When president Trump beat Hillary and became the 45th president of the USA. He chose to unite all citizens by not going after his political opponents like Hillary Clinton which in a debate with her he said we would do. He could have very easily done that , but he chose not too and be a president of all people even those that did not vote for him.

On the other hand fascist and authoritarian Joe Biden attacked MAGA REPUBLICANS and said they were a threat to democracy. He said maga republicans do not believe in the constitution or rule of law and many other non sense !

Dividing and conquering citizens against each other instead of uniting and being a president for all!

His Administration most fascist regime we have ever seen. It’s crazy how times have changed when the liberals back in the day were the ones that were highly suspicious of government and wars like the vietnam war when the liberal hippies protested the government!

Do you not see the endless wars and the lengths the left wing media and right wing at times goes to justify invasions and provocative expansion towards Russian territory.

Maga republicans see through the smokescreens the government media and deep state operatives try to push their neo con agendas onto us the citizens with propaganda.


The Roger Stone raid where CNN was outside 1 hour before raid team . The steel dossier paid by the Clinton Campaign. Fbi spying on Trump campaign under obama . I think you are kettle your emotions cloud your years of research into this type of stuff .

Feel free to respond if you’d like darengc16@protonmail.com

27 year old hispanic man from south Texans

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Biden also delivered some of his harshest criticism yet of the 25 per cent of U.S. adults who’ve so far not been inoculated, saying that they’re dragging out the pandemic that has claimed more than 650,000 lives in the U.S.

“My message to unvaccinated Americans is this: What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see?” he said. “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us, so please, do the right thing " ... wow really unifying huh.. wow he must be really really worried about those whom are vaccinated.. which is weird cause "your refusal" to get get the vax.. has cost us all.. just really seems like he again is targeting and blaming others .. and trying to .. scare them .. to.comply..bribery didn't work , segregation and medical discrimination didn't work... so fuck it he makes an unconstitutional mandate... could you imagine if Trump did that!!?? I recall vp Harris stating she would never take a vaccine from Trump amongst many others.... and one more.. remember when. Trump one surprisingly in 16' what did those crazy dems do and say for 4 yrs.. not my president, Russia fraud ( no evidence 6 yrs later.. well evidence is there but it wasn't trump....) enjoy. Hope that bishh.. Hilary rots in a cell


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What is it called when the government is controlling and influencing social platforms?? What is it called when the president tries to force compliance?? By whatever means ? And silences any person deemed dissenters?

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Demagoguery, propaganda..censorship , incited division amongst voters and individuals ...race baited , "woke" ideology , he didn't do that ? He didn't declare anyone a potential terrorist who may had questioned the election oddities or covid vaccines , or the parents who were standing up for their children their beliefs values , parents whom always have and should know what their kids are being taught?

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Wow . This is quite an opinion you wrote and insinuating it as facts.. and it's so incredibly easy to dismantle, DISPROVE EVERY SINGLE baseless claims you make..

1. Republicans have a media machine unlike democrats?? You should probably google who owns the monopoly in networks , then go to youtube search the video like 5 6 largest main networks and their subsidiaries all say the same thing .. and when the narrative and phrases are identical on over 30 50 smaller news outlets.....(cult behavior i know ) then reply.. also fox or Republicans in general..do not have hundreds of millions of viewers..( you just said a random # id guess , no base or evidence ) I'm curious to know what or how you would define authoritarian..because yes Biden has enacted as well as verbally stated he will and has abused his powers multiple multiple times ...these progressives in office..not democrats literally have done almost everything claim you've made towards Republicans

.Unlike Democrats,....... Republicans have a formidable media machine that dispenses disinformation such as this to hundreds of millions every day. They know that propaganda works through repetition, but for maximum impact different sectors of society should deliver the same message, with small variations that cater to the tastes of their constituencies. That's what's happening right now with the "Biden as authoritarian" line

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This ditz is like that meme when a democrat is wearing a swastika armband waiving a flag saying "It's not facism when we do it!" EPIC FAIL!

