TY
Fox and Twitter. Maddy Cawthorne would also be in that group if he hadn’t kept tripping over his own dick.
The radicalization of the party
...Reminds me of reality T.V. !
If anyone is not a paying subscriber, now is the time to do so. Ruth has gone way above and beyond the call, to stay in the forefront and on the frontlines of this fight we are in. She is a thought leader, brilliant and fearless. She has not backed away, as so many others have done. Ruth is also on multiple sites as backup, as am I and most of the vocal defenders of our Democracy. Ruth's guest this week is Brynn Tannehill. Her book, "American Fascism", is extraordinary. Brynn is a proven combat leader and incredible freedom fighter for our rights, justice and Democracy. Please support Ruth anyway you can. She ain't running away folks. I am convinced, this is the fight for our country.
I upped mine just now -- and thanks, Art, this is indeed the fight for our country!!
thank you!
Rise and Resist was outside protesting this event with about 15 activists . The NYPD kept trying to shut us down and arrest us. They closed the east side of Park Ave. to pedestrians and provided “protection“ to the guests. That is they protected the wealthy supporters of the attackers of the Capitol.
Our banner read “Arrest Trump” and we also had Arrest Giuliani and Arrest Bannon and Arrest Stone signs.
Jamie, the NYC police officers’ outrageous anti-democratic behavior you described shocks and frightens me. I spent many years growing up, studying and working in Manhattan, and always knew that the vast majority of NYC’s cops were staunch right wing Republicans. I never thought NYPD officers would put on such a public display of anti-democratic and physically menacing behavior. But I’m also shocked that there were only 16 of you who actively protested the New York Young (Fascist) Republican Club's annual gala. I wish I could have been the 17th protester at this disgusting event.
Great article, thank you for introducing us to another brilliant aurthor =]
The aspect of the New York Young Republican Club's annual gala that I would like to comment on is their use of the name of Alan Dulles for an award. As the author of the overthrow of the Iranian government in 1953, with the help of Mr. Roosevelt, to gain Iranian oil resources, and Guatemala in 1954, to prevent a progressive President from improving things for Guatemalans, I can tell you as one who has visited Iran and studied in Guatemala: Guatemala still suffers from that coup and Iran, as the indirect result of Dulles's coup, is now imprisoning thousands and executing protestors. The Shah of Iran took the place of the government overthrown by Dulles. The Islamists overthrew the Shah. And here we are. The unfortunate "blowback" often mentioned by Chalmers Johnson is evident to all who study the result of U.S. foreign policy. It goes without saying that the honorees of the NYYRC awards are lowlife troublemakers.
Allen Dulles was a fascist leaning sociopath. He essentially determined US foreign policy while in power. Having no conscience, he had no problem removing leaders of other nations. It goes to show the danger of letting a sociopath attain power. Fascism and sociopathy go hand in hand. Trump is a fascist leaning sociopath as well, but there have been many others worldwide. Our GOP seems to attract these people. The New York Young Republican Club is glorifying a sociopath (Dulles) as their hero. It's a sickness. Fascism is a sickness.
Is Dulles Airport named for him?
Probably John Foster Dulles.
Yep https://www.flydulles.com/about-airport/history
chilling not thrilling
fell traps and powers we face
too close for comfort
Looking forward to Friday. Brynn T is a heavy hitter, one of best and brightest!
The agents of chaos endemic, and those who fund their actions must be stopped!
Musk bringing back to Twitter the voices of violence, deception and hatred, along with unctuous derps, anxiously awaiting marching orders, we have a major problem! It’s time for government action… thanks for your excellent, but troubling report Ruth!
The faltering GOP, over the past 20 years, has now resorted to fascism as its last, best hope for survival. Their propaganda is so effective that they have divided the nation between their clan and the evil outside enemy. They have created political bigots, filled with hate. It's classic fascism. The ugliness of fascism is in its ability to sell their hate while it masquerades as freedom and liberty. The Jan 6th coup was all about hate. It's amazing how easy it was to convince Trumpers to hate democracy and love fascism.
Thanks Steve. If we pull apart the tenets of fascism,,,,what is there to love?
Fascism has no virtues.