Lifetime appointments for the high court are not mentioned in the Constitution. It says justices serve during good behavior. That has traditionally been assumed to mean for life. It was thought that a lifetime appointment would lift a person above the fray of politics. The Thomas-Alito court has turned that assumption on its head. (Assum…
Lifetime appointments for the high court are not mentioned in the Constitution. It says justices serve during good behavior. That has traditionally been assumed to mean for life. It was thought that a lifetime appointment would lift a person above the fray of politics. The Thomas-Alito court has turned that assumption on its head. (Assume-makes an ass of u and me.) The actions of Thomas and Alito do demonstrate that high court justices can be guilty of bribery and be supportive of a coup attempt, which is traitorous. I am so tired of the MAGA fascists trying to gaslight everyone by lying on camera to our collective faces saying things like trump was persecuted, not prosecuted. If anything, he was given kid glove treatment because his sorry ass was not put in jail.
Lifetime appointments for the high court are not mentioned in the Constitution. It says justices serve during good behavior. That has traditionally been assumed to mean for life. It was thought that a lifetime appointment would lift a person above the fray of politics. The Thomas-Alito court has turned that assumption on its head. (Assume-makes an ass of u and me.) The actions of Thomas and Alito do demonstrate that high court justices can be guilty of bribery and be supportive of a coup attempt, which is traitorous. I am so tired of the MAGA fascists trying to gaslight everyone by lying on camera to our collective faces saying things like trump was persecuted, not prosecuted. If anything, he was given kid glove treatment because his sorry ass was not put in jail.