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Our psychological defense mechanisms typically repress bad memories such that positive memories become refined and rise to top of mind unless we make a conscious and concerted effort to retain balanced memories. That's a key purpose of studying history but few are willing and able to do that.

In talking with people in Eastern Europe who had recollections of the Soviet era, I heard much on the same theme. "Everyone had steady employment (we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us) and there was little or no (overtly observable snatch and run type) crime. Not like today."

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May 10, 2022·edited May 10, 2022

What always fascinated me Ruth was how Trump was able to corrupt those around him and virtually the entire GOP into a leader cult. Many are copying and emulating his authoritarian playbook like Ron DeSantis in Florida. (Save people like Liz Cheney Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger etc.)

Trump is successful because he is charismatic and a gifted demagogue. While many bow down to him and supplicate for his endorsement, he is trying to mastermind a historic and shocking comeback to power. To that end, he has been working tirelessly to get his loyalists into key positions of power in Republican politics all over the country. If the party succeeds in taking back power in the November midterms, Trump will be well positioned to secure his party's nomination for President in 2024. After that what happens next to American democracy is anybody's guess?

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Your essay in January, 2017, Ruth, nailed Trump at the outset. I am glad your commentary is front and center on MSNBC and CNN. Keep it up!

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I am new to the blog (but read the book "Strongemen"). Glad I came here. Great writing. And so important.

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Thank you for the very interesting lesson/story. The resemblance to what Netanyahu in Israel did and will continue to do if back in power, is striking. As well as the motivations powering his actions.

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Berlusconi was usually portrayed in US media as a wealthy playboy clown. With his media empire in Italy, he could influence his public profile. Imagine if Trump had his own media empire. Oh, I forgot, he does. See News Corp and its Fox News. It's the same playbook. I believe Berlusconi, even under indictment, had a second term. Italian governance post WWII has been one huge merry-go-round of instability. Is this our future?

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I wrote a longer comment but it was deleted when I hit Post.

The shortened version - humanity will never rise above its love of hate, blame, greed and power. Hate & blame are far easier to hold & feed than the work of examining our beliefs, looking for common ground, learning to accept that which is different or what we don’t understand and working for the collective good - from small towns to globally. Our history proves our penchant for destruction - of each other and the very planet we all live on.

Having said that, I still believe it is worthwhile to fight for justice, equality and positive change for all - ‘all’ meaning humans, the natural world, environment and planet.

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The psychology of fascism is visible all around us today. Unfortunately, in the US it is abetted by our first-past-the-post election system, which generates our current two-party "system" in which every election is a referendum not on policies, but on whether the "other party" will take over and eliminate "my party." Europe in general does not have this problem. (See Lee Drutman, _Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop: The Case for Multi-Party Democracy in America_ [2022], and his "Fix Our House" campaign and website.)

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Thank you Ruth for connecting the dots again. The lure of charisma is poison. Narcissism is such a wicked web that attracts innocents like a moth to a flame. Engaging with a narcissist involves your mental wit into a lifelong or long chess game of hourly moves and counter-moves. Because it engages your intellect non-stop, it's like magnet puzzle. You feel engaged mentally and that always feels good, you almost self-flatter that you're always thinking of the chessboard. I think it would wise if people understood the destruction of this personality-type. (good read: Disarming the Narcissist, Wendy Behary, LCSW, 3rd edition). Too much charm and allure is a blaring siren -- my dad said to me and I ignored and followed the flame. My dad's words were golden wisdom. let us educate others on basics of good and healthy living. Let us learn to disarm and hold accountable the everyday 'hiccups' of budding narcissists around us and stamp out the flames and embers before they learn to rage.

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I was in the Rome the year after Trump was elected and found myself apologizing about him to a cab driver. The driver said, "No need to apologize, we had Berlusconi." They knew what was to come.

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It is interesting to contemplate exactly what it is that attracts so many voters to the former president, Donald Trump. Many people find it appealing to follow what appears to be a strong leader. Many voters have at best a rudimentary understanding of most of the issues of the day.

The sales adage "The fear of loss is a greater motivator than the anticipation of gain" comes to mind. Most people are not very creative nor industrious. They have a job that almost meets their needs. Throw in the idea that usurpers are on the doorstep and will take what little they have, now you have an ardent cult following. The base is built on fear, not prosperity, and most people live in that world.

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Thanks for this important message; hope you will share it with the general public.

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