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Is this talking point a “red” herring? Get it? “Red”?

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How about we don't fall into the trap of letting politicians run our lives completely. To believe that Biden is not a part of the military industrial complex, or a technocratic idealism that has big business as its focus mean that you are completely blind. Do you really believe that there's that much of a difference between these two political factions of blue and red? Why not wake up on do something different? They're all puppets that work for the economy, not the people. They both have propaganda machines that work as dualism to keep everyone fighting with each other. Manufactured Consent is a real thing that is obviously happening to a large part of the public.

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You're exactly right, they plan to push right-wing authoritarianism as the only option against the existential threat to them of left-wing authoritarianism - they say there's no liberal democracy left to save. I think Rod Dreher summed up their message perfectly - "We all seem to be barreling towards a future that is not liberal and democratic but is going to be either left illiberalism, or right illiberalism. If that’s true, then I know which side I’m on: the side that isn’t going to persecute me and my people." https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-inquiry/what-rod-dreher-sees-in-viktor-orban

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1. It seems to me that allegations that Biden is X or Y, or has done this or that action, should be met with an oibvious response: provide specifics, please, and state how or why this is a tenet of Marxism/communism/socialism/etc.

2. Of course, Repugnicans and supporters of the Grifter-in-chief will believe anything negative about Biden or Democrats. Ibelieve it will be a big step forward in understanding those folks if we saw some research conducted by scientists (psychologists, political scientists,etc) about why they believe that: what are the characteristics of believers, how do they benefit from believing, etc.

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The GOP rhetoric is especially dangerous for us all in light of what climate change will demand of us as a society to survive it. At the moment when we should be learning how to effectively work together with our government to effect large programs that will help us keep the global rise in temperature below catastrophic levels, the GOP is throwing this dangerous propagandistic wrench into the political machinery. The party's short-term thinking is going to make our effective response in the future even more difficult, if not impossible.

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Thanks Ruth, my daily dose of sanity

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I'd make 3 observations: 1) At this point, there is no excuse for the Democratic party's inability to provide succinct, coherent messaging about the threat to our country. They may not have 24/7 talk radio and a propaganda network such as Fox, but there are 5 talking points that they should ram home relentlessly at every opportunity. Why aren't they doing so?, 2) The Overton window has been obliterated. We're no longer debating fascism vs democracy, but the uniquely American perversion of freedom has led to an explosion of anarchy...as we saw when Trump ventured a few words of praise for vaccines. This very vocal minority doesn't want any authority restricting their rights. This means the GOP has lost control of their Frankenstein, and they know it. They'll likely ride the insanity to power in 2022, then what? This base will continue to demand ever-more red meat. What will they feed it? 3) The world is disintegrating through now-weekly climate crises, an ongoing pandemic, massive income inequality, massive government and SCOTUS corruption, massive disinformation platforms, and a complete absence of accountability at all levels. Are there really any realistic solutions for such overwhelming crises where corporations have more power than government officials?

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Realistic solutions, hw? yep, the Titanic is doomed and sinking… but it’s my hope, and I don’t think it unreasonable to believe we are learning how to make life-boats here … paleo-anthropologists theorize that about sixty to seventy thousand years ago, rapid, adverse climate change reduced human populations from millions around the world to a few tens of thousands in Africa (really) … what else are you going to do but keep in mind the potential disasters ahead for us and our children, but never let go off the realistic hope that the love that binds us (and some luck), may get some of us thru this

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I appreciate your perspective. I want to be certain that people are hyper-aware of the stakes, and perhaps I am overly pessimistic at times. I certainly wouldn't have imagined that the world would have 3 safe and highly effective vaccines a year after the first appearance of a pandemic, so I take your words to heart.

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As a writer and Trial Lawyer, I understand the transformative power of concepts and words. Ruth Ben-Ghiat is one of the very insightful and conceptual writers of our time.

