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As Rachel Kleinfeld's book, A Savage Order: How the world's deadliest countries can forge a path to security, shows the paths to peace and stability are various. There is no doubt that Russia is a country seething with unrest. Perhaps an assassin's bullet can show the way? It remains to be seen.

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Just as Nemstov met his demise by the paranoid little man of vengeance, that bullet would be a welcome ending to the madness, cruelty, chaos and corruption of Putin, Mansur!!

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Hear, hear, Patrick!

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Patrick, IтАЩll repeat some of what I told Mansur and add more: Violence begets violence. I would suggest:

* GandhiтАЩs successful 50-year struggle for IndiaтАЩs Independence (1947) against the brutal British Empire (largely responsible for the Israel-Palestine тАЬconflict.тАЭ)

* Henry ThoreauтАЩs тАЬCivil DisobedienceтАЭ (1849)

* MLK civil rights movement; IтАЩm still inspired by his тАЬI Have a DreamтАЭ speech. His march influenced passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

We aught to encourage alternatives to violence, now. I suspect the fascist opposition to democracy hopes to see progressives pick up arms. Consider what fascist Israel is doing to Palestinians after Hamas despicable 10/7 terrorist attack; massacres that have killed 30k, with thousands under the rubble; 70k wounded, more than 500k starving or about to starve; most displaced and their homes and communities destroyed. The victims, mostly women and children. Sadly, their plight virtually ignored by pundits/media here and abroad. We are dealing with psychopaths and sociopaths, with zero degree of empathy; violence is not the answer

ThereтАЩs much that can be and must be done; agitating for violence is not one of them.

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I basically agree, however, one has a right to self-defense

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Mansur, as they say, violence begets violence. I understand the sentiments while supporting non-violence. M. Gandhi & MLK accomplished considerably w/o firing a single bullet.

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With all the bodies in Putin"s wake, maybe one day his karma will catch up with him, Robert.

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To Mansur and Robert: violence begets violence - Robert you are correct and very thoughtful presenting a basic тАЬtruthтАЭ. WWI began with an assassinтАЩs bullet. We have a different situation here in this country with the wholesale availability of firearms, including weapons of war. Putin may be able to send his тАЬsecurity servicesтАЭ in to put down protests about NavalnyтАЩs death but the Russians donтАЩt have their own weapons. Were that to happen here - it would be a тАЬbloodbathтАЭ. The former Lt Governor of Georgia stated that in 2020. He KNEW that would happen as he had been around gun owners. ThatтАЩs one of the reasons he told Jake Tapper of CNN (I believe) that he refused to go along with TrumpтАЩs pressuring about the тАЬfinding votesтАЭ in 2020 following the accurate Georgia Presidential vote count awarding the State to Biden.

ItтАЩs imperative that the Justice System does its job in this country and the same laws apply to the powerful as to everyone else. There are too many guns. The Supreme Court played along with the ultra conservatives to appease the NRA. But they forgot about the Cold War and the veterans and the fact that Americans donтАЩt like someone taking their rights away from them. We are now and have always been just plain ornery people that way. So when some idiots in an ultra conservative legislature try to enact a foolish law that the stateтАЩs prosecutors refuse to enforce - it could be because they arenтАЩt willing to endanger their law enforcement or court staff to enforce that political nonsense. There are a lot of unstable people out there. I know some.

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It always does.

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