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Dear Ruth, another insightful article. I did a short interview on Navalny's death that broadens the conversation. Might be useful for your readers. The interview focuses on Navalny's death and the attack on journalists all over the globe by the forces of oppression. The interview begins at 3:55 minutes into the segment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq9Dygxqn20

Best, Henry

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Dear Henry. Brilliant comments and interview. I have been an admirer of your words, spoken and written, for some time. Continue the struggle.

To add to your comments, we cannot, nor have we ever, have faith that our institutions. will conduct moral and humane actions. Listing the lack of institutional actions seem rote - we know and understand the problems. The last bastion of defense, in my estimation, is the strength of public opinion. For the time being, our votes can produce change. We can gather in protest. With exceptions, of course, the jack boots will not kick down our doors. We can participate in forums such as this one. We can no longer be the shy, polite, church mice as we witness lies and misconceptions. Navalny's quote that "a little something can be done" should be a rallying cry. After all, we have numbers on our side - let's use our strength.

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Hi David, you are absolutely right. Institutions are only as strong as the people who believe in them and are willing to defend them. Changing consciousness is the absolute priority politically today. That is why education is central to politics in the age of image-based, digital culture. At the same time ideas have to be married to action. I truly believe that mass consciousness has to lead to mass multi-class, racial struggles across multiple sites. I also believe the most powerful political weapon for change is a mass consciousness that energizes the popular imagination and engages in direct social action. We have to shut down this dreadful machinery of gangster capitalism and authoritarianism. All the best, Henry

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Thank you Henry. Insightful interview.

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Profound interview Henry. Your comment about dissent was appropriate. I recall tRump wishing that he could shoot protesters. The road to fascism is paved with violence, propaganda, fear and vengeance.

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Henry, thank you for raising the plight of journalists. I, like many others, find myself indebted to your good work. I confess being delighted to see your name. I agree, but would add that the

complicity and/or acquiescence of silence offers impunity for the bad actors.

“According to CPJ: “As of 2/21/24, CPJ’s preliminary investigations showed at least 88 journalists and media workers were among the more than 29,000 killed since the [“war”] began on 10/7—with more than 28,000 Palestinian deaths in Gaza and the West Bank and 1,200 deaths in Israel. “

There’s not much difference between fascist Russia and fascist Israel, except that the victims of Russian aggression get more coverage, support and sympathy while Palestinians’ decades (since before 1948) of inordinate abuse exacerbated under apartheid Zionist settler colonial Israel is virtually ignored, or worse; we help finance and arm the psychotic, fascist abusers and shield them from being held accountable by the U.N.

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I think it's time we recognize Bibi for who he is... a sociopath. This type of leader has been dangerous throughout history, no matter the country's name or our relationship to them. Bibi's popularity in Israel is in the dumpster for a reason. Unfortunately, it takes the electorate many years to figure out that their hero is a madman. The quid pro quo between Israel and the Palestinians is so out of balance that it has become insane.... just like Bibi.

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