First and foremost Ruth has a lexicon of concepts, including her most recent conceptualization of "propaganda" or, as Ruth writes, "Propaganda isn't about logic, but evoking emotion." You can't write that short, effective and pointed phrase unless your power of conceptualization is on cruise drive, as Ruth's is. Secondly, Ruth can not only conceptualize where the right wing masses are being led astray with propaganda and brain washing, but she can use her ample writing ability to spell out just how those brainwashed, "survivalist" masses create their own lexicon of false labels to mischaracterize the rest of us, "Commies, Radical Lefties and Socialists."

In the last analysis, my take away from Ruth's article about the right's "Phony Talking Point" of Biden as an Authoritarian is...

"Propaganda isn't about logic, but about evoking emotions" is a response that needs to be pulled out of the holster at a moment’s notice.

Brain washing through "propaganda and demagoguery" works… because it relies on "short circuiting" the intellect, logic, deductive reasoning and critical analysis by appealing to emotion.

Think of that for a moment. "Propaganda and demagoguery" work because they cancel out that which makes us human and separates us from the animal kingdom… the cognitive power of human intellect, logic, deductive reasoning and critical analysis.

Fred Lauck


noun... promotion, advertising, advertisement, publicity, advocacy; spin, newspeak, agitprop, disinformation, counter-information, brainwashing, indoctrination, the big lie; informal info, hype, plugging, disinfo.

dem·a·gogue| ˈdeməˌɡäɡ |

noun… a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument:

dem·a·gog·uer·y| ˈdeməˌɡäɡ(ə)rē |

noun… political activity or practices that seek support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.

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"'Propaganda isn't about logic, but about evoking emotions' is a response that needs to be pulled out of the holster at a moment’s notice.

Brain washing through 'propaganda and demagoguery' works… because it relies on 'short circuiting' the intellect, logic, deductive reasoning and critical analysis by appealing to emotion."

Significant negative emotion literally cuts off communication between the amygdala and the pre-frontal cortex of the brain, thus making it difficult to impossible to activate logical thinking. A large part of my work with students who have learning challenges involves helping students learn to regulate emotion and restrain impulsive behavior. It has occurred to me that when people are literally "mainlining" propaganda day in and day out, it's hard to make headway in helping them to settle their emotions so they can think clearly.

It's also difficult to keep our own pre-frontal cortex in the game when the real threats associated with COVID-19 and the right-wing assaults on democracy continue for an extended time as we are now experiencing. I have been on emotional overload from the constant bombardment of "crazy" and from being harassed for attempting to use reason and facts to explain to certain friends and acquaintances why I do not believe all the right-wing rhetoric. No one can function well with unrelenting stress and threat. Hopefully, becoming more aware of how this all is impacting me will remind me to find ways to disengage from the "crazy" to recoup my energy from time to time.

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I like how everyone here agrees with each about everything. Really good discussions.

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I bet you do. Bet it reinforces your feelings.. discussion.. or agreement..hmm

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I live in a 55+ community with my mom. Most seniors here are avid Trump supporters who watch Fox all day long. Even my mom has been corrupted by Fox and FB. The seniors here who are Democrats are very passive and believe in democracy and that the American people will do the right thing and vote accordingly. My reply is “What if we can’t vote?” Crickets.

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Thank you. It seems that a common characteristic of authoritarians is accusing others of what you are. Just read a chapter of Wilmington's LIe- and it seems that the white supremacists accused the Black men of doing to white women what white men were doing to black women for over 100 years: raping them and abusing them. This was a method to increase fear of the blacks and motivate the whites to raise their political actions to levels of violence in order to gain back political power. We are seeing that today with these accusations of Biden, while the previous guy actually practiced autocracy for his, his family and friends benefit-not the nation.

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What you are talking about is known as projection. Trump was infamous for this tactic. Others in his clan are using this now in Trump's post-truth world.

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