I’ll patiently wait for that article and I hope your laptop is back to you pronto! Such a bummer when stuff like that happens. 😵‍💫

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Terrrible! Is still lost but have substitute as of this AM.

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Aug 8Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

I left my suitcase under the bus--hope you are reunited with it soon!

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Aug 8Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

So interesting Ruth, because the story that Tim Walz told about WHY and how he and his wife named their daughter, Hope, was incredibly moving. What a great pic for VP~! It’s fun riding this “blue-wave”…long overdue! Have a nice vacation

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Mercury is in retrograde until 8/28. Redo. Rethink. Re everything:)

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So true...

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Aug 8Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Thanks Ruth. Looking forward to seeing your article on hope. And perhaps some insights about your experience in Aspen

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

Yikes! You sound very calm, Ruth...I have a kiniption if I misplace my phone for 5 seconds. I hope they return your laptop soon. BTW, I'm reminded of your comment regarding how leaders matter whenever I feel the wave of almost manic euphoria, the pressure-cooker release of hopeful energy that emerged spontaneously when Joe stepped down and endorsed Kamala. Leaders really matter, and Joe was a leader at that moment as well. Looking forward to your essay; I'm sure your audience will appreciate your presentation to them. You've been a lighthouse of sanity in a sea of madness for all of us, and we definitely appreciate it!

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Aug 8Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Yes, and that lighthouse shines a light on those who live completely outside of the social contract.

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Interesting point, Steve!

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Yes you have to be able to see into the darkness and even know that darkness exists since it masquerades as respectable or enlightened...

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Thank you! I was not calm at all when I realized it had happened...

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Thank you for reminding us not only that it is good to hope, but that hope is one thing autocrats seek to crush, thus making daring to hope an act of resistance. The enthusiasm and the powerful sense of relief many I know are experiencing is truly welcome. Tim Walz intensified that enthusiasm. The more one gets to know who he is and how he evolved, the more one embraces him.

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Aug 8Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Hope you are reunited with your laptop very soon.

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Aug 8Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Hoping for very generous help from the airline and airport personnel helping you be reunited with your laptop and a successful conference!

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Hope is all very well … but I live in California. The Deep South, Texas, the upper Midwest - all those ruby red states - still wishful thinking.

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Challenging...but we shall see!

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Hope your laptop is returned unscathed. Confident you will get it back. Sending all good vibes! Stay safe. 💙

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Thanks Flora

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I hope you get your laptop returned to you as soon as possible, Ruth - aending good vibes your way. Good luck at your conference; enjoy your time in beautiful Aspen.

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Thank you Colleen

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Hope is the Thing With Feathers...... I love that poem and everytime I hear the word Hope, I think of it. I also felt Hopeful when I saw the rally in Philadelphia two nights ago. Harris-Walz are an amazing duo. I love the way she pointed out that they were just plain folks in their upbringing and they represented different regions of the US, but still, they represent the same thing, and they will represent us. Hearing the word Service was powerful too. That was the perfect way to describe the difference between the two types of presidencies that we are facing. One duo that does not serve the people, and the other one who does. Also, they have reclaimed normal for the Democrats, something that the Democrats have not been able to do for a long time. They have allowed the Republicans to define us as socialist (wrong), far left (wrong), even Left is wrong except when the center is so far to the right. We have reclaimed the Center with these candidates, an unlikely duo just a few months ago, because the picture has been reversed. Instead of the White Man in the Lead role with the Black-Asian Woman at his side, it is now she is the lead and the White man is at her side. Honestly, this is how things are in many American households these days. We have women in leadership roles and the men in their lives are supporting them. While she is not breaking the color barrier as president (actually she still is ethnically), she is breaking the gender barrier. A barrier that should not be there, and I hope to see her take away. Together, Harris and Walz are returning the hope to Americans that we can have control over our own bodies, a kinder more supportive government that looks at what women and families need, and a global policy that is still respected around the world--something Biden has been a master at restoring, and hope that the chaos and hatred that have been fomented by the MAGA Party, is finally put to rest. I agree that it has been a brilliant evolution of this campaign that one of the many groups that is growing in support is Republicans Voting Against Trump. RVAT has been putting together videos of testimonials that are powerful to watch. These are people who are central in their party, not to the right like the MAGAs are. In some ways, this tug between the MAGAs and the Republicans for Harris is a beginning of the end of the Republicans party as it has become. Will we become a 3 party nation, or will the Democratic Party provide a big enough umbrella that people who own and support gun ownership, but accept reasonable gun laws will join it? Will people who represent big business who are willing to pay their fare share of taxes join? I am currently living in Germany, and the Rossmann, the owner of the second largest drugstore chain, who is a billionaire, put out a statement that his company is no longer purchasing Teslas because Elon Musk is supporting Trump. That is a powerful financial endorsement of the Harris ticket from abroad because it sets a tone here in Germany that may be followed by others. Putin has also shown that he no longer believes that Trump will win by making the hostage exchange that includes Gershkowitz and Whelan. Thank you Joe Biden who is making us hopeful just in this act or the fact that he has taken on SCOTUS. We just have so much to be hopeful for, and this ticket is representing us all! We can all see that. It is for multicultural American as well as for multigendered America. That is the party looking to the future, and we can do better, not a party rooted in an ugly past that most of us do not want to return to. Hope is the thing with feathers, and it is floating with the wings of Freedom and Joy.

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Aug 8Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Yikes! Sending good thoughts concerning your laptop. We'll be here when you retrieve your essay. Hope is a powerful thing. We've just watched it turn the tables.

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I sure hope you get your laptop back! Interestingly, if you had left it on a public transport vehicle in Japan, you would be virtually assured of having it returned.

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I bet, but alas was a busy US airport...

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We’ll see. There’s always hope

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Aug 8Liked by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Bless you! I know the feeling of trying to recover a lost object! Wishing you much success!

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