Hello - Reading "Strongmen" in sections. It's too much to read all at once.

I find the reporting really difficult to read. It is good that our country could use

elections to remove Trump. Now we need to control his followers.

And congratulates to you on having the stamina to research such disturbing material.

Well Done. John Wyman, jwyman1@twcny.rr.com

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I still have to finish *Strongmen* and a few others, but I wondered 🤔

"The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Divine Comedy, Complete, by Dante Alighieri" - Project Gutenberg


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It seems that most strongmen exhibit characteristics of a sociopath-- deceitfulness, irritability, lack of remorse for having caused pain in others, lack of empathy, cold nature, narcissistic, manipulative, a grandiose self image, unlawful, cruelty, lacking a conscience and guile. Sociopaths have the unique ability to appear normal. Combine this with their charismatic nature and we end up with obsequious followers, ready to join these mad men into their land of make believe.

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Dante's Inferno sums up the dark side of human nature very well; lust, greed, wrath, violence, fraud, betrayal of kin and country etc. An outside observer could make the case that humanity is a grievously savage race sowing the seeds of its own destruction and life on this beautiful planet.  It is believed that men and women need the restraints of government, however the founders were pessimistic, and did not believe in the perfectibility of mankind by any human institutions, church or state.

Trump is not only a reminder but the pure embodiment of how dark and imperfectable human nature can look. But there is hope because what Trump is and what he represents has triggered an equal and opposite reaction of widespread resistance. People don't want authoritarianism, they want to be free and have self determination in the way they live and in the way they are governed.  Maybe just maybe we are more noble than savage after all? 

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And we’re facing a wave of people in the US who are dedicated to Trump and his fascist tendencies. It’s shameful that their goals don’t fit in with our democratic republic! And, it’s not that they don’t know exactly what they’re doing! It’s nothing less than a premeditated coup.

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